

ABERCURNIG (Abercorn), monastery,
33. 114.

Acca, bishop of Hexham, 119. 126.
Acley, synod of, 136. 138.
Adda, a priest, 102.

Adgefrin, Northumberland, a royal
vill, 90.

Adhelm, bishop of Sherbourn, 118.
Adrian, emperor of Rome, 22.
Adrian, pope, 137. 139.

Ella, king of the South-Saxons, 44.
46, 47.

Aellistreu, battle with the Saxons, 40.
Esc, king of Kent, 45, 46.
Etherius, bishop of Arles, consecrates
St. Augustine, 69.

Etius, groans of the Britons to him,

[blocks in formation]

journey to Rome, and eulogy in
verse, 253; arrested by King Ste-
phen, and surrenders his castles,
270. 360; goes to Rome again, and
on his return restores Lincoln Ca-
thedral, 284; meets Pope Eugenius
at Auxerre, and death, 285; his
character, 284, 285; see also the
Dedication prefixed to Hunting-
don's History.

ALFRED, king, consecrated by Pope
Leo, at Rome, 150; succeeds to the
throne, 154; wars with the Danes,
154, 155; retreats to Athelney,
156; victory at Heddington, ib.;
settles Guthrum in East-Anglia, ib.;
takes London, 157; treaty with
Hastings, 158; drives the Danes
from the river Lea, 159; naval ar-
maments, 157. 160; his death, and
verses to his memory, 161.

Alfred, son of King Ethelred, 201,

Alfric, archbishop of Canterbury, 179.
Alfric, ealdorman of Mercia, banished,
177, 178.

Alfrid, king of Deira, 106. 114. 119.
Alfwold, king of Northumbria, 135.
138, 139.

Algar, earl of Chester, 203, 204.
Alice, second queen of Henry I., her
grace and beauty, verses addressed
to her, 249; marries William D'Au-
bigny, and receives the Empress
Maud in Arundel Castle, her dower,
277. 366, and the notes.
Allectius, usurper in Britain, 26.
Alric, killed in Nortnumbria, 140.

Ambrosius Aurelius, 40, 41.
Anastasius, emperor, 45.
Antoninus, Pius, emperor, 22.
Anderida Sylva, the weald of Sussex,
44. 132.

Anlaf Curran, 173.

Anlaf, king of Northumbria, 172.
Anna, king of the East-Angles, 59.

Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury,
224. 240, 241.

Appeals to Rome introduced, 287.
Arcadius, emperor, 32.

Arthur, king of the Britons, 48.
Arundel Castle, the Empress Maud
entertained there by Queen Alice,

Athelard, archbishop of Canterbury,

139. 141.

Athelney, Isle of, 156.
Athelstan, king of Kent, 143; defeats
the Danes in a naval action at Sand-
wich, 150.

Athelstan, king of Mercia, crowned at
Kingston, 169; gains a great victory
over the Scots and Danes at Brunes-
burg, 169; his death, 171.
At-the-Wall, a royal vill in North-
umberland, 102.

Attila, king of the Huns, 34.
Augustine, St., his mission to convert
the English, 66; lands in the Isle
of Thanet, 67; archbishop of Can-
terbury, 69; controversies with the
British Christians, 80; death and
epitaph, 82.

Augustine, St., abbey of, 76. 82.
Aurelian, emperor, 25.

Badington, Robert de, a freebooter,
265. 336.

Bagsac, a Danish king, 153.
Baldred, king of Kent, 142, 143.
Baldulf, or Beadulf, bishop of Whit-
herne, 139.

Baldulf, bishop of Rochester, 315.
Baldwin, earl of Flanders, 202. 208.

213. 248. 313.

Baldwin de Rivers, 265. 337. 343,
344. 364.

Baldwin Fitz-Gilbert, 277. 332.
Bamborough Castle, 179. 226.
Bangor, slaughter of monks, 81, 82.
Bath, description of, 351. 357.
Battle Abbey founded, 212.
Bede, Venerable, 92. 123, 124. 126.
Bedford, siege of, 346.

Belesme, Robert de, 241, 242. 245;
his character, 311.

Benedict, abbot of Wearmouth, 113.
Beort, Egfrid's general, 113. 117.
Berkeley, Roger de, 417.
Bernred, king of Mercia, 133.
Bernulf, king of Mercia, 141.
Bertha, Ethelbert's queen, 68.
Berthwald, first English archbishop
of Canterbury, 116. 123.
Berthwulf, king of Mercia, 149.
Bertric, king of Wessex, 137. 139,140.
Birinus, bishop of Dorchester, 99.
Blecca, governor of Lincoln, 91.
Blois, Henry de, brother of King
Stephen, bishop of Winchester and
papal legate, 27; holds a synod,
282. 287; proclaims Stephen, 326;
temporizes with the pretender, 366;
comes to terms with the empress,
and proclaims her at Winchester,
381; takes offence, and watches the
turn of affairs, 384; cabals for King
Stephen's deliverance, 385; is be
sieged at Winchester, 386. 387;
mediates between King Stephen
and Henry II., 294; his character,
"half monk, half knight," 315.
Boniface, pope, 83; his letter, with
the pallium, to Justus, archbishop
of Canterbury, 86; letters to King
Edwin and Queen Ethelburga, 87.
Bosa, archbishop of York, 107.
Brian, Fitz-Count, 367. 390.
Bristol, description of, 350; the strong.
hold of the freebooters, 353; siege
proposed, 354; abandoned in de-
spair, 355; annoyed by the garrison
from Bath, 357; head-quarters of
the empress and her brother Robert,
earl of Gloucester, 267. 367; King
Stephen imprisoned in the castle,

Britain, description of, 1.
Britons, the origin of, 9.
Bruneburh, great battle of, 169-171.
Burford, battle of, 130.

Burrhed, king of Mercia, 149, 150.

Cadwalla, king of the West-Britons,
95, 96, 97.

Cadwalla, king of Wessex, 62. 113.


Caldoet, Henry and Ralph, insurgents
in Gloucestershire, 416.
Caligula, emperor, 18.
Canterbury Cathedral, 76. 88. 258.
Canterbury, Roman church of St.
Martin, 69.

Canterbury, city, burnt by the Danes,


Canute, king of Denmark and Norway,
his struggle for the crown of Eng-
land, 191; sails up the Thames,
192; battles with Edmund Iron-
sides, 193, 194; duel with him,
195; Canute acknowledged king,
196; marries Emma, the Norman,
ib.; wars in Sweden and Norway,
197; goes to Rome; his death, 198;
his greatness; story of his chiding
the waves, 199.
Caracalla, emperor, 24.
Carausius, 26.

Cassibelaun, a British king, 13.
Castle Cary taken, 355.
Cataract (Catterick), 91. 101.
Ceaulin, king of Wessex, 51, 52, 53.
Cedd, bishop of the East-Saxons, 104,

Celibacy of the clergy enjoined, 241.
252. 257.

Cenric, or Kenric, king of Wessex,


Ceolfrid, abbot of Wearmouth, 113.
Ceollach, bishop of Repton, 104.
Ceolnoth, archbishop of Canterbury,


Ceolred, king of Mercia, 118, 119.
Ceolric, king of Wessex, 54.
Ceolwulf, king of Northumbria, 123.
126. 128. 134.

Ceolwulf, king of Wessex, 54, 55.
Ceolwulf, king of Mercia, 141. 155.
Cerdic, king of Wessex, 46, 47, 48.
Chad, or Cedd, archbishop of York,


Chalk-hythe synod, 137.

Charlemagne, emperor, 134. 140.
Charles, earl of Flanders, 254.
Charmouth, Danes defeated at, 149.
Chiche (St. Osyth), monastery, 251.
Chichelm, or Kichelm, king of Wessex,
55. 58. 87.

Child-Wulnoth, the South-Saxon, 187.
Cissa, king of the South-Saxons, 47.
Claudius invades Britain, 18.
Claudius II., 25.
Coenred, see Kenred.

Coifi, high-priest of Northumbria, 89,

Coinwalch, see Kenwalk.
Colman, bishop of Lindisfarne, 105.
Columba, abbot of Iona, 33. 98.
Commodus, emperor, 24.
Constantine, emperor, 28.
Constantius, emperor, 28.
Crema, John, cardinal of, 252.
Crida, king of Mercia, 53, 54.
Crispin, William, count of Evreux,
245. 247.

Crusade, the first, 226-236; the se-
cond, 418.

Cumbra, ealdorman of Wessex, 131,

Cuthbert, St., bishop of Lindisfarne
and Hexham, 114.

Cuthbert, archbishop of Canterbury,
128. 133.

Cuthred, king of Wessex, 128, 129.

Cuthwine, king of Wessex, 55.
Cyneard, etheling of Essex, slain, 136,
Cynegils, king of Wessex, 99.
Cynewulf, king of Wessex, 133. 136,

Dagobert, king of the Franks, 96.255.
Damian, archbishop of Canterbury,

Danegelt first levied, 178; abolished,


Danes, first irruptions of, 138, 139.
142; first wintered in England,
150; massacre of, 184.
Daniel, bishop of Winchester, 118.125.
David, king of Scotland, 206. 264.
266. 348.

Denis-burn, or Denis's brook, 97.
Deus dedit, archbishop of Canterbury,
60. 102.

Diocletian, emperor, 26.
Diuma, bishop of Repton, 104.
Domesday book, 215.
Domitian, emperor, 21.

Dorchester, see of, removed to Lin-
coln, 219, 220. 304.

Dun, bishop of Rochester, 128.
Dunstan, St., archbishop of Canter-
bury, 177, 178.
Dunster Castle, 363.

Eadbald, king of Kent, 56. 58. 84, 85.

Eadbert, bishop of Lindisfarne, 105.
Eadbert, king of Kent, 129.
Eadbert, king of Northumbria, 128.

Eadbert Pren, king of Kent, 129.139,
140. 142.

Eadburga married to Bertric, 138.
Eadhed, bishop of Sidnacester, 107,

Eadsige, archbishop of Canterbury,
202, 203.

Ealcstan, bishop of Sherborne, 141.
Eanbald, archbishop of York, 135,
136. 139.

Eanfleda, daughter of King Edwin
and Ethelburga, 87. 104.
Eanfrid, king of Bernicia, 90. 96.
Earchenbert, king of Kent, 58.60.100.
Earchengota, daughter of Earchonbert,


Earconwald, bishop of London, 107.
Eardulf, king of Northumbria, 139.
East-Anglia, kingdom of, founded, 53.
Easter controversy, 80. 105. 120.

Eata, bishop, of Lindisfarne, 105. 107.
Ecric, king of the East-Angles, 58, 59.

Edbert, son of King Withred, 121.

Edgar, king of England, surnamed
The Peaceful, promotes religion,
174; builds and restores minsters,
175; his death and character, 176;
verses to his memory, ib.
Edgar Etheling, 207, 208. 213, 214.

Edgitha, or Edith, Edward's queen,'
202. 214.

Edmund, St., king of East-Anglia, 152.
Edmund, king of Wessex, 171, 172.
Edmund Ironsides, 192, 193.195, 196.
Edred, king of Wessex and all Eng-
land, 172, 173.

Edric, king of Kent, 113, 114.
Edric, ealdorman of Mercia, a traitor,
187. 192. 196.

Edward, the elder, king, 161; routs
the Danes in a great battle, 163;
builds castles at Hertford, &c., 164;
Danes defeated in the Bristol
Channel, 165; dies at Farndon,

Edward, king and martyr, 176, 177.
Edward, the Confessor, elected king,
and marries Edgitha, 202; turbu
lence of Earl Godwin's sons, 203,
204; Godwin's death, 205; Ed-
ward's death, 208.
Edward Etheling, 205.
Edwin Etheling drowned, 169.
Edwin, king of Northumbria, 56, 57.
86, 87, 88. 90. 93.

Edwy Etheling, banished by Canute,


Edwy, king of Wessex and all Eng-
land, 173.

Egbert, king of Kent, 60, 61.
Egbert, king of England, banished,

and at court of Charlemagne, 140;
succeeds to the throne of Wessex,
and gains battle of Ellendune, 141;
reduces all England south of the
Humber, 142; Northumbria and
North-Wales submit, ib.; defeats
Danes and Welsh at Hengestdown,
143; dies paramount king of Eng
land, ib.
Egbert, archbishop of York, 134.
Egbert, bishop of Iona, 120.

Egfert, king of Mercia, 139.
Egfert, king of Northumbria, 62. 114.
Elcstan, bishop of Sherborne, 149. 152.
Eleutherius, bishop of Winchester,

Elfhere, ealdorman of Mercia, 176,

Elfric, archbishop of Canterbury, 179.
Elfwina, duke of Ethelfleda, 168.
Ella, king of Northumbria, 51.54.152.
Elphege, St., archbishop of Canter-
bury, 189, 190. 199.
Elswitha, Alfred's queen, 163.
Ely, isle of, 372.

Emma (Elgiva), queen of Ethelred
and Canute, 183, 184. 191. 196.
200. 204.
England, state of, on the arrival of the
Saxons, 35, 36; at the invasion of
the Danes, 147, 148; just before
the Norman conquest, 183. 208;
under the first Norman kings, 216;
in the civil wars between the em-
press and King Stephen, 273. 323.
365: 400.

Eorpwald, king of East-Anglia, 58.

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166; builds fortresses, 167; re-
duces Derby and other towns, with
Yorkshire, 168; death and cha-
racter; verses to her memory, 168.
Ethelfreda, daughter of King Oswy,
103, 104.

Ethelfrid, king of Northumbria, 55,
56. 81, 82. 89.

Ethelgar, archbishop of Canterbury,
succeeds St. Dunstan, 178.
Ethelhem, a West-Saxon chief, 129,


Ethelhere, king of the East-Angles,

59. 103.

Ethelmund, ealdorman of Mercia, 141,


Ethelnoth, archbishop of Canterbury,
Ethelred, king of Mercia, 62.107.117.
Ethelred, son of Moll, 135.
Ethelred, king of Wessex, 151; op-
poses Hinguar and Hubba, 152;
relieves King Burrbed in Mercia, ib. ;
with his brother Alfred fights nine
battles with the Danes in one year,

Ethelred II., king of England, 177;
pays tribute to the Danes, 178;
opposes them with ill-success, 179,
180; alliance with the Normans
by marriage with Emma, 183, 184;
the Danes, under Sweyn and Ca-
nute, gain the ascendancy, 188,
189; takes refuge in Normandy,
191; raises and disbands an Eng-
lish army, 192; his death, 193.
Ethelric, king of Northumbria, 54.
Ethelwalch, king of the South-Saxons,
108, 109.

Ethelwald, king of Deira, 105.
Ethelwald, brother of King Edward
the elder, seizes Wimborne, 161;
marries a nun, and retires into
Northumbria, where he is chosen
king, 162.

Ethelwald, bishop of Winchester, 175.

Ethelward, king of Wessex, 122. 128.
Ethelwin, bishop of Sidnacester, 107.
Ethelwulf, king of East-Anglia, 59.

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