Chapter 136. Resolution to provide for payment of the expenses of committees named to attend Chapter 137. Resolution creating a State Tax Commission and fixing its duties. S. R. 25...................................... Chapter 138. Resolution to pay for clerical and stenographic services rendered to the department of Education since January 3, 1916. S. R. 27.. 728 Chapter 139. Resolution providing for payment of assistant for Printing Commissioner. S. R. 28.............. 729 Chapter 141. Resolution to provide the members of the Sen- ate and House with copies of the Kentucky Statutes and Codes of Practice. H. R. 4.... 730 Chapter 142. Resolution to refund unearned portion of cer- tain liquor license. H. R. 5........... ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY PASSED AT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, WHICH WAS BEGUN IN THE CITY OF FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY THE FOURTH, 1916, AND ENDED ON TUESDAY, MARCH THE FOURTEENTH, 1916. CHAPTER 1. AN ACT to make it unlawful for any common carrier of passengers in this State to issue or give, and for any person to accept or use, or attempt to use, except as provided in this act, any free pass or free transportation; and requiring such carriers to file in the office of the Attorney General verified reports of free passes or free transportation issued, and prescribing penalties for violations of its provisions. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. It shall be unlawful for any common carrier of passengers in this State, or any officer or agent of such common carrier to issue or give to any person, or persons, any free pass, or free transportation, or sell any ticket at reduced rates not common to the public, for the transportation of any passenger, or passengers, within this State, except to the persons designated in Section 2 of this act; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons other |