
And insert in lieu thereof the following:

He shall have authority to investigate and examine into the conduct of all other officers of the Commonwealth, including all county officers, who are authorized to receive or collect or disburse any money due or going to the Commonwealth, or who has the management or control of any property belonging to the State, or in which the State is interested touching his official conduct thereon, or who make estimates or rolls or records which are used as a basis by any department of the State government in the disbursement of public funds.

So that said Section 5 as amended shall read in full as follows:

Section 5. It shall be the duty of said Inspector and Examiner once in each year, to fully and particularly examine into the management and condition of the Auditor's and Treasurer's and Superintendent of Public Instruction's office, and as to whether the laws regulating the official duties of said Auditor and Treasurer are being fully complied with by them respectively, and all money received by them for the State is fully accounted for. He shall have authority to investigate and examine into the conduct of all other officers of the Commonwealth, including all county officers, who are authorized to receive or collect or disburse any money due or going to the Commonwealth, or who has the management or control of any property belonging to the State, or in which the State is interested, touching his official conduct thereon, or who make estimates or rolls or records which are used as a basis by any department of the State government in the disbursement of public funds.

Third. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved March 4, 1916.


AN ACT to amend and re-enact Sub-sections 5 and 14 of Section 4421a, Kentucky Statutes, Edition 1915, which are Sections 5 and 14 of the Law enacted in 1914, known as the State Text Book Commission Law.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That Subsection 5 of Section 4421a Kentucky Statutes, Edition 1915, be and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

Such bids and proposals shall be for furnishing books during a period of five years. The bids shall state specifically the list price, the net contract prices at which books are to be furnished to dealers within a county, and the exchange and retail prices to pupils, and shall be accompanied by a specimen copy of every book proposed to be furnished. All bids shall be sealed and deposited with the chairman of the commission to be by him delivered to the commission in executive session, when they shall be opened in the presence of the commission. It shall be the duty of the chairman of the commission to carefully preserve in his office for comparison the specimen copy of each of the books adopted, together with the original bid or proposal, and when requested, to return to the publishers the specimen copies of other books submitted at their expense. Provided, however, that when the present contracts now existing for the furnishing of text books shall have expired by the terms thereof the commission shall arrange for a continuance of such contracts until new contracts may be entered into as required by this act, but the commission may make a new adoption as required by law on not exceeding three

branches in any one year, and when an adoption is made the contract shall be for the furnishing of such books for a period not to exceed five years, and the commission shall make a gradual change in the text books, if any change is deemed necessary, from year to year until there has been a complete new adoption, and when such new adoption is made in each instance the contract shall provide for the furnishing of text books for a period not less than five years. At the expiration of any new contract another adoption may be made for the same branches for a period not less than five years.

§ 2. That Sub-section 14 of the above mentioned section be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

For the distribution and sale of books adopted by the State Text Book Commission to the patrons of the schools of the State the County Board of Education, or the City Board of Education as herein. provided, shall appoint one or more responsible merchant or person or other agent in each educational division in every county of the State selected with reference to the convenience of the patrons of the schools as dealers of text books, and such dealers shall receive fifteen per cent. of the retail price at which the same books are sold, and out of the said fifteen per cent. of the retail price at which said books are sold such dealer shall pay the transportation charges and all other charges on the said books. Such dealers shall be of good financial rating, but no contractor shall have the right to refuse to furnish books to such dealer on the ground that his financial rating is not good in the event such dealer executes a bond approved by the County Superintendent for the faithful performance of his duties, and that he will well and truly pay over to

such contractor all money coming into his hands belonging to the contractor.

Said dealers shall exchange new books for old ones of the same grade displaced by said adoption, at the exchange price herein provided for, during the first year of the life of each and every contract made under the provisions of this act. All bids and proposals shall set out clearly and specifically an exchange price at which such book or books shall be furnished to pupils and patrons who may have. old books on the same subject, and which may be exchanged for new books, and the exchange prices shall, in all cases, be subject to the terms of the contract made between the State and any publisher bidding. Such new books as are held in Kentucky now or at any future adoption by purchase by dealers, and in good condition, shall be taken in exchange at the original net price by successful bidders from such dealers as held in stock such books. § 3. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved March 4, 1916.


AN ACT creating a State Board of Accountancy, prescribing its powers and duties, providing for examinations and issuing certificates to qualified public accountants, and providing for penalties for violation of the provisions of this act.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

$ 1. There is hereby established a State Board of Accountancy to consist of three members.

Within thirty days after this act becomes a law the Governor shall appoint as members of said board three persons skilled in the knowledge and

practice of accounting, each of whom shall have been a citizen of the State of Kentucky for at least one year and shall have been for at least three years immediately preceding such appointment actively engaged as a professional public accountant as hereinafter defined.

One of the members thus appointed shall be appointed for a term of one year; one for a term of two years and one for a term of three years, and thereafter as the terms of said offices expire the Governor shall appoint, from among the holders of certificates as certified public accountants as hereinafter provided for, a member of said board for a term of three years or until his successor shall be appointed and qualified.

The Governor shall have power to fill any vavancy occurring in the membership of the board and remove any member for cause after due notice and a hearing thereon.

§ 2. Within thirty days after the appointment of said board, the members thereof shall hold a meeting and organize, by the election of a President, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall hold office until Tuesday after the first Monday in January, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and the election of officers thereafter shall be held annually on Tuesday after the first Monday in January. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person. The first board after organizing shall issue to each member thereof a certificate as certified public accountant.

3. The board shall make all necessary rules and regulations for conducting examinations of applicants and governing the method and time of filing applications for examinations, and the time within which an applicant must be examined after

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