be made thereto, if presented to the president thirty days before any meeting. § 20. Old Company-This Law Applies to.Any company doing business of insurance upon the principle prescribed in this article, and which was organized under the provisions of the general statutes of this State, shall be subject to all the provisions of this act, and all members of such companies shall be subject to all the provisions of this act. Any company doing business upon said principle and organized by special charter granted by the State may become subject to all the provisions of this act by filing a certified statement with the Commissioner of Insurance of the State showing that a majority of its directors voted to subject said corporation to all the provisions of this act. All provisions in this act shall apply to all such companies where the provisions of this act do not conflict with some vested right of such companies granted to them by special charter from the State. § 21. Territory-Limit in Which Business May be Done. Any such corporation doing an insurance business under the articles of incorporation issued to it by the Insurance Commissioner, may by a majority vote of the membership of the company, or by a majority vote of the board of directors of such corporation, at any meeting thereof where there is a legal quorum of directors in session, change the territory in which it is incorporated to do business to as few or as many counties in Kentucky as they may see fit to include in their territory, and the change of territory shall be effective upon filing a proper certificate of such action by the members of board of directors with the Insurance Commissioner of Kentucky. § 22. Name of Corporation-Commissioner May Reject. The Insurance Commissioner shall reject any name or title proposed by any such corporation at the time of filing certificate of organization that he thinks liable to be mistaken by the public for the names of other corporations, or in any way cause confusion. § 23. Fees to be Paid to Commissioner. The Insurance Commissioner shall collect and pay into the State Treasury, to the credit of the Insurance Department, the following fees of corporations organized and doing business under this law: For filing articles of incorporation, ten dollars; for filing annual statement, ten dollars; for any change in territory of the company, and filing papers and keeping record of same, five dollars. No other expenses or charges than herein authorized under this act shall be brought against such corporations by the Insurance Department unless agreed to by the respective companies. 24. Re-insurance Companies-How Organized. Not less than three mutual and co-operative or assessment fire insurance companies of this State may organize a re-insurance company for the purpose of re-insuring their risks, by certifying to the Insurance Commissioner of the State their intention of organizing such re-insurance company, and by filing with the Insurance Commissioner certificates properly acknowledged showing the vote of the directors of such companies authorizing said companies to become members of such re-insurance company. The name of such re-insurance company shall be contained in the certificate to the Insurance Commissioner and shall be approved by him. Such re-insurance company shall be and become a distinct corporation and shall issue to its member companies, only, policies of re-insurance on their risks, and shall issue no policies of insurance except to and through the companies composing its membership. § 25. Re-insurance Companies-How Operated. -Such re-insurance companies may issue policies of re-insurance to its member companies upon such terms and at such rates as may be provided for by its by-laws. Such re-insurance companies shall have not less than five directors, and one director shall be chosen from the officers of each member company. § 26. Liability of Member Companies-Limit of Insurance to be Taken on One Risk.-The member companies shall at all times be liable for the indebtedness of such re-insurance company, if its losses and expenses should at any time exceed its income and cash assets; the proportion of such liability shall be fixed by the by-laws of such re-insurance company. Such re-insurance company shall not issue policies on one risk for a greater amount than a sum equal to three cents for each one hundred dollars insurance in force in its combined member companies. § 27. Entrance and Withdrawal of Member Companies. Any mutual or co-operative fire insurance company organized and operated under the laws of Kentucky may, with the consent of the directors of the re-insurance company, become a member thereof by filing with the Insurance Commissioner a certificate of its purpose to become a member of such company and a certificate showing the vote of its directors authorizing its becoming a member of such re-insurance company. Any member company may, by paying its proportion of the liabilities of the re-insurance company, then existing, if any, withdraw its membership from such re-insur ance company, and such member company shall certify to the Insurance Commissioner of Kentucky its intention to so withdraw its membership, and shall give written notice to the secretary of such re-insurance company of its intention to withdraw thirty days in advance. Upon withdrawal of any member company the re-insurance company shall at once cancel all policies of insurance held by and through the company so withdrawing. § 28. Repealing Clause.-Subdivision 5, entitled "Assessment or Co-operative Fire Insurance," of Chapter 32, Article IV., Kentucky Statutes, Carroll's 1915 Edition (which subdivision consists of Sections 702 to 722 inclusive), is hereby repealed. $ 29. The provisions of any other act relating to insurance or insurance companies passed at the present session of the General Assembly shall not apply to co-operative or assessment fire insurance companies organized under the laws of this State. Approved March 22, 1916. CHAPTER 29. AN ACT for the protection of fish; providing methods for catching thereof and fixing penalties for violation thereof. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. Lawful Manner of Taking Fish from the Public Waters of the State. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take, or attempt to take, from any water in the State of Kentucky, except private ponds, any fish except by the use of poles and lines, hand lines, set lines, or trot lines. Any persons catching or attempting to catch fish by any other means whatsoever than by the above men tioned methods shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, before any court of jurisdiction, shall be fined not less than fifteen ($15.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each offense. § 2. Unlawful Contrivances for the Capture of Fish or Preventing Their Passage in Streams.—It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to catch or attempt to catch any fish in any of the waters of the State except in private ponds, by the use of a wing net, set net, seine, trap, trammel net, dip net, or any other kind of a net or contrivance, for the purpose of catching fish, or that will materially hinder the passage of fish in such waters. Such person or persons catching or attempting to catch fish by any of the above contrivances mentioned in this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined not less than fifteen ($15.00) nor more than one hundred ($100.00) for each offense. § 3. Dynamite or Explosive Agent-Penalty for Using. That any person or persons who shall place, or cause to be placed, in any of the public waters of this State any dynamite, liquid, berries, powder, medicine, or other thing, or explode, or cause to be exploded, dynamite or any other substance whereby fish, great or small, may be sickened, intoxicated or killed, or the water rendered unfit for use, or stench be produced, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. § 4. Shooting of Fish Prohibited. Any person or persons who shoot into any of the waters of this State with a gun or pistol, loaded with a common lead, steel or copper jacket ball, or any other substance, or with a bow and arrow, or similar device, |