State Hospital district, thus overtaxing the capacity of the hospital, and causing it to be so crowded as to endanger the lives as well as the comfort of the comfort of the patients; and, if no relief is granted, forcing the authorities to decline to receive any more patients, and, Whereas, the engines and boilers are in bad shape at the said Eastern State Hospital, and large quantities of high grade coal have to be used, and whereas by the use of stokers, a saving of over twenty per cent. in the cost of coal can be made and all smoke and soot be practically eliminated, Now, therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended for repairs upon the colored wards of said hospital. 2. The work referred to in section one of this act shall be done under the supervision of the Kentucky State Board of Control for Charitable Institutions. Said work and construction shall be paid for according to contract made by said Board of Control, and by draft, or drafts of said Board of Control, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum aforesaid, being made upon the Auditor of Public Accounts, who shall draw his warrant or warrants upon the Treasurer of this State in favor of the contractors who shall do the work for any sum or sums of money not exceeding the amounts hereby appropriated for said purpose. 3. The president of the Kentucky State Board of Control shall advertise for bids for furnishing all labor and materials of every kind and description necessary for the construction, erection and completion of such buildings and the purchase and erection of the stokers as contemplated in this act, except such labor and material, if any, as may be furnished by the employes or patients of said institutions, and allof such bids shall be opened in the presence of the Kentucky State Board of Control for Charitable Institutions, and it shall be the duty of the latter to accept such bid or bids as it may deem the lowest and best, and if, in its judgment, all or any of such bids shall be unsatisfactory, said Board of Control may reject any and all such bids, and re-advertise for others in the same manner, and so on, until it shall be satisfied with such bids and tenders, and when contracts for the erection of said buildings and stokers and furnishing of labor and materials and the doing of all work shall have been done in accord with said bids made and entered into, the Board of Control shall retain from the contract price thereof an amount sufficient to secure the faithful and complete performance of any and all such contracts and shall not pay the money so retained nor any part thereof until such contracts have been fully and faithfully performed and the work accepted and approved by the Kentucky State Board of Control for Charitable Institutions. § 4. All contractors under this act shall be required to give bond, approved by the Kentucky State Board of Control for Charitable Institutions for the faithful performance of their duty, and said board shall not pay, or cause to be paid any part of the money appropriated by this act, to any contractor or other person or persons employed in the construction, erection or furnishing materials for the erection of the buildings authorized by this act, until such contractor or contractors or other persons aforesaid shall deliver to said board an itemized statement and account of all materials so furnished, and all labor performed for which payment may be requested or demanded, which said itemized statement or account shall be approved and endorsed by the architect of the buildings constructed and if such account is found to be correct and is approved by said Board of Control, the president and secretary of said board shall note the said facts in the form of a certificate and the same shall be paid as other accounts or bills or claims against said institution are paid by order of the Board of Control thereof; but the money hereby appropriated shall be kept separate and accounted for in separate and distinct statements and accounts of disbursements. 5. On account of the crowded condition of the Eastern Kentucky State Hospital, it is necessary that the stokers and said buildings be erected during the present year. Therefore, an emergency is declared to exist, and this act shall take effect from and after it approval by the Governor. Approved March 23, 1916. CHAPTER 41. AN ACT to amend Section four hundred and ninety-six of Kentucky Statutes (Carroll's Edition) providing for the recording of deeds and mortgages and re-enacting the same. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: That section four hundred and ninety-six of Kentucky Statutes (Carroll's Edition) entitled: "Deeds and mortgages not valid against purchasers or creditors until recorded;" be amended by inserting in the fourth line thereof after the word "deeds" and before the word "shall," the words "or mortgage," and by adding to said section the following provi sion. "The word 'creditors' as used therein shall include all creditors irrespective of whether or not they may have acquired a lien by legal or equitable proceedings or by voluntary conveyance," so that when said section when so amended shall read as follows: "No deed or deed of trust or mortgage conveying a legal or equitable title to real or personal estate shall be valid against a purchaser for a valuable consideration, without notice thereof, or against creditors, until such deed or mortgage shall be acknowledged or proved according to law, and lodged for record. "The word 'creditors' as used herein shall inIclude all creditors irrespective of whether or not they may have acquired a lien by legal or equitable proceedings or by voluntary conveyance.' Approved March 23, 1916. CHAPTER 42. AN ACT to empower the Board of Penitentiary Commissioners to convey land to the United States Government, lands for purposes of building locks and dams, and ceding such lands, when so conveyed. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1. The Board of Penitentiary Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, be and they are hereby empowered to convey by fee simple title deed, on such terms as they may deem proper and just any part of land or lands under their authority and control the property of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, to the government of the United States, or the officers thereof, for the purpose of erection thereupon and abutting thereon, locks and dams and necessary appurtenances thereto, in and upon the nagivable streams in this Commonwealth. § 2. That upon the execution of the deed of conveyance as aforesaid, by said Board of Commissioners, the title shall vest absolutely in the grantee, for the purposes above set out, and jurisdiction over such lands so conveyed shall be and is ceded and relinquished to the United States, with the express condition that the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall retain and have jurisdiction concurrent with the United States, over any and all lands so conveyed, as that any and all civil and criminal process issued under and by any legal authority of the Commonwealth may and shall be executed thereon in like manner as if said land had remained in the full ownership of this Commonwealth. Approved March 23, 1916. CHAPTER 43. AN ACT to amend and re-enact Chapter 142 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, approved March 19, 1912, entitled, "An Act to provide for the organization, armament, equipment, discipline and government of the militia." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: That the act entitled, "An Act to provide for the organization, armament, equipment, discipline and government of the militia," and amending Chapter 86, Sections 2652 to 2711, inclusive, of the Kentucky Statutes, Carroll's 1909 Edition, being an act of |