
ties interested therein may appear in person or by attorney.

Whenever any agricultural seeds are found to have been sold or offered for sale in violation of this act, the director of the Experiment Station shall certify the facts to the Commonwealth's Attorney of the district, or to the county attorney, or the city attorney of any city or town in which said seeds were found, together with a statement of the results of the analysis duly authenticated by the analyst under oath made before an officer authorized by the Commonwealth to administer an oath. It shall be the duty of every Commonwealth's Attorney, or city attorney to whom the director of said station reports any violation of this act to cause proceedings to be commenced against the party so violating the act and the same shall be prosecuted in the manner prescribed by law.

10. No penalty or liability under this law shall be applicable to any seller of seeds unless prosecution be based upon samples taken by authorized officers of the Kentucky Experiment Station.

§ 11. The result of all analyses and tests of seeds made by the Entomologist and Botanist and his assistants may at his discretion be published in bulletins to be issued by the station.

12. The words "persons," "vendors," and "whoever," as used in this act, shall be construed to import both plural and singular, as the case demands, and shall include corporations, companies and associations

13. Be it further enacted, that the seed law enacted by the General Assembly of 1904, entitled "An act to prevent the adulteration, mixing and misbranding of orchard grass seed and other seeds, and fixing a punishment therefor," and its amend

ment enacted by the General Assembly of 1906, together with all other acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.

§ 14. This act shall take effect six months after its passage and approval by the Governor of the Commonwealth.

Approved March 23, 1916.


AN ACT to amend section 1 of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize, under certain conditions and restrictions, the use of public highways, roads and turnpikes by persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of producing and supplying by water power, electricity for lighting, heating and power purposes," approved March 17, 1908, and being sub-section 1 of section 1599c of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, 1915, so that when so amended said Act will authorize all persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of producing and supplying electricity for lighting, heating or power purposes, to use the public highways, roads and turnpikes, under certain conditions and restrictions, and giving to such persons, firms or corporations the authority to exercise the power of eminent domain for such purposes.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That Section 1 of an act entitled "An Act to authorize, under certain conditions and restrictions, the use of public highways, roads and turnpikes by persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of producing and supplying by water power, electricity, for lighting, heating and power purposes," approved March 17, 1908, and being subsection 1 of Section 1599c of the Kentucky Statutes, be. amended so that said Section 1, when amended, shall read as follows:

Any person, firm or corporation authorized under the laws of this State to conduct the business of producing and supplying electricity for purposes of light, heat or power, and which shall be engaged, or which shall hereafter desire to engage, in the business of the transmission of such electricity, after making just compensation, shall have the right to construct and maintain transmission lines, including the placing and maintenance of poles, wires, crossarms and all other equipment incident thereto, for use in the transmission and distribution of electricity, on, along or across any highway, public road or turnpike, and over, under or across any of the waters of this State, and to construct and maintain along any highway, public road or turnpike, all such erections and appliances as shall be necessary to transform, convert and apply such electricity to the purposes of lighting, heating or power, and to distribute and deliver same to the persons, firms and public or private corporations using the same; provided, that the fixtures of said company shall not interfere with, obstruct or endanger the travel on and along said highways, public roads or turnpikes, nor obstruct the navigation of said waters, and that the location of all transmission lines shall be subject to the reasonable direction and regulation of the authorities having control of the highways, public roads, turnpikes and waters through and over which such lines are constructed, or proposed to be constructed, and shall be so located as not to interfere with existing telegraph or telephone lines or their use. And, provided further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the property owners from obtaining damages for such rights.

Approved March 23, 1916.


AN ACT to amend Section one of an Act entitled, "An Act authorizing corporations organized or empowered to construct a dam or dams in any river or stream in this State for the purpose of improving navigation or developing, using, distributing and selling water power, electricity or electrical energy, to exercise the right of Eminent Domain," approved March 4, 1908, and being sub-section one of Section 1599b of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, 1915, so that when so amended said Act will authorize all corporations heretofore or hereafter authorized under the laws of this State to conduct the business of producing and supplying electricity for purposes of light, heat or power, and which shall be engaged, or shall hereafter desire to engage in the business of the transmission of such electricity, to exercise the power of Eminent Domain.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That section one of an act entitled "An Act authorizing corporations organized or empowered to construct a dam or dams in any river or stream in this State for the purpose of improving navigation. or developing, using, distributing and selling water power, electricity or electrical energy, to exercise the right of Eminent Domain," approved March 4, 1908, and being subsection 1 of section 1599b of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, 1915, be amended so that when so amended said section shall read as follows:

That every corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for the purpose of constructing, or empowered to construct a dam or dams in any river or stream in this State for the purpose of improving navigation or developing, distributing and selling water power, electricity or electrical energy, and every corporation heretofore or hereafter authorized under the laws of this State to conduct the business of producing and supplying electricity for purpose of light, heat or power, shall have power to cause examina

tions and surveys to be made for its proposed dam or dams, reservoirs, ponds, locks, bridges, power stations, roads, conduits, and transmission lines, as well as the land that may be overflowed by the erection of any dam or dams, or other structures, and for such purposes by its officers, agents or servants, to enter from time to time upon any lands or waters for the purpose of making such surveys or examinations, subject to liability for actual damage done, and the corporation shall, before entering upon any land for the above named purpose, deposit with the clerk of the county court of the county in which such property is located, a bond to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the penal sum of an amount fixed by the county court, the same not to be in excess of double the last assessed valuation of such property to be so surveyed or examined, conditioned to indemnify all persons for actual damages sustained on account of making any examination or survey, and when the location of such dam or dams, reservoirs, or ponds, locks, bridges, or power stations, roads, conduits and transmission lines including the placing and maintenance of poles, wires, cross-arms and all other equipment incident thereto, as well as the land that may be overflowed by the erection of such dam or dams, shall from time to time be determined, such corporation shall cause a survey and map to be made of the land to be taken and entered upon, which map shall be signed by the president and secretary, and filed in the office of the clerk of the county court of the county in which the lands shown on such map are situated.

Approved March 23, 1916.

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