§ 1. That subsection 2 of section 3727a, Kentucky Statutes, 1915 edition, be and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: Said board of examiners shall immediately after their appointment, or as soon as practicable thereafter, meet in the city of Frankfort and organize by the election of one of their number as president, and a secretary and treasurer who shall likewise act as inspector of training schools for nurses in this State. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and said board shall have the right to enact such by-laws as may be necessary for their government not in conflict with the laws of this State. 2. That subsection 4 of said above mentioned section be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: The salary of the secretary shall be fixed by the board, and shall not be less than one hundred dollars nor more than twelve hundred dollars per annum. The other members of the board shall receive five dollars per day for each day actually engaged in attendance upon the meetings of said board, and the expenses incurred in going to and coming from the place of meetings, and inspection of training schools for nurses, and all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred in performance of duties. All expenses of the board, including all salaries and compensation, shall be paid from the fees received by said board by the State Treasurer upon monthly itemized statements, of salaries and expenses, submitted to the State Auditor, out of said fund exclusively. A report of all receipts and expenditures shall be made to the Governor on or about Deceniber 15th of each year after the passage of this act. All moneys and receipts of such board shall be kept in a special fund by and for the use of said board exclusively by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. § 3. That subsection 5 of said above mentioned section be and the same is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: It shall be the duty of the board to meet for the purpose of holding examinations not less than once in each year at such time and place as they may determine, and the board may adopt rules for its government an examination of applicants for registration in accordance with the provisions of this act. Notice of the meetings of said board shall be published in two newspapers of general circulation, and in at least one journal devoted to the interests of professional nursing, and after applicants are received, notice by mail to every applicant and to every reputable training school in this State at least thirty days prior to the meeting. At such meeting it shall be the duty of said board to examine all applicants for registration under the provisions of this act, as are required to be examined, and to issue to each duly qualified applicant who shall have complied with the provisions of this act and passed such examination, a certificate of registration. Any person to whom a certificate of registration shall be issued shall, within thirty days thereafter, cause the same to be recorded with the county clerk of the county in which such person resides at the time of application, and such. person shall be prepared, whenever requested, to exhibit such certificate or a certified copy thereof. Registered nurses changing residence, in this State, must present certificate of registration to the county clerk of the county of their new residence within thirty days of the time of establishing such new residence. All applicants for registration shall furnish satis factory evidence that he or she is at least twenty-two years of age, of good moral character, and has been graduated from a school for nurses connected with a special hospital, or infirmary or general hospital approved by said board, where a systematic course of at least three years instruction is given, and such applicants shall produce satisfactory evidence that he or she has had at least one year's training in a high school or some school equivalent to a high school, except in cases hereinafter provided for, and all persons registered under the provisions of this act shall pay to the treasurer of said board a registration fee of ten dollars, which shall accompany the application, and shall annually thereafter pay to said treasurer a renewal fee of one dollar, all of which shall be covered into the State Treasury. The said board shall have full discretion to determine whether any hospital or infirmary with which applicants must have been connected meets the requirements of this act, and if said board is of the opinion that any such hospital or infirmary does not furnish the proper training or instruction to applicants having been connected therewith, the board may refuse to register such applicants. Any certificate issued in another State under the laws of such State requiring registration which may be obtained in such State under like or similar standard to that required in this State, shall be recognized by said board as valid in this State, provided the certificates of registration issued in this State are recognized in such other State, and any nurse holding such a certificate from another State may be registered in this State without examination upon the payment of a fee of ten dollars. Said board is given full power to determine whether any nurse permitted to register under the provisions of sub section 7 of section 3727a, Kentucky Statutes, without examination on or before August 1, 1914, had a good and sufficient reason for not being able to register on or prior to said date, and if said board finds that any nurse was entitled to registration without examination on or prior to said date and was prevented from so registering by reason of any manner or thing over which said nurse had no control, said board shall register such nurse the same as if he or she had applied in the time required by said section. $ 4. That subsection 8 of the above mentioned section be and the same is hereby repealed. 5. That subsection 10 of the said above mentioned section be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: The said board of examiners may refuse to issue a certificate of registration provided for in this act for any of the following causes: 1. Presentation to the board of any license, certificate or diploma which was illegally, or fraudulently obtained, or the practice of fraud or deception in passing an examination. 2. Chronic or persistent inebriety or addition to a drug habit, which disqualifies the applicant to practice with safety to the public. 3. Any act of dishonesty, or gross incompetency, or any act derogative to the standing or morals of the nursing profession, or any other grossly unprofessional or dishonorable conduct of a character likely to deceive or defraud the public, and said board may revoke a certificate for any of the causes for which it may refuse to grant a certificate under the provisions of this act. § 6. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Approved March 24, 1916. CHAPTER 69. AN ACT to amend and re-enact Sections 3194 and 3195 of the Kentucky Statutes relating to the sinking fund in cities of the second class. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That Sections 3194 and 3195 of the Kentucky Statutes, Carroll's Edition of 1915, relating to the sinking fund in cities of the second class, be and the same are hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows: "Section 3194. Redemption of Bonds-Investment of Sinking Fund.-Said commissioners are required, whenever there shall be an accumulation of money in the sinking fund over and above the amount required for promptly meeting the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the city, to redeem or purchase the bonds of the city, chargeable to said fund, when they can do so on fair terms and at a price not exceeding the market value thereof; but whenever there shall be a surplus of said fund, which cannot be applied on such terms to the extinguishment of said liabilities, the said commissioners may invest the same in bonds of said city, for which it is bound, or bonds of the State of Kentucky, or in United States bonds. When said commissioners shall redeem, purchase or pay any bonds or coupons of the city, such bonds and coupons shall be reported to the general council and be cancelled and a correct record of same with date of cancellation, preserved in the office of the Auditor." "Section 3195. Refunding Bonds.-Whenever the revenue and available assets of said sinking fund, accumulated for the payment of any bonded indebtedness of the city contracted prior to or in accord |