the practice he shall thereupon be subject to the penalties provided for in this law. § 14. Any person shall be regarded as practicing veterinary medicine, surgery or dentistry within the meaning of this act who professes publicly to be a doctor of veterinary medicine, surgeon or dentist, respectively, or who appends to his name any initials or title implying qualifications to practice or who shall treat, operate on or prescribe for any physical ailment, or any physical injury to, or deformity of, any domestic animal, for which he shall receive any compensation, either directly or indirectly. Nothing in this act shall apply to persons gratuitously treating animals in cases of emergency; providing they do not represent themselves to be veterinarians or use any title or degree appertaining to the practive thereof. And nothing in this act shall interfere with or prevent persons in rural districts or small towns, where the services of a registered veterinarian are not obtainable, from treating, operating upon or prescribing for domestic animals and charging for same. § 15. It is further provided that nothing in this act shall prevent or interfere with students practicing under preceptors from the end of one college session to the beginning of the college session next following. 16. Nothing in this act shall be construed to interfere with or punish non-graduate veterinarians as provided for in Section 3, or veterinarians in the United States army or in the United States Bureau of Animal Industry or State Live Stock Commissioner or his assistants or deputies while so commissioned, or any lawfully qualified veterinarian residing in other States or counties meeting registered veterinarians of this State in consultation, or any veterinarian residing in the border of a neighboring State, and duly authorized under the laws thereof to practice veterinary medicine, surgery or dentistry, therein, whose practice extends into the limits of this State; provided that such practitioner shall not open any office or appoint a place to meet patients within the limits of Kentucky. § 17. Any veterinarian licensed under the provisions of this act shall be eligible for the office of County Live Stock Inspector. 18. This act shall take effect and be in force. in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved March 24, 1916. CHAPTER 72. AN ACT relating to the election, terms, qualifications, salaries and duties of commissioners to constitute the fiscal court in counties having cities of the first class and providing for clerks and for payment of salaries and expenses; also providing penalties for failure to perform duties. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. In any county in this Commonwealth, in which there is located a city of the first class, which has heretofore, under existing laws, voted in favor of the fiscal court of the county being composed of three commissioners to be elected from the county at large and the county judge, and in which commissioners have not been elected, there shall be elected at the regular election held in November, 1917, three commissioners from the county at large, one of whom, to be determined by lot, shall serve for a term of four years, and the other two of whom shall serve for a term of two years. At the expiration of two years from the time when said commissioners shall have been elected, and at the general election to be held at that time and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected from the county at large two commissioners for a term of four years and at the expiration of four years from the time when said commissioners shall have been first elected, and at the general election to be held at that time and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected from the county at large, one commissioner for a term of four years. 2. Whenever it shall be necessary to determine by lot the length of time of any commissioner elected under this act, such determination by lot. shall be made at the first session of the fiscal court after such new members shall have been elected and qualified. § 3. The fiscal court of each county in this Commonwealth in which there is located a city of the first class shall have such clerk or clerks as may be necessary, and it shall be the duty of such clerk or clerks to attend its session and to keep a full and complete record of all proceedings of the court, together with a proper index and to perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by the court. The clerk of the county court shall, by virtue of his office, be clerk of the fiscal court and shall supply to said fiscal court such assistant clerks as they may require. For his services the fiscal court shall annually make him a reasonable allowance to be paid out of the county levy. 4. It shall be the duty of the fiscal court in each county in this Commonwealth in which there is located a city of the first class to cause to be published in one newspaper of general circulation in such county, and in any other additional form it may deem proper, in the months of April, July, October and January, of each year, a financial statement of the county covering the three months next preceding each statement, and which statement shall include a list of the claims and amounts thereof allowed against the county during the preceding three months, and to whom allowed, with such other information as it may deem proper to have published. The fiscal court and each member thereof, in any such county that fails or refuses to cause to be published the information required by this section, and in the manner herein provided, shall be fined fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense, to be recovered by indictment in the circuit court. 5. Commissioners elected under the provisions of this act shall take oath of office and enter upon the discharge of their duties on the first Monday in January after their election and shall continue in office for the period provided in this act, or until their successors are elected and qualified. 6. All the provisions of existing laws governing fiscal courts in this Commonwealth, which are not in conflict with the provisions of this act, shall be applicable to and govern fiscal courts of all counties in this Commonwealth in which there is located a city of the first class except that when the county judge is unable to call a special session, or refuses to do so upon the request of two members of the court, then two commissioners may call the same. Any vacancy in the office of commissioner shall be filled by appointment by the county judge subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Section 152 of the Constitution of Kentucky. 7. Each commissioner hereafter elected in accordance with the provisions of this act shall receive a salary of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per annum to be paid out of the county levy, in equal monthly installments, and shall receive no further compensation for their services. $ 8. No person shall be eligible to the office of commissioner who is not at least twenty-four (24) years of age and been a resident of the county and a citizen of Kentucky for at least two (2) years next preceding election. No person holding the office of commissioner shall at the same time hold any office under the government of the United States, the State of Kentucky or any subdivision thereof. 9. All payments of the fiscal court in such counties shall be by warrant on the county treasurer signed by the presiding officer of the court and countersigned by the clerk of the court. 10. If any section in this act shall be held to be unconstitutional, that fact shall not affect any other section of the act, it being the intention of the General Assembly in enacting this law, to enact each section separately, and if any provision or exception contained in any section shall be declared unconstitutional, that fact shall not affect the remaining portion of said section; it being the intention of the legislature to enact each section and each provision and exception thereto separately. 11. All laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved March 24, 1916. |