class shall not take effect until July first, nineteen hundred and seventeen. (Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.) CHAPTER 84. AN ACT for the benefit of the Kentucky Institution for the Education of the Blind; to provide for the education, training and employment of the blind of the Commonwealth; to change the name and to make appropriation for heating plant, steam laundry and other necessary repairs. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1. That section 299 of Carroll's Statutes for 1915, which reads as follows: "That the school heretofore established and known as the Kentucky Institution for the Education of the Blind, shall be and continue as a corporation under that name and style." That said section be amended so as to read as follows: "That the name of the Institution heretofore known as the Kentucky Institution for the Education of the Blind, shall be changed, and hereafter it shall be known as the Kentucky School for the Blind. § 2. That the sum of $20,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the installation of a new heating plant, the equipment of a modern laundry, other necessary repairs and to provide for the training and employment of the adult blind in an industrial workshop. (Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.) CHAPTER 85. AN ACT providing for the securing of a separate farm for a House of Reform for girls, and providing for the management thereof. Whereas, there is now a House of Reform at Greendale, Kentucky, owned and operated by the State as a Home of Reform for both boys and girls, which necessitates a large amount of restriction upon the girls, which would not be necessary if there were separate institutions for the two sexes, and which restriction operates to greatly retard the work of reform among the girls; now, therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: as follows, to-wit: § 1. Immediately upon the taking effect of this act, the Governor shall appoint a board consisting of two men and three women, who shall proceed to acquire by donation or lease, subject to the Governor's approval, a farm suitable for a separate House of Reform for Girls and located not less than ten miles from the present School of Reform at Greendale. No person shall be eligible to serve as a member of said board who is an officer or connected with the management of any other public institution of the State. The Governor shall appoint one member of said Board of Managers to serve for two years, two for three years, and two for four years, and upon the expiration of the term of any member of said board, the successor shall be appointed for a term of four years. All vacancies in said board shall be filled by appointment by the Governor; and the person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term in which the vacancy occurs. The members of the Board of Managers shall receive no compensation for their services, but after the establishment of said institution their actual and necessary expenses while in discharge of their official duties connected with the institution shall be paid as other expenses of the institution are paid. Said board appointed as herein provided shall, immediately upon appointment, enter upon the performance of its duties; and shall make annual reports to the Governor of its actions and the condition of said institution. § 2. As soon as said institution shall be ready to receive inmates, subject to the Governor's approval, the girls theretofore committed, and who shall be then in the existing House of Reform at Greendale, shall be transferred to the new House of Reform for Girls; and thereafter the said institution at Greendale shall be known as the House of Reform for Boys, to which boys shall be committed, while to the House of Reform for Girls there shall be committed only girls. But until the House of Reform for Girls is ready to receive inmates, the present institution at Greendale shall continue to receive and care for both boys and girls. 3. The Board of Managers of the aforesaid institution shall elect a chairman and a secretary thereof, and shall keep a record of its proceedings. It shall adopt by-laws for the government of the institution, which shall be conducted as a vocational training school, along the lines which shall fit the girls for self-sustaining womanhood. When the institution is ready to receive girls, the board shall appoint a superintendent, who shall be a woman of character and ability, specially trained for such work. Such superintendent shall, at any time, be removable by the Board of Managers for any reason deemed sufficient by the board; and the compensa tion of the superintendent shall be fixed by the board and approved by the Governor. Sail super-. intendent, before entering upon the duties of the office shall execute a bond to the State of Kentucky in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the office. The superintendent shall reside at the institution and have charge, subject to the control of the Board of Managers, of all the property and inmates of the institution, and shall account to the board as it may require. § 4. Subject to the qualifications hereinafter made, any county or juvenile court having the power under the laws of the State to commit or direct the disposition of the person of any girl under the age of eighteen years and over the age of ten years, shall have the power to commit such girl to the House of Reform herein provided for, where she shall be detained for an indeterminate period, subject to parole at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Board of Managers. The period of detention shall be until the girl shall arrive at twenty-one years of age, subject to the power of release aforesaid. But no girl shall be committed to said institution who is an epileptic, insane or feeble-minded or a paralytic, or who has a contagious disease. All girls committed to said institution must have that degree of bodily health which shall render them fit subjects for the discipline of the institution. And before committing any girl to said institution, it shall be the duty of the court to have such person examined by a reputable physician, who shall certify that she has the qualifications above mentioned for entrance, which certificate shall be forwarded to the institution with the order of commitment. The court shall also furnish a statement of such facts as can be ascertained concerning the person, and family history of the girl. If it shall develop within six months after any girl is committed to the institution that she is an epileptic, insane or feeble-minded, or a paralytic, she may be returned by order of the Board of Managers to the county from which she was committed. § 5. Whenever the Board of Managers shall deem it best to the interest of any girl in its custody, it shall instruct the superintendent of the institution to release such girl on trial, as soon as a suitable home for her shall be found. One or more visiting agents shall be employed in said institution, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the superintendent thereof, to find homes for girls thus released and to visit them thereafter. No girl shall be placed in a home, which shall not have been previously investigated by such visiting agent and a full report thereof made to the superintendent. Such agents shall visit each girl as often as the superintendent shall deem necessary, to ascertain whether she is properly placed, and shall from time to time make to the superintendent full reports of all investigations and visits made by them. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to recall any girl who may not conduct herself properly, or who does not have a suitable home. 6. The children of white and colored raced [races] committed to said institution shall be kept entirely separate from each other. 7. When any girl shall be committed to said House of Reform, the expenses of conveying her to the institution shall be borne by the county of her residence, and the officer conveying her shall receive only the actual necessary expenses for food, lodg ing and transporting her; and said county shall |