any other place than the premises so delimited and described shall be deemed a sale without license, and no licensee shall maintain any private sitting room, bed-room or other room where such liquors are served, and any delivery of such liquors to any such room or rooms shall be deemed a sale without license, but this provision as to rooms shall not apply to reputable hotels maintaining a bar where such liquors are sold. § 3. A room where intoxicating liquors are sold by virtue of license issued under laws of this State for selling spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or any of them, shall be so arranged either with window or glass doors as that the whole of said room may be in view from the street or highway or any public passway, hall or means of approach passing such room, and no blinds screens or other obstructions. shall be arranged, erected or placed so as to prevent the entire view of said room from the street or highway or such public passway, hall or means of approach upon which the same is situated during such days and hours when the sale of such liquors is prohibited by law. Any person violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days; and in case of conviction for the second offense the court shall provide in the judgment that the license granted to such person shall be forfeited, and such person shall not be granted any such license within a period of one year. 4. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, mayor, chief of police or the officer performing the duties of chief of police by whatever title he may be known, the county attorney or Commonwealth's attorney to enforce within their jurisdiction the provisions of the law relating to the sale of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, or any of them, as such laws relate to prohibiting the sale of such liquors on Sunday or any other day on which said sales are prohibited by law, and if said officers shall fail to perform their duty in this respect they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor for which they or either of them may be prosecuted by indictment or penal action and, upon conviction, may be fined in any sum not to exceed five hundred dollars, and such conviction. shall operate as a forfeiture of office and the judgment shall so declare. When any of such officers shall fail or refuse to perform his or their duty in this respect, upon the petition of not less than five reputable resident citizens of the county, which petition shall state the time of such violation, the place at which the offense occurred and the name or names of the person or persons violating this act, which petition shall be duly verified before some person authorized to administer an oath by the persons offering same, it shall be the duty of the county or Commonwealth's attorney to institute prosecution or penal action to enforce the provisions of this law against such officer as may violate same; or the county attorney or Commonwealth's attorney may institute such prosecution or penal action upon his own knowledge or information. In the event the Commonwealth's and county attorneys fail or refuse to institute such prosecution or penal action after having been petitioned so to do, and this fact shall be made known to the Governor by written petition verified as aforesaid by three or more reputable citizens of the county, the Attorney General of the State, at the instance of the Governor, shall institute such prosecution or penal action against such officials so failing to discharge their duty, and when so directed by the Governor, the Attorney General is hereby authorized and empowered to institute such proceeding or proceedings and prosecute the same in the same manner and with the same authority as the Commonwealth's or county attorney may have to prosecute such actions under the law, and in all such prosecutions or proceedings the Commonwealth or the defendant shall be entitled to a change of venue as in other cases. Any petitioner making a false affidavit in order to cause a prosecution or penal action to be instituted against any person under the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of false swearing and if such prose cution is instituted by reason of such petition those filing the petition shall be subjected to an action for malicious prosecution if they acted without probable cause. § 5. In as much as the Sunday closing law is violated in this State, and in as much as the public demands that said law be enforced, and in as much as it is the intention of this act to enforce the provisions of such law, an emergency is declared to exist and this law shall take effect upon its passage and approval by the Governor. § 6. All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved March 13, 1916. CHAPTER 15 AN ACT to protect Railroad Companies in the use and enjoyment of their rights of way by forbidding the condemnation thereof for other purposes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That no part of the right of way of any railroad company, or any interest or easement there in, shall be taken by any condemnation proceedings, or without the consent of such railroad company, for the use or occupancy of any part of such right of way, on, over, and along such right of way longitudinally, by any telegraph, telephone, electric light, power, or other wire company, with its poles, cables, wires, conduits, or other fixtures; provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing any such wire company from obtaining the right to cross the right of way of a railroad company, under existing laws in such manner as not to interfere with the ordinary use or ordinary travel and traffic of such railroad company's railroad. § 2. That all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 14, 1916. CHAPTER 16 AN ACT to require the registration of legislative counsel and legislative agents; and provide for their registration before legislative committees; and to define and prohibit corrupt lobbying. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: §1. Every person, corporation or association employing any person, to act as agent or counsel to promote or oppose in any manner the passage by the Legislature of any legislation affecting the pecuniary interests of any individual, association or corporation as distinct from those of the whole people of the State, or to act in any manner as a legislative counsel or agent in connection with any such legislation, shall, within one week after the date of such employment, cause the name of the person so em ployed to be entered upon a legislative docket as hereinafter provided. It shall also be the duty of the person so employed to enter, or cause to be entered, his name upon such docket. Upon the termination of such employment such fact may be entered opposite the name of any person so employed either by the employer or the employe. § 2. The Attorney General of the State shall prepare and keep a legislative docket in conformity with the provisions of this act and which shall be known as the docket of the legislative counsel or agent before committees. In the docket of legislative counsel or agents shall be entered the names of all counsel or agents employed for any purpose in connection with any legislation included within the terms of section one of this act. In such docket shall be entered the names and business address of the employer; the name, residence and occupation of the person employed, the date of the employment or agreement therefor; the length of time that the employment is to continue, if such time can be determined, and the special subject or subjects of legislation, if any, to which the employment relates. Said docket shall be a public record and open to the inspection of any citizen upon demand at any time during the regular business hours of the office of the Attorney General. § 3. Any person, corporation or association employing any legislative counsel or agent, shall, whenever further subjects of legislation are introduced or arise which such counsel or agent is to promote or oppose, make or cause to be made additional interest opposite his or its name on said docket, stating such special employment and specifically referring to the petitions, orders, bills, or other subjects of legislation to which the same relates, and such |