

AN ACT to repeal an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the erection of school buildings in common school district No. 1, in the town of Hawesville," approved March 28, 1873, and all amendments, thereto.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That an act entitled "An Act to provide for the erection of school buildings in common school district No. 1, in the town of Hawesville," approved March 28, 1873, and all amendments thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed.

(Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.)


AN ACT to amend Section 490 of the Civil Code of Practice concerning the sale of real property and to authorize the confirmation of certain sales heretofore made.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That Section 490 of the Civil Code of Practice be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

A vested estate in real property jointly owned by two or more persons, or owned as set out in subsection 3 of this section, may be sold by order of a court. of equity, in an action brought by either of them, though the plaintiff or defendant be of unsound mind or an infant.

1. If the share of each owner be worth less than one hundred dollars.

2. If the estate be in possession and the property can not be devided without materially impairing its value, or the value of the plaintiff's interest therein.

3. If the estate shall have passed by devise or descent to the widow and heir or heirs of a decedent, and the widow shall have a life right in a portion thereof, either as homestead or dower or by devise and the said property cannot be divided without materially impairing its value, or the value of the plaintiff's interest therein.

If any real property held by a widow and heirs of a deceased person as provided in subsection 3 of this section has heretofore been sold by decree of a court of equity and said sale has been confirmed and a deed made by orders of such court, and possession of said property has been taken under said sale and deed, the purchaser thereof or said widow or heir may file a petition in equity in the court in which said land was sold asking the confirmation of said sale, and making all other persons interested in said property parties thereto; and said court on the hearing thereof shall have the power to confirm said former sale, if it shall appear that no party under disability was prejudiced thereby.

(Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.)


AN ACT entitled an Act to amend Carroll's Edition Kentucky Statutes, 4303 (17), by amending as follows:

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Kentucky:

Section 17 of 4303 by striking out the word "resposible" [responsible] and adding in lieu thereof "and best," so that said statute, when amended, will read as follows:

"Contract letting for public roads.-All bids for the work to be let to contract made under the pro

visions of this chapter, wheather for construction or maintenance, shall be received at the time and place specified in the advertisement, and shall be opened publicly at the time of letting and the amount of items comprising each bid shall be publicly announced and the contract, if let, shall be to the lowest and best bidder, who shall furnish satisfactory security in an amount equal to the amount of the contract in question to be approved by the county judge of the county. The fiscal court may as protection. to the county, reserve from payment twenty per cent of the amount acruing on said contract until the completion of said work and the same is approved by the county road engineer. The fiscal court may reject any and all bids, and, if thought advisable, may readvertise for and receive bids."

(Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.) (Word in brackets added by compiler.)


AN ACT to amend Section 6 of the Act approved March 23, 1910, entitled: "An Act to promote and compel attendance of children in schools, to prevent truancy in cities of the first, second, third and fourth class, and to enable boards of education or boards of school trustees of cities of the first and second class to establish and maintain parental or truant schools for the care and discipline of truant children, and for the purpose of reducing truancy."

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That Section 6 of an act approved March 23, 1910, entitled "An Act to promote and compel attendance of children in schools, to prevent truancy in cities of the first, second, third and fourth class, and to enable boards of education or boards of school

trustees of cities of the first and second class to establish and maintain parental or truant schools for the care and discipline of truant children, and for the purpose of reducing truancy" (being Subsection 6 of Section 2978c of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, Edition of 1915), be and it is hereby amended by striking therefrom the last paragraph, being all of said section that follows the words, "during such period of time as he may be employed by the school board," and by adding instead of the words so stricken the following:

"In cities of the first class the board of education may appoint a chief truant officer in addition to the truant officer or officers herein provided for, or may designate one of the truant officers as provided for, as chief truant officer. Such chief truant officer shall be called the director of attendance, and his salary shall be fixed by the board of education. It shall be the duty of the director of attendance, under the general direction of the superintendent of city schools, to supervise, control and direct the work of all truant officers appointed in such city, to supervise, control and direct the taking of the school census when directed by the board of education, and to cause to be made and fully kept, reports from all truant officers, principals and teachers of the workings of this act, and he shall be directly charged with the duty of seeing that the provisions of this act are complied with.

"In cities of the second class the board of education may appoint a chief truant officer in addition to the truant officer or officers herein provided for, or may designate one of the truant officers as provided for, as chief truant officer, and shall be authorized to pay such chief truant officer a salary of not exceeding twelve hundred ($1,200) dollars per year to be fixed

by said board. It shall be the duty of the chief truant officer, under the general direction of the superintendent of city schools, to supervise, control and direct the work of all truant officers appointed in such city. Such chief truant officer shall cause to be made and fully kept, reports from all truant officers, principals and teachers, of the workings of this act, and shall be directly charged with the duty of seeing that the provisions of this act are complied with.'

So that said section as amended shall read as follows:

"Section 6. In the first week of July in each year the board of education in each city of the first, second, third and fourth classes shall appoint at least one person for each ten thousand (10,000) children, enrolled in the school census, to serve as truant officers, whose term of office shall be during the pleasure of the board appointing him, who may be removed at any time by said board for cause, and whose duties shall be limited to the city where the appointment is made. If in any such city there shall be less than ten thousand (10,000) children enrolled in the school census, there shall be appointed, as above, one truant officer.

"Said truant officers shall be residents of the city in which they are appointed, and of good moral character. They must be able to read and write with ease. In cities of the first class such truant officers shall not engage in any other occupation during such period of time as the schools are in session each year.

"Before they shall be eligible for appointment, all applicants for the position of truant officer shall be examined by the superintendent of schools, who shall certify to the board of education only such persons qualified as herein provided.

"Such truant officer shall receive from the tax

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