of the United States, result in great loss of human lives in portions of the State of Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana, and large money losses, not only in such afflicted territory, but in other portions of the nation and Whereas, it has been declared by every member of the Engineer Corps of the United States Army who has dealt with such floods, by the Mississippi River Commission and by other commissions appointed by Congress, that such floods can be prevented at a reasonable cost, and Whereas, the work of such flood prevention has been going on for many years in the least economical way and over two-thirds of its cost has been bourne by the damaged sections, who can no longer cope with this giant problem without effective aid from the National Government; and Whereas, all political parties have declared in their campaign platforms that floods control of the Mississippi river is a national duty; Therefore, Be it Resolved: by the Senate of the State of Kentucky, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Congress of the United States, be and is hereby requested to fulfill this National duty at its next session, and to enact such legislation as shall provide a separate and comprehensive plan for the prevention of such floods without delay, and Be it further Resolved: That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate of the Congress of the United States and to each member of the Senate and House of Representatives of this State in Congress. Approved February 26, 1916. CHAPTER 133. RESOLUTION providing for the adoption of the Legislative Digest as the official publication of this General Assembly and to purchase copies of same for the members of the General Assembly and certain officials. Whereas, it is a matter of importance and convenience that each Senator and Representative be advised as to the various and detailed steps of legislation; and Whereas, there is a publication under the editorship and management of competent and experienced persons known as "The Legisative Digest," the purpose of which is to fully advise from day to day, the officials and public of the Commonwealth as to all matters affecting them in an intelligent, useful and prompt manner; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Senate of Kentucky, the House of Representatives concurring, that the purpose of The Legislative Digest be approved, and the same be adopted as the official publication of this General Assembly; that the publishers are hereby directed to furnish daily a copy to each member and Chief Clerk of the General Assembly and to the heads of each State Department; that the publishers are allowed the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) for each subscription for the session, and the Auditor of Public Accounts is directed to draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for said amount when such service has been concluded. Approved March 24th, 1916. CHAPTER 134. Whereas, from the birth of this nation to the present time the Democratic party has a record unparalleled in the world's political history; no defeat has ever destroyed its fidelity to truth; no disaster has ever impaired its testimony for right; no opposition has ever stayed its conflict for freedom and no storm however fierce or overwhelming has ever lessened its zeal and devotion to the welfare and uplift of mankind, and Whereas, His Excellency, Woodrow Wilson, the greatest President since Thomas Jefferson, has maintained under most trying circumstances and conditions, the honor, integrity and neutrality of the United States of America, has thereby brought to his administration the confidence and approval of his fellow countrymen and to the American Republic high regard and due respect from all the nations of the world; Therefore, Be it Resolved; by the Senate of Kentucky, the House of Representatives concurring, that we do most earnestly endorse the present National Administration and that we do firmly believe that the doctrine of preparedness as laid down by Woodrow Wilson and his Cabinet, is Democratic and American in spirit and in purpose and will uphold, conserve, maintain and defend the integrity, the peace, the safety, and the honor of the United States of America. Approved March 23rd, 1916. CHAPTER 135. Adjourning out of respect to George Washington. Whereas, Tuesday the twenty-second of February is the birthday of George Washington, the Father of our country, and Whereas, said day is a legal holiday; Now, Therefore; Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: That the Senate and House of Representatives adjourn on Saturday, February nineteenth, to meet again on Wednesday, February twenty-third, at one o'clock p. m. Approved March 6th, 1916. CHAPTER 136. JOINT RESOLUTION to provide for payment of expenses of committee named by Senate to attend the funeral of late Senator from the 35th District and to pay the expenses of the Committee named by Lieutenant Governor McDermott during vacation to attend the funeral of Senator Walker C. Hall and to pay for the floral design ordered by the Senate at the funeral of Senator Stewart. Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1. That the clerk of the Senate be authorized and directed to issue a voucher directing the Auditor to draw his warrant on the Treasury of the Commonwealth, payable to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, for the sum of sixty-one dollars and seventy-five cents, being the amount expended by the committee incident to the attendance of the committee upon the occasion of the funeral of the Hon. J. E. Stewart, late member of the Senate from the 35th District. That the Auditor is directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky payable to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate for the sum of nineteen dollars and seventy cents, the amount expended by the committee appointed by Lieutenant Governor E. J. McDermott, during vacation to attend the funeral of the Senator from Cov ington, Walker C. Hall. And that the Auditor be further directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky payable to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, to pay Miss N. A. Newman for floral design purchased and used at the funeral of the late Senator Stewart, amount five dollars. 2. The Sergeant-at-Arms will, upon the receipt of the sum hereinbefore mentioned, distribute the same among those persons entitled thereto. Approved March 15th, 1916. CHAPTER 137. RESOLUTION creating a State Tax Commission and fixing its duties. Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: That there is hereby created a commission to be known as the Kentucky Tax Commission, which shall be composed of seven members to be appointed by the Governor, four from the members of the present House of Representatives of the General Assembly and three from the members of the present Senate of the General Assmbly, all of whom shall serve without compensation. All of the members of said commission shall be persons familiar with revenue and taxation, and the laws relating thereto. Said commission shall meet within ten days after the adjournment of the present session of the General Assembly and organize by electing one of its members chairman, and a secretary. The duties of said Commission shall be to investigate the taxation methods of this and other states and to prepare a new law on revenue and taxation in conformity with the Constitution of this Common |