
State licenses was paid to the county clerk of the various counties and was by him turned over to the Auditor of the State of Kentucky, and whereas it was clearly the intention of the Legislature of 1914 that the unearned portion of the licenses should be returned by the State and that the State should not accept and keep money for a privilege which it did not protect. Therefore,

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky is hereby directed to issue his warrant on the State Treasury in favor of the various holders of State licenses in those counties which have become dry since June 15th, 1914, for such proportion of said State license as the unexpired period of the license bears to the whole year, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay said amount. That is to say, he shall ascertain the date it became unlawful to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors in said county and shall refund to the various holders of such licenses the unearned portion thereof.

§ 2. This money having long since been due, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption. Approved March 6th, 1916.


RESOLUTION requesting the State Inspector and Examiner to furnish to the General Assembly certain information.

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That the Inspector and Examiner shall immediately report to the General Assembly whether or not the Secretary of State or the head of any other Executive Department of this Commonwealth having lump sum appropriations to be used in the discretion. of such head of said department, has provided for the expenditure of such sum, and if not what part of such sum is unexpended and to whom such sums are paid, stating in full and in detail whether said sums are paid for work not provided for by statute or used for supplementing and increasing salaries thus provided for. Such reports shall show, in addition, the number of persons in each of said departments, and show whether paid out of lump sum appropriation. The State Inspector and Examiner shall state in his report the manner of employment of each of said persons, the beginning and expiration of the term of each of said officers, the amount received. for services rendered, whether or not said persons are now engaged in the performance of said services, and the number of hours in the day actually employed in the discharge of the duties assigned to each of said employes.

Approved March 6th, 1916.


RESOLUTION accepting the terms of the Smith-Lever Bill and authorizing the State University to receive the funds that accrue to the State of Kentucky.

JOINT RESOLUTION of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Whereas, the Congress of the United States by an act commonly called the Smith-Lever Bill, approved May eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, approp

riated certain sums of money for the promotion of Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics in the various states, and

Whereas, by the terms of said act, it is necessary for the Legislatures of the various states to formally accept the terms and benefits of said national act in order that the states may enjoy the benefits thereof. Now, therefore,

Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That the State of Kentucky accepts the provisions and terms of the Smith-Lever Bill and the Trustees of the State University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, are hereby authorized to receive whatever funds accrue to the State of Kentucky under said act and to apply them to the promotion of Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics in this State as by the terms of the National Act required. and for no other purpose whatever.

Approved March 6th, 1916.


RESOLUTION for the benefit of W. C. Allen and S. C. Dobbs.

Whereas, S. C. Dobbs instituted a contest against W. C. Allen before the House of Representatives, contesting the seat of said Allen as Representative from the Thirty-sixth Legislative District of Kentucky, said district being composed of the counties of Wayne and Clinton, and whereas the said contest has been determined by the said House in favor of said Dobbs, and it has been decided that said Dobbs and not said Allen was duly elected Representative from the Thirty-sixth Legislative District, and said Dobbs has taken his seat as said Representative and,

Whereas, it appears that in prosecuting said contest said Dobbs has expended sums on the following accounts, to-wit: Witness fees $29.20; Examiner's fees $33.90; sheriff's fees $20.99; livery and hotel bills of O. B. Bertram taking depositions at Albany $14.00; railroad fare of O. B. Bertram from Monticello to Frankfort and return $8.70; hotel bill in Frankfort two days, $5.00; telephone fees to Frankfort and Albany, $20.00; hotel bill of witnesses at Monticello $3.00; cost of suit $4.30; total $139.09; and that in defending said contest Allen expended and incurred indebtedness for the following amounts on the following accounts, to-wit: Witness fees $8.00; Examiners' fees $15.75; Sheriff's fees $2.50; railroad fare of J. C. Davis, attorney from Monticello to Frankfort and return $8.70; hotel bill two days $5.00; total $39.95; and

Whereas, it became necessary for contestant and contestee to employ attorneys to represent each of them in the preparation and hearing of said contest, the said attorneys preparing the notice of contest and all other legal paper required and attending the taking of depositions and the hearing of the contest before the Contest Committee; and

Whereas, it appears that the sum of $250.00 would be and is a reasonable fee for compensation for the services of the attorneys for the Contestant S. C. Dobbs, and that $250 would be and is a reasonable fee for the services of the attorneys for the contestee Allen; now therefore,

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That the sum of $389.09, being his costs and expenses and attorney's fees above mentioned, be and it is hereby by allowed to S. C. Dobbs, and that the sum of $289.95, being his costs and expenses and at

torney's fees above mentioned, be and it is hereby allowed to W. C. Allen, on account of said contest; and be it further resolved, that the Auditor of Public Accounts of this Commonwealth be and he is hereby directed to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the sum of $389.09 in favor of S. C. Dobbs and for the sum of $289.95 in favor of W. C. Allen. Be it further resolved,

That said Dobbs is entitled to the salary as a member of this House from the beginning of the present session and the Clerk of this House is hereby directed to so certify to the Auditor of Public Accounts, and the Auditor is directed to issue his warrant in favor of said Dobbs for said salary. Approved March 16th, 1916.


RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of a Commission to investigate the conditions as to Feeble-Mindedness among the inhabitants of the State of Kentucky.

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

1. That there shall be appointed by the Governor of this State a commission consisting of five (5) persons, to be selected by the Governor, to investigate the conditions as to feeble-mindedness among the inhabitants of the State of Kentucky.

2. Said commission shall be authorized, and empowered to do any and all things to make a full and complete investigation as to the number of feebleminded persons in the State of Kentucky, the causes of feeble-mindedness, the cost of the Commonwealth and to the various divisions thereof maintaining such feeble-minded persons, the effect of the marriage of

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