feeble-minded persons and other defectives and delinquents upon the problem of feeble-mindedness, and the means which should be taken to lessen the seriousness of the problem of feeble-mindedness in this State. Said commission shall have authority to employ, if necessary, an investigator to assist said commission in said work, and make a written report to the Governor not later than June first, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, stating its finding of facts and making recommendations of such legislation or other means of lessening the problem of feeble-mindedness in this State as shall be wise in the judgment of said commission. Upon the making of said report the existence of said commission shall terminate. 3. No expense incurred by said commission in conducting said investigation and making said report (including the salary of any investigator employed by said commission) shall be paid by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Approved March 23rd, 1916. CHAPTER 147. RESOLUTION for the payment to Verda M. Wiggins-Henderson, for services rendered as teacher Keefer School number eleven in Educational Division number three in Grant County, Kentucky. Whereas, it appears that Verda M. WigginsHenderson was the holder of a third class common school teacher's certificate on the twenty-fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and ten, and on which date she entered into a contract in writing with the board of education to teach Keefer school number eleven in education division number three in Grant County, Kentucky, for a term of six months, and Whereas, she entered upon her duties as such teacher under said contract in said district and taught said school for a period of five weeks, including the Institute week, which week was spent at the County Teachers' Institute as provided for by law, and Whereas her third class certificate under the law only entitled her to teach in a school with fifty-five pupils enrolled, there appeared after her employment, an enrollment of fifty-nine pupils, and on which account she was refused her pay as such teacher, by Mr D. H. Starnes, County Superintendent of Public Instruction for said county, and was compelled to surrender her employment in said school, and for which five weeks she has received no compensation, andi Whereas it is the sense of General Assembly that Verda M. Wiggins-Henderson should be paid for her aforesaid five weeks' service as teacher in said school; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: That there be appropriated and allowed to Verda M. Wiggins-Henderson the sum of fifty dollars and the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby directed to draw hs warrant upon the Treasurer for said amount. (Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.) CHAPTER 148. RESOLUTION authorizing the exchange of a strip of ground 20 feet wide, belonging to Jennie Gentry, in the town of Rollington, Oldham county, Kentucky, for a strip of ground in Rollington, Oldham county, Ky., 20 feet wide, belonging to the State of Kentucky, and used by the Kentucky Confederate Home. Whereas, the State of Kentucky is the owner of a lot in the town of Rollington, Oldham county, Ky., used by the Kentucky Confederate Home, containing two and one-half (2%) acres, and Jennie Gentry is the owner of a tract of ground containing six (6) acres, adjoining the above lot; and, Whereas, there belonged to said lot of ground so used by the Kentucky Confederate Home a passway twenty feet wide on the south side of said Gentry's property, running from the said lot to the Pewee Valley road, and which pass way has never been used for egrees in the said lot of 21% acres on account of said lot fronting the main Rollington road; and, Whereas, said Jennie Gentry proposes to exchange for said unused passway, twenty feet of her ground on the north side of said 22 acres tract, which said exchange would be beneficial to both parties, all of which is shown by a plat hereto attached; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Kentucky: That the Governor and the President of the Kentucky Confederate Home be, and they are hereby, authorized to make exchange for and on behalf of the Commonwealth, and of the Kentucky Confederate Home, of said passway or strip of land twenty feet wide to said Jennie Gentry upon consideration of said Gentry's Conveyance to the State of Kentucky of a strip of ground twenty feet wide on the north. side of said 22 acre tract above described. (Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.) CHAPTER 149. RESOLUTION providing for furnishing Kentucky Directories. Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1. That the State Librarian is hereby authorized and directed to purchase at not exceeding one dollar per copy, five hundred copies of the book entitled "Kentucky Directory, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen," for the use of the courts, State and county officials and members of the General Assembly of Kentucky. The Librarian will furnish the members of the General Assembly and such officials as may be designated by the presiding officers of the respective Houses, a copy of the same and will furnish the State officials with copies thereof and send a copy thereof to the clerk of the county court of each county of the State, to be kept in his office. The Librarian will furnish to the Librarian of each State and Territory in the Union, a copy of said book in exchange for similar books from the said states and territories and a copy to the Librarian of Congress. 2. It being necessary that the officials should have the books herein provided for, an emergency is declared and this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption and approval by the Governor. (Neither approved nor disapproved by the Governor.) INDEX. ACCOUNTANCY, STATE BOARD OF- Act creating, and prescribing duties and powers....... ACTS- Page 20 Amending Section 2 of Chapter 70 of the Acts of 1914 428 Amending an Act of 1912 for the protection of game and 343 Amending Chapter 50 of the Acts of 1912, relating to 492 Amending an Act concerning notaries public.... 49 Amending Chapter 21 of Acts 1910 providing contingent 489 An Act to amend an act concerning the State Inspector 14 Re-enacting Chapter 19 of Acts of 1914 relating to trial 430 Repealing Chapter 47 of Acts of 1914 relating to poll tax 640 Substitute for Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1914, relating to State warrants 500 To re-enact Chapter 142 of 1912 relating to the militia.... 436 ADVERTISEMENTS- Prohibiting false statements in.......... 644 AGRICULTURE, LABOR AND STATISTICS- Extension work, accepting provisions of the Smith-Lever Act, changing name of State University 149 Regulating, grading and packing of apples.. 608 568 Resolution accepting provisions of Smith-Lever Bill.......... 733 ALLEN, W. C.— Resolution to pay contest expenses of.............. AMENDMENT— To Constitution proposed 734 716 |