sold at reduced rates not common to the public, given or issued during the year preceding such statement. Such report shall be subscribed and sworn to by the president, general passenger agent or secretary of such carrier, and when filed in the office of the Attorney General shall constitute a public record. Any common carrier of passengers who shall fail to file such report on or before the 1st day of March as required by this section, shall be fined one thousand dollars upon indictment and conviction in the Franklin circuit court, or other court of competent jurisdiction. And, any officer of such carrier who shall make in such report any false statement, upon indictment, trial and conviction in the Franklin circuit court or other court of competent jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty of false swearing and shall suffer the penalty now prescribed by the law for that crime. § 11. It shall be the duty of every circuit judge in this Commonwealth at every term of court, in each county in his district, into or through which the line or lines of such carrier is operated, and of the Franklin circuit court, to give the provisions of this act in charge to the grand jury. The Attorney General at all times shall have access to the original record of such passes in the office of such carriers, which is required by this act to be kept. The provisions of this act shall become a law and be in effect on and after January 1st, 1917. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act or any of its provisions are hereby repealed. Approved February 10, 1916. CHAPTER 2. AN ACT authorizing the fiscal court in each county having therein a city of the second class to acquire a law library and to provide for the maintenance and operation of same. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That the fiscal court in each county having therein a city of the second class may in its discretion acquire, by purchase or otherwise, a law library, which when so acquired shall be for the use of the court officers and county officers in sáid county, and said fiscal court shall be authorized to make such rules and regulations regarding the maintenance and operation of said law library as said court may deem proper and as may be approved by the judge or judges of the circuit court of said county, and may provide for the use of said law library by others than the court and county officers, on such terms as said fiscal court may deem advisable and proper. $ 2. All acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved February 26, 1916. CHAPTER 3. AN ACT to amend the Kentucky Statutes Chapter eighty-nine Section two thousand nine hundred and twenty A, by adding thereto Section two thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight B. Creating the office of Court Matron for the Police Court of Cities of the first class and prescribing her rights, duties and compensation. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That there is hereby created the office of court matron of the police court in all cities of the first class in this State. Said matron shall be appointed by the judge of the police court aforesaid of every city of the first class. The term of office of the said court matron shall be two years, and until the qualification of her successor; and she shall be removable by the judge of the police court aforesaid, for good cause, and the judge shall cause to be entered in the minutes of his court his reasons for such removal. Said judge shall have power to appoint a successor whenever a vacancy may occur in the office of court matron for whatever cause. § 2. The said office shall be filled by a woman of good moral character, with experience and training in social work, and she shall be fully qualified to perform the duties of her office. $ 3. Said matron shall investigate and report to the judge of the police court upon the past histories, conditions of living, character, morals and habits of all women and girls awaiting trial in such city court, and shall exercise supervision of such women and girls while under suspended sentence until final disposition of the charge or charges against them. § 4. Said matron shall be paid out of the city treasury a salary of seventy-five dollars (seventyfive dollars) per month; and shall be allowed all necessary expenses incidental to investigation of cases subject to the approval of the Judge of the Police Court. Approved February 26, 1916. CHAPTER 4. AN ACT changing the times for holding the sessions of Circuit Courts of the Twenty-first Circuit Court District of Kentucky. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That so much of Section 965 of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes of 1915 as relates to the Twenty first Circuit Court District be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the whole of the following portion of said Section 965, to-wit, "Twenty-first District Bath County, at Owingsville, on the third Monday in February, eighteen juridical days; second Monday in May, eighteen juridical days; first Monday in October, eighteen juridical days. Montgomery County, at Mt. Sterling, on the third Monday in January, second Monday in April and first Monday in September, twenty-four juridical days each. Rowan County, at Morehead, second Monday in March, first Monday in June and fourth Monday in October, twelve juridical days each. Menifee County, at Frenchburg, on the fourth Monday in March, third Monday in June and second Monday in November, twelve juridical days each," and in lieu thereof inserting the following: "Twenty-first District.-Rowan County, at Morehead on the second Monday in January, twelve juridical days, second Monday in April, eighteen juridical days, second Monday in September, twelve juridical days; Montgomery County, at Mt. Sterling, on the fourth Monday in January, eighteen juridical days, fourth Monday in May, eighteen juridical days, third Monday in October, twenty-four juridical days; Bath County, at Owingsville, on the third Monday in February, eighteen juridical days, first Monday in May, eighteen juridical days, fourth Monday in September, eighteen juridical days; Menifee County, at Frenchburg, on the second Monday in March, twelve juridical days, third Monday in June, twelve juridical days, third Monday in November, twelve juridical days." So that said portion of said section as amended will read as follows: Twenty-first District.-Rowan County, at More head, on the second Monday in January, twelve juridical days, second Monday in April, eighteen juridical days, second Monday in September, twelve juridical days. Montgomery County, at Mt. Sterling, on the fourth Monday in January, eighteen juridical days, fourth Monday in May, eighteen juridical days, third Monday in October, twenty-four juridical days. Bath County, at Owingsville, on the third Monday in February, eighteen juridical days, first Monday in May, eighteen juridical days, fourth Monday in September, eighteen juridical days. Menifee County, at Frenchburg, on the second Monday in March, twelve juridical days, third Monday in June, twelve juridical days, third Monday in November, twelve juridical days. Approved February 26, 1916. CHAPTER 5. AN ACT to amend Section nine hundred and sixty-five, Kentucky Statutes, relating to Circuit Courts in the Sixth Judicial District. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That Section nine hundred and sixty-five of the Kentucky Statutes, in so far as it relates to the Sixth Circuit Court District be, and the same is hereby amended by striking from said section all that part which relates to the time of holding courts in the Sixth Circuit Court District, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sixth District-Daviess County at Owensboro, nine terms, beginning on the first Monday in January, twelve juridical days; the first Monday in February, eighteen juridical days; first Monday in April eighteen juridical days; third Monday in May, |