
Miss Chase and Mrs. C. Blinn; Centre, Mrs. G. H. Tomlinson and Mrs. J. Dillman; Edgerton, Mrs. Terpening and Mrs. J. S. Stough; Florence, Miss Sarah Webb and Mrs. Palmer; Northwest, Mrs. Dr. Bates and Mrs. C. Peck; Pulaski, Mrs. Henry Newman and Mrs. Gleason. The various committees began immediate and active work. It has been the pleasure of the writer of this chapter, during the past few years, to examine critically the war history of various counties in Ohio and Indiana, but in all such experience no county was found to have done more with its aid societies than Williams. From the organization of the above society until the close of the war the good work went constantly on. During the autumn and winter of 1861, several boxes of supplies were sent to Western Virginia. In April, 1862, when the news of the battle of Pittsburg Landing reached the county, Dr. John Long, D. M. Crall and Capt. Fisher were appointed a committee to go to the assistance of the boys. with three huge, hastily-prepared boxes of hospital supplies and delicacies, and over $200 in money. Dr. Long was permitted to pass the lines to the army, but the others were compelled to return. Aid societies were established in all parts of the county, though unfortunately but little can be stated regarding them, as no published accounts could be found. Mrs. George Helwig was President of the society at Edgerton, and Mrs. C. Farnham, Secretary. During the entire war, lectures were constantly delivered by home and foreign talent, and the proceeds were contributed to the fund of the aid society. Mrs. Dr. Gaudern was Secretary of the society at Pioneer. Mite societies were organized, private subscriptions were solicited, and other means used to increase the funds. The central society was at Bryan and branch societies in every township in the county.


From the 31st of October, 1861, to the 1st of January, 1863, the following supplies were sent from Bryan alone: One hundred and fortyeight cotton sheets, 15 flannel sheets, 224 shirts, 40 blankets, quilts and comforters, 72 pillows and cushions, 280 pillow cases, 66 towels, 20 handkerchiefs, 20 bed racks, 234 pairs of socks, 9 pairs mittens, 17 dressing gowns, 25 pounds of soap, 118 cans of fruit, 13 quarts of wine, 24 pounds of prunes, 25 pounds of dried beef, 50 pounds of dried fruit, 1 barrel of onions, 1 barrel of dry toast, 1 barrel of eggs, 2 kegs of pickles, 1 dozen boxes condiments, and many other miscellaneous and useful articles. The officers elected in January, 1863, for one year, were: Mrs. T. H. Blaker, President; Mrs. John Bryan, Vice President. The Treasurer reported the following cash accounts for the first six months:

Mite societies...


.$ 4 80

8 67

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The total cash receipts, for the year 1862 (partly included above), were $404.58, and the total cash expenditures, $214.10. In December, Dr. Garver conducted a gift enterprise which netted $145 for the society. The officers of the society for 1864, were: Mrs. Emily Youse, President; Mrs. John Ryan, Vice President; Mrs. A. M. Pratt, Secretary; Mrs. A. A. Allen, Treasurer; Mrs. John Will, Knitting Directress; Mrs. E. Evans and Mrs. J. Welker, Sewing Directresses; Mrs. Parks, Mrs. Garver and Mrs. Park, Finance Committee. Officers were re-appointed annually, and the cash and supply receipts continued during the war to come in at about the above rate. During the war, the county expended fully $1,200 for hospital supplies alone. Taking into account the enormous shipments of clothing and cloth of all kinds, the great number of boxes and barrels of provisions, and the vast supplies of delicacies that were sent out, it is certain the ladies of Williams County sent $5,000 in money and supplies into the field.


The receipt of the news of the surrender of the army of Gen. Lee to Gen. Grant, at 4:30 P. M., April 9, 1865, was received with intense and universal rejoicing. Public meetings were held everywhere, that the citizens might have the opportunity of mingling their congratulations, and

publicly expressing their joy at the successful suppression of the rebellion and the maintenance of the Union of the States.

The 14th of April was fixed by Gov. Brough as a day of public thanksgiving. But in the midst of the festivities, the news of the assassination of President Lincoln was received, and the sentiments of all loyal citizens underwent a sickening revulsion. Scores of men and women burst into tears of sorrow, as if they had lost their nearest and dearest friend. The county paper contained the following:


We have no heart to-day to write of the great rejoicing of our people, which took place less than a week ago. Sudden and overwhelming grief overhangs the Nation to-day, and our unbounded rejoicing is turned into deepest sorrow. In our last issue, we gave the proceedings of a meeting of our citizens held to make arrangements to observe Friday last as a day of general rejoicing-in obedience to the request of Gov. Brough-over the recent glorious victories to the Union arms, and the cheering prospects of speedy and permanent peace. We venture to say that no other village of the size of Bryan did so nobly in the way of rejoicing on that day. It is true, we had no big gun by which to demonstrate our joy, but all other joyful manifestations were resorted to. Bells were rung, flags were unfurled to the breeze, and all the principal business places were closed during most of the day. At 10:30 A. M., religious services were held in the M. E. Church, where an able and thrilling sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. SACKETT. The house was well filled with our best citizens, who were deeply interested in the service. At 2 P. M., the M. E. Church was again filled to overflowing, and speeches were made by the following gentlemen, as they were introduced by Mr. E. FOSTER, President of the meeting: Capt. B. H. Fisher, A. M. Pratt, Esq., Rev. Nat. Crary, Hon. S. E. Blakeslee and S. N. Owen, Esq.

We have not time and space to notice the speeches of the gentlemen as they deserve., The day passed, and night came with its bonfires and other manifestations of joy. And thus ended our day of jubilee. But what a change came over the spirit of every patriot the next morning when the sad and thrilling intelligence of the horrible tragedy at Washington-the inhuman butchery of our beloved President and the Secretary of State-was sent with lightning speed over the wires, to all parts of the country. What greater calamity could we as a Nation be called to mourn? None but sheer traitors could refrain from expressing sorrow at the death of so great and noble a man as President LINCOLN; and especially at the manner in which it was brought about. All rejoicing among our loyal people was turned into deepest sorrow, and every token of a jubilan spirit was exchanged for signs of mourning. Yesterday, being the funeral lay of our late and lamented President, and the whole nation being invited to take a participative share in the ceremonials at Washington, by engaging in religious services in their respective places of worship, our citizens in an appropriate manner paid their tributes of respect to the illustrious President and patriot. Again the places of business were generally closed, but instead of flags floating high in the breeze they were at half-mast, and other signals of mourning hung from the buildings throughout town. At 11 o'clock A. M., services were held in the M. E. Church, and at 12, noon, the Baptist Church was filled to overflowing, and another sermon from Rev. S. H. Alderman was listened to, the Rvs. L. D. Robinson and W. S. Wright assisting in the services.

A very large meeting was held at the M. E. Church in Stryker, to pay proper tribute to the life, character and services of the murdered President. Rev. J. R. Colgan delivered a very eloquent and touching address. The character of the meeting was then changed to give the citizens an opportunity of publicly expressing their sentiments and sorrow. Col. E. D. Bradley was made Chairman; M. D. L. Buel, Secretary; Dr. E. P. Willard, W. R. Babcock, Rev. J. R. Colgan, Messrs. Kitzmiller and Breckinridge, Committee on Resolutions; M. D. L. Buel, Committee on Publication. Col. Bradley delivered a long, brilliant address. Other meetings were held throughout the county, though no facts regarding them could be learned.


During the summer months of 1865, the soldiers returned from the war, and were met with open arms and throbbing hearts by loved ones and friends. They were usually received with formal ceremony. The flag they had carried through so many bloody campaigns was returned to the citizens who had presented it to the brave boys before they went away, so proud and valiant, four years before. Fine swords or other elegant presents were given to those who had done some specially distinguished service. Many a boy who had gone away so bright and brave was left in a patriot's grave far down in the Sunny South. Some were brought home and buried by loving friends. Their graves may be seen in the county's cemeteries, where the sod and shrubs and flowers are yet kept as bright and fresh as the spirits that were gladly given for the nation's preservaIt may be said that the citizens of the county usually observe Decoration Day. The heroes must not be forgotten.



It is next to impossible to give the name of every regiment that contained men from the county, as many boys went to other States and counties to enlist. The Fourteenth Infantry in the three months' service contained two companies from Williams, the names of the officers appearing some pages back. The Thirty-eighth contained four companies of Williams County boys: Company A-Charles Greenwood, Captain; C. M. Gilbert, First Lieutenant; Daniel Tressler, Second Lieutenant. Company C-D. S. Tallerday, Captain; W. E. Kintigh, First Lieutenant; Joseph Wagstaff, Second Lieutenant. Company E-Robert McQuilkin, Captain; E. M. Deuchar, First Lieutenant; A. W. Burgoyne, Second Lieutenant. Company H-William Stough, Captain; Andrew Newman, First Lieutenant; Peter V. Fulton, Second Lieutenant. In the Sixty-eighth was Company K-Edwin J. Evans, Captain; J. H.

Long, First Lieutenant; J. F. Cosgro, Second Lieutenant. In the One Hundredth was Company C-Henry Gilbert, Captain; George Rings, First Lieutenant; B. F. Ewers, Second Lieutenant. In the One Hundred and Eleventh was the company commanded by Albert A. Archer, Captain ; Rufus Bates, First Lieutenant; Samuel Smith, Second Lieutenant. In the One Hundred and Forty-second was Company D-Richard Gaudern, Captain; Andrew Irwin, First Lieutenant. In the Third Cavalry was Company K-Charles W. Skinner, Captain; William Maxwell, First Lieutenant; S. J. Hansey, Second Lieutenant. In the Ninth Cavalry was Company H-William Stough, Captain; I. P. Caldwell, First Lieutenant; S. B. Woodmanse, Second Lieutenant. As many as a dozen other regiments contained men from the county. The writer, after careful estimate, would fix the number of men in the war from Williams County at about fourteen hundred. This is certainly an excellent showing for so small a county.


The following sketches of the regiments which contained a considerable number of men from the county will prove of interest to the citizens of the county. They were compiled from Reid's "Ohio in the War," and are substantially correct:


The Fourteenth, in the three months' service, contained the two companies mentioned from Williams County, and was organized at Toledo. In three days, it was ready for the field, and in twelve days after the fall of Sumter it moved from Toledo to Camp Taylor, Cleveland, where it was drilled and the organization completed. On the 18th of May, 1861,

it was transferred from the State to the General Government. On the 22d, it received its arms at Columbus, then moved to Zanesville, Marietta and Parkersburg, Va., at which latter place its first services were required in protecting bridges from the torch of the enemy. On the 29th, Clarksburg was reached, where trains were put to running for supplies. On the 24 of June, the march from Webster to Phillipi (thirteen miles) was made on a dismal rainy night to surprise 2,000 rebel cavalry, upon whom an artillery fire was poured at daybreak. The rebels scattered, leaving their stores in the hands of the national forces. Four Union men were wounded. Camp was formed near Phillipi, whence various expeditions against guerrilla bands, and to protect Government property, were made amidst great suffering and privation. Early in June, the rebels began fortifying Laurel Hill, and the national troops threw up works at Bealington. The enemy in several cavalry charges were handsomely repulsed. The enemy finally

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