

The Story of the California Legislature of 1909 dealt with the blocking of progressive measures by the firmlyentrenched political organization known in California, for the want of a better name, as the "machine."

The Story of the California Legislature of 1911 deals with the passage of the progressive measures, the defeat of which had been accomplished two years before.

The purpose of preparing the review of the 1911 session for the press is to give the California public the knowledge of how these progressive measures were passed, who were instrumental in their passage, and who opposed their enactment into law. The same general plan of treatment is followed in the 1911 review as in that of the 1909 session.

The political revolution through which California has passed, the development of the State during the last decade, and the accompanying increase of population, together with the gaining power of Labor in industry and politics, present new issues which The People of California are called upon to meet. Measures involving these new issues are considered at length.

Thus the tenderloin interests, cut off from the legislative support of their political allies, the public service corporations, were not only unable to prevent the passage of an Anti-Racetrack Gambling law and a Local Option law at the 1911 session, but failed in their efforts to prevent measures for effective treatment of the social evil becoming a recognized State issue, to be considered, not from the standpoint of financial backers and ex

ploiters of prostitution, but on the basis of practical solution. For this reason, several chapters are devoted to moral issues, issues which bid fair henceforth to be considered on their merits.

In the same way, scientific treatment of the problems that have arisen because of changed conditions of industry can no longer be sneered down or laughed down. Several chapters are accordingly devoted to the so-called Labor measures with which the 1911 session was called upon to deal.

Another important question, due to the shifting of population to certain confined areas, is that of reapportionment of the State into legislative districts. Three counties, with an area of 4882 square miles, are shown by the 1910 census to have a population of 1,167,170, an increase of 523,897 in ten years. The remaining fiftyfive counties of the State, with 153,415 square miles, have, according to the 1910 census, a population of 1,210,350. Thus fifty-five counties, with an area of 153,415 square miles, have a population of only 43,180 more than three counties with an area of only 4882 square miles.

Because of this, conditions have arisen which were not thought of when the State Constitution of 1879 was adopted. But reapportionment must be made under the provisions of the 1879 Constitution. The 1911 Legislature was frankly unable to deal with the new problems presented, and adjourned without a reapportionment bill having been passed. The subject of reapportionment is treated in detail.

The so-called Tide Lands bills, the passage of which marks the entering upon a new policy in the manage

ment of water front properties, are considered at length, because their passage indicates how the large centers of population may, through the Legislature, dominate the State, and for the further reason that the future industrial well-being of California depends largely upon correct solution of the water front problem.

No attempt has been made to deal with all the important measures considered at the 1911 session of the Legislature. But those which give a wide view of the session's work have been treated, as well as those in the defeat or passage of which large groups were interested, or important policies involved.


Santa Clara, Cal., Sept. 21, 1911.

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