Tarleton disperses the militia at Terrants... Greene retreats
to Guilford Court-House, crosses the Yadkin, and is
again saved by the swelling of the river... Greene and Hu-
ger form a junction at Guilford-Court-House... They re-
⚫treat to Virginia across the Dan...Skirmish between Lee's
and Tarleton's horse... Cornwallis moves to Hillsborough...
Greene recrosses the Dan and advances towards the Bri-
tish... Lee disperses a large party of loyalists under Colo-
nel Pyle... His attempts to bring Tarleton to action fail...
The latter retreats to Hillsborough...Cornwallis again
moves in pursuit of Greene, forces Colonel Williams to
retreat...Manœuvres of Lee and his legion... General Greene
retires across the Haw, and Cornwallis relinquishes the
pursuit...Greene receives a reinforcement... Moves to Guil-
ford Court-House... Battle of Guilford... Defeat of Gene-
ral Greene...Cornwallis retires to Wilmington...Greene
pursues him as far as Ramsay's mill, where he encamps his
CHAP. XVI. Events of 1781 continued... Revolt of the Pennsyl-
vania troops at Morristown...Sir Henry Clinton attempts to
take advantage of the discontents... His agents are deliver-
ed up by the mutineers at Princeton..A committee of Con-
gress meet them at Trenton, and adjust their claims... The
New Jersey line revolt, are reduced to obedience, and their
ringleaders executed... Views of Washington with regard to
the state of the country...Arnold's expedition to Virginia...
He destroys the stores at Richmond, Smithfield, and else-
where, and establishes himself at Portsmouth... Washington
calls upon the French commanders to cooperate with him
in an expedition against Arnold... The Marquis de la Fay-
ette sent with a detachment to Annapolis... Engagement of
the French and English squadrons off Cape Henry...Admi-
ral D'Estouches retires to Newport... The Marquis de la
Fayette recalled from Annapolis, and ordered to Virgi-
nia...Major General Phillips is sent with a strong detach-
ment to reinforce the British army at Portsmouth, and takes
the command... His marauding excursions up the James Ri-
ver... The Marquis de la Fayette arrives at Richmond, and
is joined by the militia under Baron Steuben...General
Phillips moves with his forces to Petersburg... The Marquis
establishes himself near Richmond...General Greene moves