
Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness; being a series of Lectures to the youth of both sexes on Character, Principles, Associates, Amusements, Religion, and Marriage. By JOHN MATHER AUSTIN. Derby, Miller & Co., Auburn, 1850. 243 pp.

The author of this book is a writer of superior attraction, and has here selected a subject of deep interest. Could the youth of the country be induced to exchange the Buntline, Lippard, and Ingraham literature of the day, for such reading as this, the benefits to themselves and society would be incalculable.-Lockport Courier.

We honor the heart of the writer of this volume as well as his head. He has here addressed an earnest and manly appeal to the young, every page of which proves his sincerity and his desire for their welfare. The subjects treated of in the different lec. tures are those indicated on the title page. Integrity and virtue, usefulness, truth and honor, are the "Golden Steps" by which the young may ascend to respectability, usefulness, and happiness. We trust the sced thus sown will not be without its fruit, and that his readers will imbibe the spirit of the motto he has chosen

"Onward! onward! toils despising,

Upward! upward! turn thine eyes,

Only be content when rising,
Fix thy goal amid the skies."

-Albany State Register.

The work of Mr. Austin, written in a pleasing style, and nervous and pointed in its argumentation, will hold a prominent position among the fortunate endeavors by which the rising generation are to be influenced. The volume before us is beautiful in its exterior, and this, combined with the aim of the author, in which he has admirably succeeded, will give it a wide range, and secure for it, we hope, an invaluable influence.-Buffalo Christian Advocate.

A plain, familiar, forcible exposition of the duties and responsibilities of Youth, which can hardly be read without exerting a salutary and lasting influence. Judging from the popularity of Mr. Austin's former works, we predict for it a wide circulation.-New York Tribune.

If the precepts eloquently and forcibly urged in these pages could be brought home and impressed upon the minds of the mass of youth in our land, they would confor lasting and incalculable benefits upon the rising generation. We cordially commend this work to the attention of the young and all who have charge of them.

The publishers have executed their work admirable, and have brought out an elogant and beautiful book. Their work will compare favorably with any of the New York houses.-Troy Post.

The following extract has referenco to the "golden steps" of the President of the Wnited States, Millard Fillmore :-(See page 69.)

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