Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, BY WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. APR 2 0 1966 1 41 Most, conviction of the anarchists. ...443 342 homicidal curious case 482 Negroes as parties and lawyers in a divorce case. new trial, when not granted because of appeals to 162 jury in behalf of a widow 1 O'Brien. Attorney-general, address of oaths. judicial. Bishop of Peterborough on 101 421 opinions, comparative number of, annually delivered in the various States 121 dissenting, recommendation to prohibit publica tion of 161 Dally Register on 222 Southern Law Times on. 261 COURT DECISIONS... 57, 236, 259, 355, 457. 478 IONS 19, 216, 237, 257, 277, 398, 458, 475, 476. 478, 479 106 56, 236, 337, 399 Page. NEW JERSEY SUPREME COURT DE- IONS, 10, 32, 52, 79, 94, 100, 115, 120, 135, 140, 149, 173 NEW YORK letter DECISIONS.. NOTES. A Cromwellian Chest" and its contents, bought at auction Albany Law Journal, and Central Law Journal, claims of as to age.. 50 American Reports, Central Law Journal on a St Louis dentist's revenge. bill reported introduced to Ohio Legislature, requiring brakemen to announce stations intellegibly 76 300 60 60 200 PARMENTER, Frank J., a case in point; poem by, 217, 417 440 PATTEN Francis B., on the "Rule in Minot's Case" 106 PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT DECISIONS 57, 76, 178, 198, 215, 239, 335, 477, 498, 518, 519 POEMS. A case in point, by Frank J. Parmenter. 217, 417 cases regarding copyright in photographs should be tried in camera.. 40 California Code compared by Law Magazine to 320 .. 120 communication from London, Canada, in relation to Burr legacy. 260 compliments for Albany Law Journal from Chicago Legal Adviser. 80 Curran's repartee to Chief Justice Carleton, on oc casion of latter's domestic misfortune 120 damages for insult to plaintiff caused by churchwarden not passing him collection plate. causes of divorce in Ohio.. 200 320 320 SPAHN, Jacob, on prosecuting attorneys and detec Justice Davis at Marine Society supper. justice of peace disposing of cases without hearing word of evidence 60 tives..... 464 law courts of Chili, Mr. Clement Carpenter on.. 300 lawyers proverbially musical.. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT DE 300 learning and oratory no longer encouraged at bar; Law Times CISIONS 17, 37, 151, 175, 235, 274, 315, 316, 354, 356, 357 376, 459, 519 160 liars, three kinds of, who testify in court 100 lines accompanying volume 77 Maine Reports 120 "Man and wife," living as, with base ball player..... 160 publishing company. publishing 5,000 pages of mat ter in forty-one weeks 440 report of eighth annual meeting of American Bar As sociation, notice of San Francisco Wasp's definition of a jury 100 Shakespeare's will, Law Times on. 140 small drinks in Indiana 300 Southern Law Times and its mixed metaphors 120 time for the room of State Bar Association to be placed in their possession....... 220 IONS SUPREME COURT DECIS 197. 354, 440, 457, 478, 498,499 VON HOLTZENDORFF, letter on Code from 59 WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. 36, 78, 179, 193, 258, 275, 317, 339, 357, 358, 376, 377 395, 398, 476, 478, 516, 517 1 |