Oth. Soft you; a word or two, before you go. Nor set down aught in malice: then, must you speak Richer than all his tribe; of one, whose subdued eyes, [Stabs himself. Lod. O bloody period ! this, 2 Speak of me as I am ;] Thus the folio and quarto, 1630: the earlier quarto, "Speak of them as they are." 3 Like the base INDIAN, threw a pearl away,] The folio has Iudean, and the quarto, 1622, Indian, and to these authorities the commentators referred; but they left unnoticed the quarto, 1630, which, like the earlier quarto, has Indian. Theobald, Warburton, and Malone, are at variance whether the quarto, 1622, reads Judean or Indian, but there can be no doubt that Indian is there the word. The meaning is very clear, the allusion obscure; and the probability is that Shakespeare referred to some known fable of the time, now lost. Theobald contended for a reference to the story of Herod and Mariamne. It was formerly thought that the balance of the old texts was equal, the folio being Iudean, and the quarto, 1622, Indian, and it is somewhat surprising that in a question of the kind, no resort was ever had to the other contemporary authority, differing in many places from the folio, 1623, and from the quarto, 1622, and printed from some separate manuscript. Had Iudean of the folio, 1623, been right, the word would hardly have been printed Indian, in the quarto, 1630, supposing the editor to have referred to the folio. 4 Their MEDICINAL gum.] Here again the quarto, 1630, comes to our aid, the folio reading medicinable, and the quarto, 1622, "medicinal:" the quarto, 1630, has "medicinal." Killing myself, to die upon a kiss. [Dies. Cas. This did I fear, but thought he had no weapon, For he was great of heart. Lod. O Spartan dog! More fell than anguish, hunger, or the sea, [TO IAGO. [Exeunt. * Look on the tragic LOADING of this bed ;) Here the text of the folio is evidently preferable to that of the two quartos, which have lodging for "loading:" below also we adopt from it succeed on you" instead of "succeed to you." • [Exeunt.] It appears from Mr. P. Cunningham's "Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court," (printed for the Shakespeare Society) p. 203, that a play, called "The Moor of Venis," no doubt, "Othello," was acted at Whitehall on Nov. 1,1604. The tragedy seems to have been always so popular as to remain what is termed "a stock piece;" and it was performed again before King Charles and his Queen at Hampton Court on Dec. 8, 1636. Ibid. Introd. |