
either in the Systems themselves, or in the methods of Demonstration.

lxxvii. With regard to the supposition that there is a general Unanimity as to the Philosophy of Aristotle, because the other Systems of the Ancients ceased and became obsolete on its promulgation, and nothing better has been since discovered; whence it appears that it is so well determined and founded as to have united the suffrages of both ages; we will observe-1st. That the notion of other Ancient Systems having ceased after the publication of the Works of Aristotle is false, for the works of the ancient Philosophers subsisted long after that event, even to the time of Cicero and the subsequent ages. But at a later period, when human Learning had, as it were, been wrecked in the inundation of Barbarians into the Roman empire, then the Systems of Aristotle and Plato were preserved in the waves of ages, like planks of a lighter and less solid nature. 2nd. The notion of Unanimity on a clear inspection is found to be fallacious. For true Unanimity is that which proceeds from a free judgment arriving at the same conclusion after an investigation of the fact. Now by far the greater number of those who have assented to the Philosophy of Aristotle, have bound themselves down to it, from prejudice and the authority of others, so that it is rather obsequiousness and concurrence than Unanimity. But even if it were real and extensive Unanimity, so far from being esteemed a true and solid Confirmation, it should even lead to a violent presumption to the contrary. For there is no worse augury in Intellectual matters than that derived from Unanimity, with the exception of Divinity and Politics, where suffrages are allowed to decide. For nothing pleases the multitude, unless it strike the imagination or bind down the Understanding, as we have observed above, with the shackles of vulgar notions. Hence we may well transfer Phocion's remark from Morals to the Intellect: That men should immediately examine what error or fault they have committed,

when the multitude concurs with and applauds them. This then is one of the most unfavourable Signs. All the Signs, therefore, of the truth and soundness of the received systems of Philosophy and the Sciences are unpropitious, whether taken from their Origin, their Fruits, their Progress, the Confessions of their Authors, or from Unanimity.

lxxviii. We now come to the Causes of Errors,1 and of such perseverance in them for ages. These are sufficiently numerous and powerful to remove all wonder that what we now offer should have so long been concealed from and have escaped the notice of mankind, and to render it more worthy of astonishment, that it should even now have entered any one's mind or become the subject of his thoughts; and that it should have done so, we consider rather the gift of Fortune than of any extraordinary Talent, and as the offspring of Time rather than Wit. But, in the first place, the number of ages is reduced to very narrow limits on a proper consideration of the matter. For out of twenty-five Centuries, with which the memory and learning of man are conversant scarcely six can be set apart and selected as fertile in Science and favourable to its progress. For there are deserts and wastes in Times as in Countries, and we can only reckon up three revolutions and epochs of Philosophy. 1. The Greek. 2. The Roman. 3. Our own, that is the philosophy of the Western nations of Europe: and scarcely two Centuries can with justice be assigned to each. The intermediate Ages of the world were unfortunate both in the quantity and richness of the Sciences produced. Nor need we mention the Arabs or the Scholastic Philosophy which, in those ages, ground down the Sciences by their numerous treatises more than they increased their weight. The first Cause then of such insignificant progress in the Sciences is rightly referred to the small proportion of Time which has been favourable thereto.

See end of Aph. Ixi. This subject extends to Aph. xc.


lxxix. A second Cause offers itself, which is certainly of the greatest importance; namely, that in those very ages in which men's wit and literature flourished considerably, or even moderately, but a small part of their industry was bestowed on Natural Philosophy, the great mother of the Sciences. For every Art and Science torn from this root may, perhaps, be polished and put into a serviceable shape, but can admit of little growth. It is well known, that after the Christian religion had been acknowledged and arrived at maturity, by far the best wits were busied upon Theology, where the highest rewards offered themselves, and every species of assistance was abundantly supplied, and the study of which was the principal occupation of the Western European nations during the third epoch; the rather because literature flourished about the very time when controversies concerning Religion first began to bud forth. In the preceding ages, during the second epoch (that of the Romans) Philosophical meditation and labour were chiefly occupied and wasted in Moral Philosophy (the Theology of the Heathens): besides the greatest minds in these times applied themselves to Civil affairs, on account of the magnitude of the Roman Empire, which required the labour of many. 3. The age during which Natural Philosophy appeared principally to flourish among the Greeks was but a short period, since in the more ancient Times the seven Sages (with the exception of Thales) applied themselves to Moral Philosophy and Politics, and at a later period after Socrates had brought down Philosophy from heaven to earth, Moral Philosophy became more prevalent, and diverted men's attention from Natural. Nay, the very period during which physical inquiries flourished, was corrupted and rendered useless by contradictions and the ambition of new opinions. Since, therefore, during these three epochs, Natural Philosophy has been materially neglected or impeded, it is not at all surprising that men

should have made but little progress in it, seeing they were attending to an entirely different matter.

lxxx. Add to this that Natural Philosophy, especially of late, has seldom gained exclusive possession of an individual free from all other pursuits, even amongst those who have applied themselves to it, unless there may be an example or two of some Monk studying in his cell, or some Nobleman in his villa. She has rather been made a passage and bridge to other pursuits.

Thus has this great Mother of the Sciences been degraded most unworthily to the situation of an Handmaid, and made to wait upon Medicine or Mathematical operations, and to wash the immature minds of youth, and imbue them with a first dye, that they may afterwards be more ready to receive and retain another. In the mean time let no one expect any great progress in the Sciences (especially their Operative part), unless Natural Philosophy be applied to particular Sciences, and particular sciences again referred back to Natural Philosophy. For want of this, Astronomy, Optics, Music, many Mechanical Arts, Medicine itself, and (what perhaps is more wonderful) Moral and Political Philosophy, and the Logical Sciences have no depth, but only glide over the surface and variety of things; because these Sciences, when they have been once partitioned out and established, are no longer nourished by Natural Philosophy, which would have imparted fresh vigour and growth to them from the sources and genuine contemplation of Motion, Rays, Sounds, Texture, and Conformation of Bodies, and the Affections and capacity of the Understanding. But we can little wonder that the Sciences grow not when separated from their roots.

lxxxi. There is another powerful and great cause of the little advancement of the Sciences, which is this; it is impossible to advance properly in the course when the Goal is not properly fixed. But the real and legitimate Goal of the

Sciences is the endowment of human life with new Inventions and riches. The great crowd of teachers know nothing of this, but consist of dictatorial hirelings; unless it so happen ✔ that some artisan of an acute genius and ambitious of fame gives up his time to a new Discovery, which is generally attended with a loss of property. The majority, so far from proposing to themselves the augmentation of the Mass of Arts and Sciences, make no other use of an inquiry into the Mass already before them, than is afforded by the conversion of it to some use in their lectures, or to gain, or to the acquirement of a name and the like. But if one out of the multitude be found, who courts Science from real zeal and on its own account, even he will be seen rather to follow contemplation and the variety of theories than a severe and strict investigation of truth. Again, if there even be an unusually strict investigator of truth, yet will he propose to himself as the test of truth the satisfaction of his Mind and Understanding as to the causes of things long since known, and not such a test as to lead to some new earnest. of effects, and a new light in Axioms. If therefore no one have laid down the real end of Science, we cannot wonder that there should be error in points subordinate to that end.


lxxxii. But in like manner as the end and Goal of Science is ill defined, so even were the case otherwise men have chosen an erroneous and impassable direction. it is sufficient to astonish any reflecting mind, that nobody should have cared or wished to open and complete a way for the Understanding, setting off from the senses, and regular well conducted experiment; but that every thing has been abandoned either to the mists of tradition, the whirl and confusion of argument, or the waves and mazes of chance, and desultory ill-combined experiment. Now let any one but consider soberly and diligently the nature of the path men have been accustomed to pursue in the investigation

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