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Hippuric acid (Gr. hippus, a horse, and Lat.
urina, urine). properties of, 75.
Hog, its larynx and voice, 203.
Horny matter, varieties of, 74.
Horse, its laryngeal organs, 202, 203.
Hydra virolis (Gr. hydor, water, and Lat.
viridis, green), locomotion of the, 131.
Hydrogen gas (Gr. hydor, water, and Lat.
gennao, to generate), experiment of burn.
ing with oxygen gas, 33; properties of, 69.
Hypotenuse (Gr hypo, under, and teino, to
subtend an angle), mathematical proper-
ties of the, 16.


Icosandrous plants (Gr. eikosi, twenty, and
aner, a man), their edible properties, 41.
Incubation (Lat. incubo, to sit upon), pro-
gress of, in the egg, 124-126.
Induction, abuse of the term, 47.
Industrial education, importance of, 48.
Inert matter distinguished from organic, 58.
Infero-branchiata (Lat. inferus, beneath, and
branchia, the gills), respiration in the, 117.
Infusoria (Lat. infusus, infused), microsco-
pic animalcula, 131.
Inquiry, natural to man, 927.
Insects, circulation of the blood in, 103; res
piration in, 117; locomotion of, 133; their
action in leaping, 142; smell of, 144; eyes
of, 147; their sense of hearing, 152; their

[ocr errors]


sense of touch, 156; antennæ of, 156; on
the buzzing produced by, 216-218.
Instinct, powers of, 163, 164.

Iodine (Gr. iodes, resembling a violet), ele-
ments of, 70.

Iron, its important offices in organic nature,



Jackdaw, voice of the, 214.
Jay, voice of the, 214.


Kangaroo, its action in leaping, 141; its
larynx and voice, 204.

Kestrel, voice of the, 213.

Kidneys, structure and functions of the, 119,

Knowledge, on the nature and uses of the
great departments of, 13; first rudiments
of, 14; prominent groups of, 15; arrange-
ment of, 43; uses of, 43; not to be sought
in speculation. 227.
Kreatine (Gr. kreas, flesh), elements and
properties of, 75.


Lacteal vessels (Lat. milk), functions of the,
62. 106.

Languages, origin and progress of, 194, 195.
Lark, song of the, 211.
Larynx (Gr. larynx, a whistle), anatomical
structure of the, 173, 174; basement ring
of the, 175, 176; chink of the. 178; muscles
of the, 179; different theories respecting
the, 182, 183; experiments on the, 183,
184. 185; of the ruminants and pachyder-
mata, 202; of birds, 205 et seq.
Leaping of different animals, 141, 142.
Leech, locomotion of the, 133.

Life, the physical and chemical changes
which accompany, 59.

Lignine (Lat. lignum, wood), properties of,


Linnet, song of the, 213.

Lion, larynx and voice of the, 204.
Liquor sanguinis (Lat. the sanguiferous
fluid), 86.

Liver, on the structure and functions of the,

111, 112.

Lizards, locomotion of, 137; larynx and
voice of, 215.

Lobster, its shell a skeleton, 80; circulation
of blood in the, 102; locomotion of the,
134, its sense of smell, 144.
Locomotion of different animals, 130 et seq.
Logarithms (Gr. logos and arithmos, a dis-
course on numbers), great utility of, 21.
Lunes (Lat. luna, the crescent moon), of
Hippocrates, 19.

Lungs, mechanism of the, 96; structure and
functions of the, 113.

Lymph (Lat. lympha, pure water). its pro-
perty and uses, 94; probable origin of the,



Magnetism (Gr. magnes, a magnet), science
of, 32; properties of. 72.
Magnitude, mathematical illustrations of, 18.

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Magnitudes, curvilinear, measurement of by
rectilinear, 19.

Magpie, voice of the, 214.

Malpighian bodies of the kidney, 119.
Mammalia, Mammals, or Mammiferous ani-
mals (Lat. mamma, a teat), locomotion of,
138: the kidneys in. 119; smell in, 144;
auditory apparatus of the, 154; sense of
touch in, 158; their voices, 201.
Man, digestive apparatus of, 61; principal
organs of circulation in, 96; air tubes and
lungs of, 114; the kidneys in, 120; his ac-
tion in leaping, 140; his organs of voice
and speech, 173, his organs of smell, 145;
inquiry natural to, 227.
Manganese, where found, 73; its existence
in the crust of the earth. 129.
Mathematics (Gr. mathema, learning), de.
monstrative principles of, 15: objects of,
18: truths of, self-evident, 21; laws of,
different from physical laws, 26; its truths
intuitive, 18, 50; demonstrations of, ne-
cessary truths, 55.

Measurement of inaccessible heights, 24.
Medicine (Lat. medico, to heal), physiology
the handmaid of, 224; and the truest guide

in, 225.

Meduse, their locomotive organs, 131.
Membranes, animal, produce sounds even
when relaxed, 187.

Membranous tongues, vibrating, 172, 173.
Mind and matter, sensation the link be
tween, 160.

Mineral nature, relation of organic nature
to, 129, 130.

Minerals, phosphorus derived from, 70; po-

tassium derived from, 72.

Mineralogy, vast importance of a correct
knowledge of, 37.

Molluscs (Lat. mollis. soft), circulation of the
blood in, 101; respiration in, 117,
Momentum and velocity. 30.

Monkeys, larynx and voice of the, 204, 205.
Motion, on the laws of, 25, 26.

Mucous membrane (Lat. mucosus, slimy), 85;
of a dog, magnified, 107.
Mule, its larynx and voice, 203.
Muscle (Gr. myon, a muscle). on the contrac-
tion of the fibres of, 77; effects of contrac-
tion, 79; two kinds of muscular tissue, 77;
tonicity of the muscular fibre. 79; muscu-
lar texture constitutes a large portion of
the animal frame, 80.

Music, instruments of, and their vibrations,
186; musical notes, or sounds, distinct
from noise, 170-172; adaptation of the
voice to, 191, 192.

Mycetes (Gr. mukao, to howl), larynx and
voice of the, 205.

Myriopěda (Gr. myrios, a myriad), and podes,
feet), respiration in the, 119.

[blocks in formation]

and Lat. longis rostris, with long beaks),
sucking tribe of the. 155.

Nerves, structure of the, 82.
Nervous texture of the animal system, 76;
two forms of, vesicular and fibrous, 77.
Neurilemma (Gr. neuron, a nerve, and lem-
ma, a coat), 82.

Nightingale, song of the, 212.
Nitrogen (Gr. nitron, nitre, and Lat. gennao,
to generate), properties of, 69.
Non-vegetative functions, not essential to
life. 64.

Nudibranchiava (Lat. nudus, naked, and
branchia, gills), respiration in, 117.
Number, properties of, intuitive, 21.
Nuthatch, voice of the, 215.


Observation, fallacious without knowledge,


Oil, a constituent of organic bodies, 75.
Opinions, profession of, 51 et seq.
Opossum, its larynx and voice, 204.
Oral canal (Lat. oris, of the mouth), situa-
tion of the, 181.
Organic bodies (Gr. organon, an instrument
by which some process is carried on), gene-
ral functions of, 65; elements of, 66 et seq.,
ultimate elements of the first order, 67; of
the second order, 70; proximate elements
of, 73; the non-azotized proximate ele-
ments of, 75; the chief component tex-
tures of. 76.

Organic life, leading objects connected with,
128; its relation to mineral nature, 129.

Organic matter distinguished from inert, 58;
transition of inert matter into organic,

Organic nature, disquisition on, 57 et seq.
Organs, assimilative, 63.

Ourang-outang, larynx and voice of the, 205.
Owl, its eye-balls, 150; its ears, 153; voice
of the, 213.

Ox. voice of the, 202; red corpuscles of its
blood, 90.

Oxygen (Gr. oxus, acid, and gennao, to gener-
ate), properties of, 67; physical history of
an atom of, 129, 130.

Oxygen gas, its transinutations, 130.
Oyster, its locomotive powers, 142.


Pachydermǎta (Gr. pachus, thick, and der-
mata, skins), voices of the, 202.
Pancreatic liquor (Gr. pan and chreas, all
flesh). properties of the, 111.

Parr, the, identical with the fry of salmon,


Parrot tribe, voice of the, 214.

Pathology (Gr. pathos and logos, a discourse
on disease), physiology the hand-maid of,

Pectinibranchiata (Lat. pecten, a comb, and
branchia, gills), respiration in, 117.
Penguin, locomotion of the, 138.
Pericardium (Gr. peri, around, and cardia,
the heart), the serous membrane of the
heart, 86.

Peritoneum (Gr. peri, around, and teino, to
stretch), the serous membrane of the abdo-
men, 86.


Thosphates (Gr. phos, light), constituents
and properties of, 71.

Phosphors (Gr. phos. light, and fero, to
bear), properties of, 70; derived from mi-
nerals, 70.

Physics (Gr. physis, nature), various depart-
ments of, 31.
Physiology (Gr. physis, nature, and logos, a
discourse), general laws of, 34; important
objects of, 35; on the order in, 57; of ani-
mal and vegeteble life, 57 et seq. (see pas-
sim); its general application to the chief
purposes of life, 218 et seq.; the hand-maid
of medicine, 224; and its truest guide, 224 ;
design manifested in, 224, 228; a hymn in
praise to God, 228.

Pigeon, red corpuscles of its blood, 90.
Planets, attraction between them and the
sun, 29; cause of the curvilinear path of
the, 53.

Plants, an agreement existing between them
and animals, 58; distinguished from ani.
mals, 58, 59; sap of, 121; food of, 122.
Pleura (Gr. pleuron, a rib), the serous mem.
brane of the chest, 86.

Podūra (Gr. podes, feet, and oura, a tail), its

action in leaping, 142.

Polygon (Gr. polu, many, and gonia, an an-
gle), illustrations of the, 19.

Popular errors, 45.

Porpoise, laryngeal organs of the, 201.
Potassium (from pot and ashes), elements
and properties of, 72.
Poulp, eyes of the, 146.

Principles, profession of, 51 et seq.

Proportion, the great instrument of abstract
science, 22.

Proteine (Gr. protos, first), different forms of,

Psychology (Gr. psyche and logos, a discourse
on mentality, or the soul), essential to
precision of language, 36.

Pulmonary arachnideans (Lat. pulmo, the
lungs, and Gr. arachne, a spider), respira.

tion in, 118.

Pyramids of Egypt, first measured by Thales,


Quadrumana (Lat. quatuor, four, and mana,
hands), larynx and voices of the, 204.
Quadrupeds (Lat. quatuor, four, and pedes.
feet), locomotion of, 140; acute smell in,


Raven, voice of the, 213.

Reason, a collective power, 161.
Red corpuscles of the blood in man and dif-
ferent animals, 86, 88, 89-91.
Reproduction, functions of, 64; process of,
analogous in animals and vegetables, 123;
in the animal kingdom, 127.
Reptila, or Reptiles (Lat. reptilis, creeping
along), circulation of the blood in. 98; res.
piration in. 116; locomotion of, 136, 137;
smell in, 144; eyes of, 149; their sense of
hearing. 153; their sense of touch, 157;
larynx and voice of the, 215.
Respiration (Lat. respiratio, continuous
breathing), organs of, 113; mechanism of,


114; in birds and different animals, 115,

Rhinoceros, its larynx and voice, 202, 203.
Rook, voice of the, 214.

Ruminants (Lat. rumino, to chew the cud),
voices of, 202.


Salmon, the fry of, and the Parr, identical,
Salts of the blood, 93.


Sanitary legislation (Lat. sanitas, health),
necessity for, 223.
Sap of vegetables, 121.

Sarcolemma (Gr. sarx, flesh, and lemma, a
coat), 77.

Schwann, white substance of, 81.
Science (Lat. scientia, the knowledge of
things), on the general principles of, 13;
systems of knowledge founded on, 14; va-
lue of the term, 15.

Science, abstract, proportion the great in.
strument of, 22.

Seeds, germination of, 128.

Sensation, physiology of, 159; the link be

tween mind and matter, 160.
Senses, fallacy of the, 49, 50.
Senses of animals, 143 et seq.; smell, 143;
sight, 145; hearing, 151; their taste, 154;
their touch, 155.

Serous membranes (Lat. serum, whey), the
inner membranes of the body, 85.
Serpents (Lat. serpens, creeping), distinction
between the venomous and the harmless,
39, 40; respiration in, 119; locomotion of,
136, 137; vertebræ of, 136; ribs of, 137;
their sense of hearing, 153; larynx and
voice of, 215.

Sheep, voice of the, 202.
Shrew, ear of the, 154.

Sight, sense of, in various animals, 145.

Silicon (Lat. silez, flint), properties of, 71.
Singing, produced by successive notes of the

voice. 189; compass of the voice in, 189,
190; causes of failure in, 193, of birds, 209
et seq.

Skylark, song of the, 211.

Smell, sense of. in various animals, 143–145.
Sodium (Ger. soda, glass-wort), elements and
Soil, on the continual renewal of, 221.
properties of, 72.
Sound, sources of, 168; not merely a vibra.

tion of air, 168: velocity of, 169; a musi-
cal one distinct from a noise, 170-172.
Sounds, representation of, by symbols, 195;
conversion of voice into, 195, 196; of con-
sonants, 197,

Speech, one of the principal foundations of
man's progress, 167; organs of, 173, 197;
the potentiality of man's intelligence, 194;
historical progress of, 194, 195.

Species, on the indefinite continuance of,


Spiders, circulation of the blood in, 102; 10-
comotion of, 133.
Stammering, causes of, 199; remedy, 199,


Starch, its general prevalence and use, 76.
Statistics, an important branch of know-

ledge, 36; fallacies of the age connected
with. 46.

Stomach (Gr. stomachos, the belly), digestive

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apparatus of the, 61; changes effected by
the gastric juices in the, 110.
Sulphur, elements and properties of, 70.
Supreme Intelligence, on the belief of a, 52.
Surinam sprat, singularity of its eye-ball, 149.
Symbols, sounds represented by, 195.
Synovial membrane and joint (Gr. sun,
with, and oon, an egg), 86.


Taste, sense of, in various animals, 154; the
immediate instruments of, 155.
Tectibranchiata (Lat. tectus, covered, and
branchie, gills), respiration in the, 117.
Teleology (Gr. telos and logos, a discourse on
final causes), true grounds of, 56.
Textures in the animal kingdom-the mus-
cular, nervous, and filamentous, 76.
Thales first measures the great pyramid of
Egypt, 22.

Thoracic duct (Gr. thorax, the breast), 62;
course and termination of the, 62.
Thought, a vague term, 165; controlled by
education, 166,

Thrush, song of the, 211.

Tiger, larynx and voice of the, 204.

Todd, Dr., his opinion on the alimentary
functions, 107, 108.

Tonicity (Gr. tonos, tone), a property of the
muscular fibre. 79.

Touch, sense of, in various animals, 155.
Trachea (Gr. trachus, rough), the wind-pipe,

Trachearean arachnideans (Gr. trachea, the
wind-pipe, and arachne, a spider), respira-
tion in, 118.

Triangle, right-angled (Lat. tria angula,
three angles), properties of the 16.
Triangles, equivalence of, 18.
Trigonometry (Gr. tria, three, gonia, an an.
gle, and metron, a measure), rules of ap.
plied to the measurement of heights, 24.
Truths, which are self-evident, 55.
Tunica vaginalis (Lat. tunica, a tunic, and
vagina, a sheath), the serous membrane
of the testicle 86.


Urea (Lat. urina, urine), elements and pro.
perties of, 75, 120.

Uric acid, elements and properties of, 75, 120.
Urinary secretion, 120.

Urine (Lat. urina), constituents and proper-
perties of, 120, 121.


Vegetable kingdom, on reproduction in the,
127; germination in the, 128; chemical
changes in the, 130.

Vegetable life, on the physiology of, 57 et

Vegetables, sap of, 121; food of, 122.
Vegetative functions, 61; digestion, secre-
tion, and excretion, 64; table of, 65.
Venous blood, renovation of the, 108, 109.
Ventriloquism (Lat. menter, the belly, and
loquor, to speak), faculty of, 198, 199.
Vesicles, fat, assuming the polyhedral form,


Vesicular nervous matter (Lat. vesica, the
bladder), 80-82.

Vili (Lat. villus, a hair), the processes so
called, 107.

Vital functions, three so called, 64.
Voice, physiology of the, 167; sharper in the
open air, 169; organs of the, in man. 173;
dissertation on the, 181 et seq.; different
theories on the, 182; compared with the
pipe of an organ. 183; received theory of
the, 183; objections to the true theory of
the, 186; the organs of, combine the pro-
perties of various instruments, 189: com-
pass of the, 189; difference between the
male and female, 190: nasal intonation of
the, 192; its strength depends on the vo-
cal cords. 192, 193; causes of failure in the
perfectness of the notes of the, 193; con-
verted into vowel sounds, 196; compará-
tive physiology of, 200; of mammals, 201;
of various animals, 202 et seq; of rumi-
nants and pachydermata, 202; of birds,
206 et seq.

Vowel sounds conversion of voice into, 196.


Whale, tail of the, 139: its eye, 151.
Whistling, causes of, 193.
Wind-pipe, anatomical structure of the, 173
et seq.; of the ruminants and pachyder-
mata, 202; of birds, 206 et seq.
Woodlark, song of the, 211;
Woodpecker, voice of the, 214.
Wryneck, voice of the, 215.


Zoology (Gr. zoos and logos, a discourse on
animals), utility of the knowledge of, 38-


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