
Mr. Smith: I move that it be held up for further consideration.

Motion was seconded and carried.

The President: The next order of business is the election of officers. I will hear nominations for President.

Mr. Frazier: I have been requested to place in nomination a gentleman from Memphis, formerly living in East Tennessee, an active young man, I believe a man who would make a successful President. I place before the association the name of Milton Anderson.

Mr. Metcalf: Mr. Chairman, I didn't know there would be -I hadn't heard of the nomination that has been made by Mr. Frazier, but I desire to nominate a man whom I think will have the cordial and enthusiastic support of Middle Tennessee, East Tennessee and West Tennessee. He is a gentleman who has for years and years been a member of the association, not simply a member, but an active, earnest and efficient member, constantly in attendance, congenial and companionable, and who is known I believe for his ability throughout the State, and I am sure you will all agree with me when I pronounce his name, and that is, Mr. Chas. N. Burch. West Tennessee has the pleasure of putting in nomination the name of Mr. Burch.

Mr. Swaney: In behalf of East Tennessee, the Chattanooga Bar, and for myself individually, I desire to second the nomination of Mr. Chas. N. Burch for President of this association.

Mr. Maddin: On behalf of the Bar of Middle Tennessee, I rise to second the nomination of Mr. Burch.

Mr. Fisher: On behalf of the lawyers from West Tennessee at this Bar Association, I want to second the nomination of Mr. Burch.

Mr. Tatum: I rise to second the nomination of Mr. Milton Anderson of Memphis. Mr. Anderson was born and raised in the Middle Division of Tennessee and practiced law in East Tennessee, but has since removed to Memphis, where he is now. I have nothing in the world to say against Mr. Burch, or any other gentleman, but I say what all men know to be true who know Mr. Anderson, when I say, that there are few young men in Tennessee who have come as rapidly to the front as has Mr. Anderson.

The President: Are there any other nominations? The candidates are Milton J. Anderson of Memphis, and Chas. N. Burch. We will vote by ballot.

Ballots are taken up.

The President: I will appoint as committee Judge Allison and Judge St. John to count this ballot.

Ballots are counted.

Judge Allison: Twenty-three for Mr. Burch and twenty-one for Mr. Anderson.

The President: The chair declares Chas. N. Burch as President of the Association.

It was then moved and seconded by Mr. Milton J. Anderson that Mr. Burch's election be made unanimous. Motion was carried.

The President: Mr. Burch will now take the chair.

The President: I congratulate you upon the honor the association has conferred upon you, and I will say, this honor I have appreciated more than any I have ever had, and although I am now just a member, I desire to say that I will help you to promote the association in any way that I can.

Mr. Burch: Gentlemen, I want first to tell you I am most kindly appreciative of this honor, which you have conferred upon me. My opponent and I did not know we would be opponents until the matter came up a few moments ago. We have been friends many years, and will continue to be as we have always been.

Mr. Anderson: I certainly agree with what Mr. Burch says. The President: Nominations are now in order for VicePresident for each division of the State.

Mr. Miner: For West Tennessee, I nominate Judge Allen Hughes.

Mr. Burrows: I nominate Judge C. J. St. John for East Tennessee.

Mr. Maddin: I nominate Judge Ewin L. Davis for Middle Tennessee.

Nominations are then closed and nominees were elected, unanimously.

The President:

Nominations are now in order for Secretary

and Treasurer.

Mr. Foster V. Brown: I nominate Mr. Smith, the present Secretary and Treasurer.

Motion is seconded.

Mr. Smith: I very much appreciate the compliment the gentlemen have paid me, but I have decided not to accept the Secretaryship of the association for another year, and I would thank you gentlemen if you will withdraw my name and nominate some other man. I will say in this connection that I am deeply sensible of the honor conferred upon me for the last eight years. I have enjoyed the work, but the work has grown to that importance that I really think I have not the time to devote to it. Judge Allison: There is only one nomination.

The President: All in favor of the election of Mr. Smith will say Aye.

Motion carried unanimously.

The President: Nominations are now in order for three delegates to the American Bar Association. In making those nominations I suggest that three gentlemen be nominated, who are not already members of the American Bar Association.

Mr. Swaney: I move that the President be authorized to appoint those three delegates, including three alternates.

Motion is seconded and carried.

The President: I will appoint as delegates: Mr. D. C. Webb, of Knoxville; Mr. Norman Farrell, of Nashville; and Mr. Silas McBee, of Memphis.

Judge Davis: Before concluding our business, I think it would be in order, and I wish to move that this association extend their thanks and express their appreciation to the retiring officials of this association and to the members of the Chattanooga Bar and to the local committees, and also to the local ladies, who have entertained the visiting ladies, and all others who have in any wise extended courtesies adding to the pleasure of this occasion, and that we extend to them our thanks, and express our appreciation.

Motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

Thereupon the further proceedings of the association were adjourned.


The following social events and entertainments were provided for the meeting by the Chattanooga Bar and its Ladies' Committee:

Thursday Afternoon-3:30 o'clock.

Automobile trip for visiting ladies to Chickamauga Park and Army Post. Tea at Hitching Post. (Visiting ladies left Signal Mountain Inn at 3:30 P. M. by trolley cars and met local committees of ladies at James Building in city).

Thursday Evening-9:00 o'clock.

Ball at Signal Mountain Inn.

Friday Afternoon-1:30 o'clock.

Luncheon for visiting ladies at Chattanooga Golf and Country Club.

Friday Evening-9:00 o'clock.

Cabaret supper and smoker at Casino, Signal Mountain Inn. Ladies present.




The objects of the Association are to foster legal science, maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of law, to cultivate professional ethics and social intercourse among its members, and to promote improvements in the law and the modes of its administration.



All nominations for membership shall be made by the Local Council of a county or Bar Association when such Local Council or Bar Association exists; when there is no such Local Council or Bar Association in any county, nominations for such county shall be made by the Central Council. All nominations thus made or approved shall be reported by the council to the Association, and all whose names are reported thereupon become members of the Association; provided, that if any member demands a vote upon any name thus reported the Association shall thereupon vote thereon by ballot. Five negative votes shall be sufficient to defeat any election for membership. But interim, the Central Council, upon recommendation of any Local Council, shall have the power to elect applicants to membership.



Any person shall be eligible to membership in this Association who shall be a member of the bar of this State, in good standing, and who shall also be nominated as herein provided.



The officers of this Association shall consist of one President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, a Central Council, who shall be the Board of Directors, under the charter, to be chosen by this Association. One of the members of the

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