
written by Judge J. F. Dillon, entitled 'Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America.' The legal status of these Inns of Court is unique. Judge Dillon says:


'The adjudged cases establish the following points: These Inns are voluntary societies, and not corporations; they have no charters, either from the Crown or Parliament. They are self-governed. The court cannot interfere with the internal management of their affairs. In respect of their acts, or orders, affecting members, they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Westminster Hall proceeding according to the common law. They cannot be compelled, by mandamus or otherwise, to admit persons to become students, or members of the society, with the view of being called to the bar. rests alone with the society.


"The most important faculty which the Inns exercise is the exclusive power, as legal colleges, to confer the degree of barrister-at-law, or counsellor, which is an indispensable qualification to practice in the courts of common law. A barrister can be created in no other way than by a call by one of the four Inns of Court. He cannot be created by letters patent, or be admitted, as with us, by the authority of the court. The Inns of Court being independent of royal, or executive power, no person called to the bar is indebted for the station to any authority except the governing board of the Inn of Court to which he belongs. To this cause has been attributed, in part, the spirit of independence, which, in the history of constitutional liberty, has been so often displayed by the Inns of Court, and which has at all times characterized the members of the bar in asserting legal rights committed to their advocacy or defense. "Rare Ben Johnson," who, it is said, assisted his stepfather, a bricklayer, in erecting, in the reign of Elizabeth, a wall for Lincoln's Inn, dedicated a play "to the noblest nurseries of humanity and liberty, the Inns of Court."

"A person who contemplates a call to the bar is required to be admitted as a student, that is, to become a member of one of the four Inns, which any person of respectable character and educational attainments has no difficulty in doing; to dine in the common hall of the Inn a few days in the course of every term, that he may be seen and known, and if unfit, the more readily detected before his final application to be called to the

bar; to keep in this manner, ordinarily, twelve terms, and in addition, under more recent regulations before mentioned, to attend the lectures of the readers, or professors, in the Inn; and satisfactorily to pass a public examination for the purpose of ascertaining his fitness to be called to the bar. Having complied with these conditions, the student, or member, is eligible to be called, and, unless some good reason appears, is called to the bar.'"

I am sending you under separate cover a pamphlet prepared by me a year or two ago, entitled "How to Study Law."

With many thanks for your courtesies, I am,
Your very truly,


The question is for the adoption of the committee's report.

The motion for the adoption of the report having been made and seconded, it was adopted by unanimous vote.

THE PRESIDENT: Is there any further business?

MR. G. T. FITZHUGH: resolution:

Mr. Chairman, I offer this

RESOLVED, That the thanks of this association be, and they are hereby very cordially extended to the Honorable W. C. Fitts, for his masterly and illuminating address on the world problems which are pressing for just solution; and that, as a further mark of appreciation, that he be elected an honorary member of this association.

The resolution was duly seconded and carried by unanimous vote.

THE PRESIDENT: Unless there is some further business, the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock.

A motion was made and duly seconded for an adjournment, and the meeting was accordingly adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M., October 1, 1919.




The Bar Association will be in

Is Mr. S. B. Smith, the chairman of the committee on Workmen's Compensation, in the hall?

JUDGE R. M. BARTON: Mr. President, I hardly think he is here. I have not seen him.

THE PRESIDENT: Is Judge James H. Malone in the room? Or Mr. Gates? Mr. Gates, you are on that committee.

MR. ELIAS GATES: Mr. President, there is no written report on behalf of that committee, but I wish to state that the last legislature finally passed a Workmen's Compensation Act. The committee contributed something towards this act, and made such efforts as they could towards its passage. Just how successful the act will be, will only be determined when it is put into operation, and it is tested in the courts. But, at last, Tennessee is lined up with the great majority of the states that have Workmen's Compensation acts.

THE PRESIDENT: The chair can really see no reason for action on the report of that committee-a comprehensive Workmen's Compensation Act, whose value is to be tested, was adopted at the recent session of the Legislature, and is now being for the first time tried. JUDGE L. B. MCFARLAND: Mr. President, shall we approve of the act of the Legislature?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, it might be done by the way of novelty, Judge McFarland. It might be valuable as a novelty. So unless some member has some suggestion to make that report will be received without action on the part of the association.

MR. D. W. DeHAVEN: Mr. President, may I inquire if that was a special committee?


MR. D. W. DeHAVEN: Ordinarily, I think the committee would be discharged, but wouldn't it be a good idea to continue that committee, with a view of studying this act, and making suggestions for its improvement at the next legislature? They have already gone into the question and are well qualified to study the proposition. It seems to me that to discharge that

committee would be inadvisable.

THE PRESIDENT: The chair would like to make this suggestion, in response to Mr. DeHaven's remarks as to the continuation by the association of this committtee on Workmen's Compensation, that the chair would deprecate the appointment of a committee which would continue under the new president. The chair suggests to the association that it is of the greatest importance that the chairman and the committee should be in thorough touch with the then president. The chair makes that suggestion but leaves it to the association, the suggestion coming from the experience which the chairman has had in the last year. The chair would now entertain any motion on the subject. Do you care to put it in the form of a motion?

MR. D. W. HeHAVEN: I appreciate the president's remarks on that subject, and will not move for a continuation of the committee. I hope though that the new president will re-appoint this committee.

THE PRESIDENT: Do you make a motion that the committee be continued on that subject? Is that your


Mr. D. W. DeHAVEN: mittee:


Without naming a com

Do you make such a motion?

MR. D. W. DeHAVEN: Yes, sir.

Does the chair hear a second?

MR. W. H. BIGGS: I second the motion, Mr. Chair


THE PRESIDENT: It has been moved and seconded that a special committee with reference to Workmen's Compensation should be continued, whose purpose and function should be to study the existing act, and suggest needed improvements, if any. Is there any discussion of the motion? Does any member of the association care to discuss the motion? The chair hears no discussion. Are you ready for the question? The question then recurs, on Mr. DeHaven's motion that a special committe eon Workmen's Compensation, will be continued, the personnel to be at the discretion of the newly elected president of the association, and that its functions and purposes shall be to study the existing act, and recommend improvements or changes, if any are to be made

in it. All in favor of the motion will let it be known

by saying aye.

The motion was unanimously carried.


be so ordered.

The motion prevails, and it will

JUDGE R. M. BARTON: Mr. President, we have with us today two gentlemen from sister states who are lawyers, Mr. Roney, from the state of Ohio, and Mr. Westbrook, from the state of Arkansas, whom I wish to introduce to the Association, and move that they be granted the privileges of the floor.

THE PRESIDENT: The chair is delighted to receive both of these gentlemen. The chair has the pleasure of knowing Mr. Westbrook very well and hopes to become better acquainted with our brother from Ohio. I will put that to a motion, though it is unnecessary. Does the chair hear a second to this motion?

The motion was duly seconded and carried by unanimous vote.


The motion is carried and we will be glad to have the gentlemen take part in our proceedings.

Is Judge Fentress in the room?


THE PRESIDENT: Are you ready to report for your committee on constitutional admendments?

JUDGE FENTRESS: Yes, sir. That is to say, Mr. President, that a great many members of this committee are not present, but those who are accessible have been consulted and have concurred in the report which I will read at this time, if it is in order.

THE PRESIDENT: I will have you to read your report in one minute. Judge Farabough, will you get your committee and be ready to read the report of the committee on grievances?

JUDGE FARABOUGH: I have been unable to find a single member of the committee on grievances at this convention, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: There is a member in attendance. The secretary of the committee will confer with you, And I will get you to confer with Miss Miller.

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