



Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyo., April 1, 1899.

The following instructions for the information and guidance of parties traveling through the Yellowstone Park, having received the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, are published for the benefit of all concerned:

(1) Fires.-The greatest care must be exercised to insure the complete extinction of all camp fires before they are abandoned. All ashes and unburned bits of wood must, when practicable, be thoroughly soaked with water. When fires are built in the neighborhood of decayed logs, particular attention must be directed to the extinguishment of fires in the decaying mold. Such material frequently smolders for days and then breaks out into dangerous conflagration. Fire may also be extinguished where water is not available by a complete covering of earth well packed down.

(2) Camps.-No camp will be made at a less distance than 100 feet from any traveled road. Blankets, clothing, hammocks, or any other article liable to frighten teams must not be hung at a nearer distance than this to the road. The same rule applies to temporary stops, such as for feeding horses or for taking luncheon.

Camp grounds must be thoroughly cleaned before they are abandoned, and such articles as tin cans, bottles, cast-off clothing, and other débris must be either buried or taken to some place where they will not offend the sight.

(3) Bicycles. Many of the horses driven in the park are unused to bicycles and liable to be frightened by them. The greatest care must therefore be exercised by their riders. In meeting teams, riders will always dismount and stand at the side of the road-the lower side if the meeting be on a grade. In passing teams from the rear, riders will ring their bell as a warning, and inquire of the driver if they may pass. If it appear from the answer that the team is liable to be frightened, they may ask the driver to halt his team and allow them to dismount and walk past.

Riders of bicycles are responsible for all damages caused by failure to properly

observe these instructions.

(4) Fishing.-All fish less than 6 inches in length should at once be returned to the water with the least damage possible to the fish. No fish should be caught in excess of the number needed for food.

(5) Dogs. When dogs are taken through the park they must be prevented from chasing the animals and birds or annoying passers-by. To this end they must be carried in the wagons or led behind them while traveling, and kept within the limits of the camps when halted. Any dog found at large in disregard of this section will be killed.

(6) Grazing animals.-Only animals actually in use for purposes of transportation through the park can be grazed in the vicinity of the camps. They will not be allowed to run over any of the formations, nor near to any of the geysers or hot springs; neither will they be allowed to run loose in the roads.

(7) Miscellaneous.-The carving or writing of names or other things on any of the mileposts or signboards, or any of the seats, railings, or other structures, or on the trees, will not be permitted.

Persons are not allowed to bathe near any of the regularly traveled roads in the park without suitable bathing clothes.

(8) Willful disregard of these instructions will result in the ejection of the offending person or persons from the park.

OSCAR J. Brown,

Captain, First U. S. Cavalry, Acting Superintendent Yellowstone National Park.






Wawona, Cal., October 28, 1899.

SIR: In compliance with instructions from your office I have the honor to make the following report of operations in the Yosemite National Park for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899:

On the 26th of May, 1898, Mr. J. W. Zevely was appointed special inspector and acting superintendent of Yosemite National Park. Under his directions suitable notices were published in the newspapers of the surrounding counties, warning all persons against trespass; also, notices were posted in prominent places at the entrances to the park. During the time he was acting superintendent, namely, up to September 1, 1898, he states that he expelled from the park 189,550 head of sheep, 350 head of horses, 1,000 head of cattle, and captured 27 fire


On September 1, 1898, he was relieved as acting superintendent by Capt. Joseph E. Caine, Utah Volunteer Cavalry. Captain Caine reported forest fires numerous. The late arrival of his command left the park practically unguarded during the spring and summer months. He reports that the drought during the year forced many sheep and cattle men to seek grazing in the National Park; that there was work for an entire troop of cavalry, and that a squadron could be used to advantage; that he captured many herders and subdued many incipient forest fires; also, that the owners and lessees of patented lands within the park allowed their sheep and cattle to roam over the entire park. He scattered this stock, but as the law does not provide for any other punishment this was about all that could have been done. He reports the condition of the toll roads in the park as excellent. He recommends that the Tioga road be repaired, as it is now practically useless, repairs costing probably $15,000.

Captain Caine considers this the most important road in the park for a proper patrol of the same. He urges the necessity for a system of severe penalties for trespass by herders, hunters, and other violators of the rules of the park. He also recommends the purchase by the Government of all patented lands within the park limits. The final report of Captain Caine was dated January, 1899. From records in this office I find that the park was under the control of Lieut. W. H. McMasters, Twenty-fourth Regiment of Infantry, with a detachment

of 25 men of the Twenty-fourth Infantry, he being relieved June 21, 1899, by Lieut. William Forse, Third Artillery, with a similar detachment of that regiment. I am unable to find any records as to the operations of these troops outside of the monthly reports rendered to the Interior Department, but from the present condition of affairs I am convinced that the park was as well guarded and protected as possible considering the small number of men detailed for the purpose.

As requested by the Secretary of the Interior I have the honor to render the following report:

Under orders from the commanding general department of California I left the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., August 1, 1899, arriving at Wawona, Cal., August 4, 1899, and relieving Lieutenant Forse, Third Artillery, as acting superintendent. I had with me 50 men of my troop, and very soon discovered that I could actively and usefully employ the two officers and the remaining soldiers pertaining to my command. The balance of the troop was ordered to join August 22, 1899. I found the camp near Wawona in very bad condition for the comfort and health of soldiers. My first efforts were devoted to fixing up the camp. I purchased the necessary lumber for the construction of tent floors, which were constructed by my soldiers. After the camp had been placed in a proper condition I proceeded upon a system of patrols in all directions within the limits of the national park. One patrol, on returning to camp, was immediately succeeded by another over the same part of the country, to prevent the possibility of herders and hunters coming in on the heels of the troops. This system I continued and am continuing at the present writing. I have found evidences of sheep having been grazed, prior to my arrival, in the southeastern and northern parts of the park, also that cattle owned by the holders of patented lands have been allowed to stray to a limited extent; these I have scattered as far as possible and have directed their owners, in personal interviews, to comply with the law in this respect, as well as that of having their lands properly surveyed and monumented. The instructions have been complied with, and for the past two months I do not believe there has been any unlawful herding or trespassing within the limits of the park. The grass in all the meadow lands is high and affords good grazing. There has been no hunting in the park since my arrival. The deer are fairly plentiful and very tame, showing that they have not been fired upon recently. Frequent bear signs have been observed, quail and gray tree squirrels are numerous, and I have observed a number of tracks of the mountain lion and lynx. Trout are plentiful in the streams and lakes, being mostly of the rainbow variety. The protection of the game can only be accomplished by the presence of troops. I have deprived campers and would-be hunters of about 30 firearms since my arrival. As the game is a source of great pleasure to tourists, it can not be too carefully preserved.

As to repairs within the park limits I have the honor to renew the following recommendations:

1. Rebuilding bridge over Toulumne River, in Hetch Hetchy Valley. 2. Rebuilding bridge over Rancheria Creek, in Hetch Hetchy Valley. 3. Building bridge over Fall River, in Hetch Hetchy Valley.

4. Repairing about 100 yards of trail about bluff on north side of Toulumne River, in Hetch Hetchy Valley.

5. Building bridge over North Fork San Joaquin River.

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