

Carver, T. N. War Thrift.
tion of food and man power. Roxbury,
Mass.: The Author. Pp. 10.
Clement, Ina. Teaching Citizenship via
the Movies. A survey of civic motion
pictures and their availability for use
by municipalities. New York: Mu-
nicipal Reference Library. Pp. 19.

Cleveland Americanization Committee.
Report of Work. July, 1917-July,
1918. Cleveland: The Committee.
Pp. 10.

translation by Gladys G. Whiteside.
New York: Red Cross Institute for
Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 13.

Hoyt, Edith E. Parent-Teacher Asso-
ciations. Madison, Wis.: University
of Wisconsin. Pp. 27. $0.50.
Jackson, H. Ezekiel. A Community
Center. What it is and how to organ-
ize it. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Ptg.
Office. Pp. 52.

John Crerar Library. A List of Books,
Pamphlets, and Articles on Cremation.
Chicago: The Library. Pp. 52.
Johnston, F. E. A Bibliography of Social
Service. New York: Federal Council
of the Churches of Christ in America.

Pp. 40. $0.10.

Crafts, L. W. Bibliography of Feeble-
mindedness in Its Social Aspects.
Faribault, Minn.: School for the
Feeble-minded. Pp. 73.
Cram, R. A. Architecture in Its Rela-
tion to Civilization. Boston:
Jones Co. Pp. 30. $0.15.
Faries, J. Culbert. The Development in
England of a State System for the Care
of the Disabled Soldier. New York:
Red Cross Institute for Crippled and
Disabled Men. Pp. 18. Gratis.
Fukuya, S. M. An Experimental Study
of Attention from the Standpoint of
Mental Efficiency. Princeton, N.J.:
Psychological Review Co. Pp. 42.

Harper, Grace S. Vocational Re-educa-
tion for War Cripples in France. New
York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled
and Disabled Men. Pp. 97. Gratis.
Harris, Louis I., Dr. P. H., and Swartz,
Nelle. The Cost of Clean Clothes in
Terms of Health. A study of laundries
and laundry workers in New York City.
New York: The Author, Department
of Health. Pp. 96.

Harrison, Shelby M. What Is Being

Done to Promote the Principle of Uni-
versal Brotherhood in Communities.
New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
Department of Surveys and Exhibits.
Pp. 13. $0.10.

Hart, H. H. A Suggested Program for
the Executive State Council of Defense
of West Virginia. New York: Russell
Sage Foundation. Pp. 24. Gratis.
Hart, H. H. The War Program of the
State of South Carolina. New York:
Russell Sage Foundation. Pp. 61.

Hinckley, Livingston S., M.D. Narcotic

Drug Addiction, the Modern Scourge.
Newark, N.J.: The Author, 33 Halsey
St. Pp. 40. $0.50.

Hirschfeld, G. Tourvielle; A Trade
School for War Cripples. An abridged

Ledbetter, Eleanor E. The Slovaks of
Cleveland. Cleveland: Cleveland
Americanization Committee. Pp. 32.

Los Angeles County Board of Education.
Visual Education Division. Motion
Picture Bulletin. Answering questions
repeatedly asked regarding motion-
picture work in education. Los An-
geles, Cal.: The Board. Pp. 38.

McClenahan, Bessie A. The Iowa Plan for the Combination of Public and Private Relief. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa. Pp. 73. $0.50. Macdonald, Neil C. The Problem of Rural School Betterment. Bismarck, N.D.: Department of Education.

Pp. 31.

MacGregor, Ford H. Municipal Coal
Yards. Madison, Wis.: University of
Wisconsin. Pp. 23. $0.10.

McMurtrie, Douglas C. Reconstructing
the Crippled Soldier.

New York: Red

Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 40.


McMurtrie, Douglas C. Rehabilitation

of the War Cripple. New York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 24. Gratis. McMurtrie, Douglas C. The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Education for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Ptg. Office. Pp. 51.

McMurtrie, Douglas C. The Organization, Work, and Method of the Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. New York. Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 34. Gratis,

Moxcey, Mary E. Religious Nurture in the Home. A brief bibliography. Chicago: Religious Education Association. Pp. 45. $0.10. National Industrial Conference Board. Wartime Employment of Women in the Metal Trades. Boston: The Author, 15 Beacon St. Pp. 79. Nolen, J. A Good Home for Every Wage-Earner. Cincinnati: American Building Association. Pp. 12. Ohio Industrial Commission. Work of the Free Labor Exchanges of Ohio for the Year Ending June 30, 1918. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Industrial Commission. Pp. 42.

Reely, Mary K. Country Life and Rural Problems. A study outline. New York: H. W. Wilson Co. Pp. 39. $0.25.

Richardson, C. Spencer. Dependent, Delinquent, and Defective Children of Delaware. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Pp. 88. $0.50. Rosengarten, Isaac. The Jewish Teacher in the New York Public Schools. Reprint from the Jewish Forum, July, 1918. Pp. 14.

Rubinow, I. Max. A Statistical Consideration of the Number of Men Crippled in War and Disabled in Industry. New York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 17. Gratis.

Russell Sage Foundation. Library. Relief for Dependent Families of Soldiers and Sailors. (A selected bibliography.) New York: The Foundation. Pp. 4. Strickler, Louis, M.D. Blindness in Hamilton County. Cincinnati: Helen

S. Trounstine Foundation. Pp. 109. $0.50.

Texas. Bureau of Vital Statistics. A Brief Study of 2,000 Birth Certificates. Austin, Tex.: State Department of Health. Pp. 12.

Todd, J. L. The French System for Return to Civil Life of Crippled and Discharged Soldiers. New York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 75. Gratis. Underhill, Ruth. Provision for War Cripples in Germany. New York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 45.

Underhill, Ruth. Provisions for War Cripples in Italy. New York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 18.

United States Public Health Service. State Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Public Health. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Ptg. Office. Pp. 237.

U.S. War Department. Rehabilitation and Vocational Re-education of Crippled Soldiers and Sailors. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Ptg. Office. Pp. 85. Wertheim, Elsa. Chicago Children in the Street Trades. Chicago: Juvenile Protective Association. Pp. 11. Whiteside, Gladys G. Provision for Vocational Re-education for Disabled Soldiers in France. New York: Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. Pp. 29.

Young Women's Christian Association. U.S. War Council Work. Housing Committee. Housing for Women in War Work. New York: The Committee. Pp. 20. Gratis.


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