
§ 50. That the liquids may possess a fixed temperature maintained constant, the experimental tube requires to be laid in a water-bath. For this purpose it is enclosed in a metal jacket of considerably larger diameter, so as to allow a current of water to flow between (see § 65, Fig. 44). The complete arrangement of the apparatus ready for observation, is shown in Fig. 29.

The instrument is set up opposite a Bunsen lamp B, which, with its bead of common salt, gives the sodium flame (or the lamp shown in § 22, Fig. 46, may be used instead). The outer case of the tube is provided with two side pieces, of which the lowermost is connected by india-rubber tubing, D, with the reservoir A, while the other at C serves as an outflow-pipe. A third opening, E, is for the insertion of a thermometer in the water as it flows through. The zinc reservoir A, resting upon a tall iron stand, is provided with a stirrer F, and is swathed in flannel to prevent loss of heat. One or two thermometers, G, serve to indicate the temperature of the water, usually maintained at 20°, by means of the lamp H. The water is allowed to flow through the tube for about twenty minutes before the observations are begun, the stream being interrupted during observation, while the thermometer E must remain steady throughout. The instrument should be set up in a darkened room; the gas-jet required for reading the scale is controlled by the stop-cock I. At K is represented a short (100 millimetre) tube, provided with a junction-piece to allow of its insertion in the instrument.

Fig. 30.


§ 51. In carrying out observations a tube, empty at first-in order to fix the zero-points-is introduced and the eye-piece drawn out, so that the cross-threads appear sharply defined. The polarizing Nicol must then be turned by means of the milled-head, p. 107, Fig. 27, until a number of parallel dark bands or fringes make their appearance in the field of vision (Fig. 30, a). As the movein one or two quadrants only. The instruments made by Hermann and Pfister have their discs divided to the third of a degree (20 minutes), and either a vernier to give readings to 5 minutes, or else a simple index-point which suffices to read to the same amount approximately. The polariscopes made by Dr. Hofmann, of Paris, read to single minutes. It would be more convenient if the divisions on the scales were not minutes but decimals of a degree (as 0.02°), as it is always in this form that the rotation angle of active substances is expressed. In reading as minutes one has to convert into decimals of a degree by dividing by 0.6.

ment continues these become fainter, until at last a position is reached at which a luminous space, devoid of lines, occupies the field. By a slight movement of the milled-head to and fro this luminous space is brought, as nearly as possible, into the middle of the field of vision, so that the remains of the fringes appear to stand at equal distances to the right and left of the cross-threads (see Fig. 30, b). This position serves as reference-point for the angular measurement.

If the Nicol be turned further, the dark lines will grow darker till they attain a certain maximum intensity, then become fainter again, and again vanish; these maxima recurring at intervals of 90° in the course of a complete revolution. Generally the dark lines exhibit certain peculiarities of form in each position which can be recognized.2

Their disappearance indicates positions of the movable Nicol, in which its principal section either coincides with, or is perpendicular to the plane of the principal section of the first of the calc-spar plates of the Savart, while they occur with maximum intensity when these

1 For the theory of these interference-bands, see Wild, Polaristrobometer, Berne, 1865; or Wüllner, Lehrbuch der Physik, 3 Aufl. Bd. 2, 604.

2 In many Wild's polariscopes the luminous space is too wide to allow any remains of the dark lines to show on the right and left of it. Some other reference position must then be chosen. Perhaps the best method is when the dark lines have nearly passed out of the field to fix the eye on one side of the field of vision, say, the right, and continue turning the analyzer slowly until the last traces of the lines disappear at that side. This position will necessarily be the same in every observation-that is to say, the milled-head p will always have communicated to the polarizer precisely the same amount of adjustment in each case. The cross-threads are not required here. With many people, however, this method does not afford the same amount of accuracy as by bringing the fringes into a position at equal distances from the cross-threads on each side.

In the case of an instrument in which the luminous space is too wide, Tollens (Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell. 10, 1405) adopts the plan of loosening the adjustment-screws and turning the ocular draw-tube, containing the stationary Nicol 1, Fig. 27, through an angle of 20° to 40° on its own axis. In this way the phenomena presented by a complete revolution of the analyzer are altered, the field becoming more or less darkened at two points 180° apart, and acquiring at two intermediate points a maximum luminosity. The dark lines vanish at each position as before, but while in the illumined quadrants the luminous space is now broader, in the darkened quadrants it is narrower than before. The former positions are entirely unsuitable for purposes of observation; but the two latter permit of a very sharp adjustment of the fringes in regard to the cross-threads. The observations must then be made in these two quadrants only. See, also, Tollens (Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell. 11, 1804).

Some instruments are so constructed that the interference-bands appear vertical, in which case the cross-threads are placed horizontally.

In Wild's instruments, should other lines appear crossing the field of vision obliquely, it is a sign that the principal sections of the two calc-spar plates of the Savart are not truly perpendicular to each other, and the instrument should be returned to the maker for readjustment.

two planes form angles of 45°. The parts are generally so regulated by the maker that the position of the index at the absorption-points is approximately at the readings 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° on the scale, admitting, however, of a certain amount of adjustment by means of the screws m m, Fig. 27.

If the Nicol is set to one of the four zero-points, and the empty tube replaced by one filled with some optically-active liquid, the interference-bands reappear. In its passage through the active medium the plane of polarization of the transmitted ray is made to rotate through a certain angle, and to restore it to a position either parallel or perpendicular to the principal section of the first calcspar plate of the Savart, the Nicol must be turned in the opposite direction to that in which the rotation has taken place, when the fringes will again disappear. The graduated disc must therefore be turned to the left if the substance is dextro-rotatory, and to the right if lævorotatory. But, as regards the movement of the milled-head Pp, Figs. 28 and 27, inasmuch as a change of direction is involved in the wheel-and-pinion movement, the direction in which the milled-head is turned must be the same as that of the rotation. When, as usually happens, the graduation follows the same direction as the figures on a watch-dial, the readings for a dextro-rotatory substance will be greater, and for a lævo-rotatory substance less than the number on the disc at the zero-point.

§ 52. If the direction of the rotatory power of an active liquid be unknown, it will be best to begin observations with a weak solution in the tube, so as to get a feeble amount of rotation. It will then be easy to see whether the direction is to the right or the left of the zero-point. On the contrary, when the rotation is considerable, a doubt may remain as to the direction, in the same way as with Mitscherlich's instrument (§ 46). For instance, let the four zero-points be

[blocks in formation]

and after the insertion of the tube with its liquid, the vanishing points of the dark lines,





Here the medium may be, as shown in Figs. 31 and 32, either dextrorotatory with an angle of 30°, or lævo-rotatory with an angle of 60°.

To decide the question, a second observation is necessary with a shorter tube, or a more dilute solution. If the length of tube or

strength of the solution be half that in the former experiment, then also the angle of rotation will be the half only of that first observed. The vanishing points of the dark lines will then appear either at





as in Fig. 34, in which case the substance is dextro-rotatory, or at

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Accordingly, if observations with the shorter tube or weaker solution give lower readings than the original, the rotation is righthanded, whilst if the readings are higher than at first, the rotation is left-handed. The conditions are, of course, reversed when the graduation of the instrument is towards the left.

§ 53. In examining solutions of very high rotatory power it may happen that the angle of rotation exceeds 90°, so that the readings are always found in the quadrant beyond. In such cases, to avoid error, the observations should be made with two tubes of


different lengths.

For example, the following were, in round numbers, the values obtained with lavo-rotatory nicotine, in a 100 millimetre tube:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Apparently, therefore, a layer of nicotine 100 millimetres in depth rotates through an angle of 72°. A second observation was now taken with a tube 50 millimetres long, when the following results were obtained :

[blocks in formation]

Here the angle, instead of being reduced to half, as we should expect, is larger even than that given by twice the thickness of medium. If 50 millimetres of nicotine rotate through 81°, 100 millimetres should rotate through 162°. Now this is found to be the case when the zeropoint of the observations with a tube of the last-named length is moved a quadrant to the right. We then get :

[merged small][ocr errors]

Angle of rotation

Quad, Quad. Quad. Quad.

II. 180° III. 270° IV. 360° I. 90°

I. 18° II. 108° III. 198° IV. +72°(=360-288)

[blocks in formation]

The foregoing conditions are shown in Figs. 35 and 36, the former

[blocks in formation]
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