
miserable in this world, as well as amenable to the anger of God in the next:-he proceeded to minuter shades of transgression-he descended into the chambers of imagery in the heart-he laid open mine before me-he convicted me of pride, arrogance, unthankfulness, unbelief-an absence of the love of God and man, a questioning of his goodness, a contempt of his long-suffering and forbearance :my mouth was stopped, and I laid it in the dust of humiliation.


I saw myself more guilty than the men I had despised, because I felt that my knowledge and advantages were so much greater than theirs.

But after fixing his arrows, he did not leave them to fester. He proclaimed that now, if any repented, they might find pardon-he insisted that at once, if any repented, and believed in the Redeemer's sacrifice, they might find peace.

I caught at his words as if they were literally words from heaven-they seemed to convey more than mere words could do-they appeared to breathe a spirit of life and power-or rather the Spirit of life and power applied them to my heart. I hesitated not to believe that even to me was this


consolation sent. I looked up adoringly to the Saviour of the world, and trusted for pardon and acceptance in his name.

No one can tell or imagine, except those who may have experienced it, the amount of deep emotion that affected my mind during that single sermon-the thrilling interest-the deep awe-the abasement of spirit-the consolatory, nay, joyful reception of the promises of pardon and peace. I seemed to have lived an age in that one hour— and if we measure life by emotion, by intensity of feeling, I had done so—it seemed as if scales had fallen from my eyes, and caused me to discern a reality, a beauty, a vitality in spiritual truths, of which I had no previous idea-nothing that had heretofore occupied my mind appeared of any importance in comparison. My whole being was absorbed in profound adoration, gratitude, and ineffable repose-my spirit seemed to unite in worship with angels and archangels round the throne-and with them to hold high and holy communion.

But how weak is language to convey that which passes within! what poor exponents are words, for

the soul's acting-well might the apostle speak of the life of the early Christians, as being a hidden one- -as that which could not be entirely revealed without experience.

I was so absorbed in mental devotion, that I heeded not the conclusion of the service-the dispersion of the people. At length I was aroused by some one approaching, and speaking to me- -I looked up, and recognized with pleasure the face of the preacher. "My son," said he, with the kindest voice, and a most benignant aspect, "you seem affected by what you have heard; perhaps it is the first time the simple truths of the scriptures have been thus expounded to you-at any rate, I hope it has been for your soul's good?"-It was as much as I could do, in reply to say, "Dear and venerated Sir, give me leave to inquire where I may have the privilege of seeing you to-morrow, for just now I can hardly arrange my thoughts sufficiently to tell you what I have this evening felt and thought." "I shall be most glad to see and converse with you," said he, "at any time you can conveniently call on me, during my short stay at " He then gave

me the address of a clergyman of that place, who acted in concert with him, and, giving me a parting benediction, we separated for the night.

Although so little passed, yet his manner tended to confirm the uncommon prepossession that I had felt towards him; there was something, it seemed, of fascination in it--but at that first interview, I considered not this, I chiefly regarded him in the light of an angel of God, come to introduce me into light, life, peace, and freedom.

I lingered still on that lonely shore, long after every one had gone home-but how changed was the whole current of my feelings! My gloomy distrust of God's goodness had given place to an adoring faith. My high opinion of myself, in comparison with others, had been exchanged for a deep humility. The indifference I had felt concerning the great truths of redemption, was succeeded by a believing appreciation of their efficacy and importance. The contempt and aversion that had been harboured for my ignorant compeers, had given place to warm benevolence, and longing for their highest good.

When I thought of my parents, my heart poured itself out in prayer on their behalf-and I felt for the first time, that I had been deficient in tenderness and reverence to my father; I determined to correct this-I longed for him to participate in my present happiness.

But how shall I describe the ardent wish I felt, that my mother-my friend-my revered instructress-the cherished object of my heart's best affections that she should share with me what I then deemed would be a perennial fountain of felicity?

I hastened home full of these thoughts. I found my parents in some suspense at my absence. I related, simply and truly, a great part of what I had heard and felt-as I proceeded in my narration, and dwelt upon the impressions made by the preacher, my feelings, kindling with the theme, supplied me with language, that no doubt appeared extravagant and enthusiastic to an unmoved listener. My father at length interrupted me in the midst of the glowing account, with the chilling remark, that he thought I had been bitten by the Methodist madness, and he hoped I would no more attend their meetings, as he did not know where the extra

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