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" ... all proceedings, except the publication of notice and making and filing of the affidavit thereof, shall be stayed until the controversy shall have been settled or decided by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the adverse claim waived. "
Conference on Revision of U.S. Mining Laws. Hearings ... Pursuant to H.Res ... - Side 24
av United States. Congress. House. Public lands - 1950 - 295 sider
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volum 9

United States. Congress. House - 1881 - 1188 sider
...commencement of such proceedings, all action in the local office must be stayed until the controversy has '• been settled or decided by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the adverse claim waived." • Counsel now move to dismiss said adverse claim, on the ground that the adverse claimants have failed...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West ..., Volum 3

Rossiter Worthington Raymond - 1872 - 602 sider
...enacted, That where an adverso claim shall Ъо filed during the period ot'publicatiou, all proceedings, except the publication of notice and making and filing...decided by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the adverso claim waive-! It shall bo the duty of tho adverso claimant, within thirty days after filing...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the ...

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1872 - 604 sider
...notice and making and filing of tho affidavit thereof, ehall be stayed until the controversy ehall have been settled or decided by a court of competent...jurisdiction, or the adverse claim waived. It shall bo tho duty of tho adverse claimant, within thirty days after filing his claim, to commence proceedings...
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The Abridgment ... Containing the Annual Message of the President of the ...

United States. President - 1872 - 786 sider
...proceedings, except thf publication of notice and making aud filing of tho affidavit thereof, shall be «eyed until the, controversy shall have been settled or decided by a court of competent jurisdiction, or tho adverse claim waived. It shall be tho duty of the adverse claimnnr, within thirty days alter filing...
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The Congressional Globe, Volum 4;Volum 66,Del 4

United States. Congress - 1872 - 912 sider
...publication of iiüticeand making and filing of the ¡ affidavit thereof, shall be stayed until tho controversy shall have been settled or decided by...court ¡ of competent jurisdiction, or the adverse clo-im ' waived. It shall be the duty of the adverse claim- ' nut, within thirty days after filing...
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Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West ..., Utgave 3

1872 - 600 sider
...where an adverse claim shall be filed during the period of publication, all proceedings, except tho publication of notice and making and filing of the affidavit thereof, shall be stayed until tho controversy shall have been settled or decided by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the adverse...
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Statutes of the Province of British Columbia

British Columbia - 1892 - 454 sider
...of such adverse claim ; and all proceedings, except the publication of notice and making and filing the affidavit thereof, shall be stayed until the controversy shall have been decided by a Court of competent jurisdiction or the adverse Adverse claimant to claim shall have been...
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The Statutes at Large and Proclamations of the United States of ..., Volum 17

United States - 1873 - 1188 sider
...same, and shall show the nature, boundaries, and extent of such adverse ш claim, and all proceedings, except the publication of notice and making and filing...waived. It shall be the duty of the adverse claimant, Judgment of within thirty days after filing his claim, to commence proceedings in a ?°?rtdto ** ob~...
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The Statutes at Large and Proclamations of the United States of ..., Volum 17

United States - 1873 - 1192 sider
...same, and sliall show the nature, boundaries, and extent of such adverse u claim, and all proceedings, except the publication of notice and making and filing...waived. It shall be the duty of the adverse claimant, Judgment of within thirty days after filing his claim, to commence proceedings in a co.urt ,to oe OD~...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volum 3,Del 1

United States. Congress. House - 1873 - 992 sider
...same, and shall show the nature, boundaries, and extent of such adverse claim, and all proceedings, except the publication of notice and making and filing...jurisdiction, or the adverse claim waived. It shall bo the duty of the adverse claimant, within thirty days after filing his claim, to commence proceedings...
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