
October, the Senate shall elect six Examiners, (who shall be members of t Senate, and nominated by the several Colleges according to the cycle Proctors, Taxors, and Scrutators) to conduct the Lent and October Exam nations of the succeeding year, provided that no one of such Examiners sh also hold the office of Pro-Proctor at the time of the Lent Examination.

22. That the Pro-Proctors and four, at least, of the Examiners sha attend each portion of the Examination during the first three days; and th all the six Examiners shall attend each portion during the last six days.

23. That each of the Examiners shall receive £20 from the Universit Chest.

24. That the four Pro-Proctors' men shall be in attendance upon th Examiners during each of the first three days; and two of the Proctors' me during each of the last six days of Examination.

25. That the foregoing Regulations shall not interfere with the comp sition between the University and King's College.



WITH a view to encourage attendance at the Lectures of the Mathematica Professors, and to secure a correspondence between those Lectures and th Mathematical Examinations of the University; and also as a means of commu nicating to the Students themselves, from a body of experienced Examiner and Lecturers, correct views of the nature and objects of the Mathematica Examinations: The Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, the Plumian Profes sor of Astronomy, the Lowndean Professor of Geometry and Astronomy, an the Jacksonian Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, togethe with the Moderators and Examiners for Mathematical Honors for the tim being, as well as those of the two years immediately preceding, are constitute a Board of Mathematical Studies: whose duty it is to consult together from time to time on all matters relating to the actual state of Mathematical Studie and Examinations in the University; and to prepare annually and lay befor the Vice-Chancellor a Report, to be by him published to the University in the Lent or Easter Term of each year.



THE Candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts must have resided ten terms; or the major part of such terms; the Term in which he entered and that in which he takes the degree are reck oned to him among the twelve required to be kept, by the Statutes

This Examination extends over twenty-two days. The Modera tors form the Questionists (this being the appellation of the Stu dents during the last six weeks of preparation) into two alphabetica lists, of Candidates for Honors, and Questionists not Candidate. for Honors, and these lists are published previously to the Ex amination Day.

On the Tuesday succeeding December 30, the Candidates for Honors enter the Senate-House a little before nine o'clock; the other Questionists at the same hour on the morning of the Wed

esday week after the first day of the Examination of the Candilates for Honors, preceded by a Master of Arts, who, on this occaion, is styled the Father of the College to which he belongs'.

The Examination of those who contend for Honors commences n the Tuesday succeeding the 30th of December, according to he following REGULATIONS, confirmed by Grace of the Senate. Plan of Examination for Questionists who are Candidates for Honors.

1. THAT Questions and Problems being proposed to the Questionists n eight days, the first three days be assigned to the more elementary, and be last five to the higher parts of Mathematics: that after the first three ays, there shall be an interval of eight days; and that on the seventh of hese days the Moderators and Examiners shall declare, what persons have o acquitted themselves as to deserve Mathematical Honors.

2. That those who are declared to have so acquitted themselves, and to others, be admitted to the Examination in the higher parts of Mathenaties; and that after that Examination, the Moderators and Examiners, aking into account the Examination of all the eight days, shall arrange l the Candidates who have been declared to deserve Mathematical Honors ato the three classes of Wranglers, Senior Optimes and Junior Optimes, and that these classes be published in the Senate-House at nine o'clock in the Friday morning preceding the general B.A. Admission.

3. That the subjects of the Examination on the first three days shall be hose contained in the following Schedule:

Euclid. Book I to VI. Book XI, Props. I to XXI. Book XII, Props.


Arithmetic and the elementary parts of Algebra; namely, the Rules for he Fundamental Operations upon Algebraical Symbols, with their proofs; he solution of simple and quadratic Equations; Arithmetical and Geomencal Progression, Permutations and Combinations, the Binomial Theorem, nd the principles of Logarithms.

The elementary parts of Plane Trigonometry, so far as to include the olution of triangles.

The elementary parts of Conic Sections, treated geometrically, together with the values of the Radius of Curvature, and of the Chords of Curvature assing through the Focus and Center.

The elementary parts of Statics, treated without the Differential Calalus; namely, the Composition and Resolution of Forces acting in one plane a a point, the Mechanical Powers, and the properties of the Center of ravity.

The elementary parts of Dynamics, treated without the Differential Calalus; namely, the Doctrine of Uniform and Uniformly Accelerated Motion, Falling Bodies, Projectiles, Collision, and Cycloidal Oscillations.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sections of Newton's Principia; the Propositions be proved in Newton's manner.

The elementary parts of Hydrostatics, treated without the Differential alculus; namely, the pressure of non-elastic Fluids, specific Gravities, ating Bodies, the pressure of the Air, and the construction and use of the ore simple Instruments and Machines.

The elementary parts of Optics: namely, the laws of Reflection and fraction of Rays at plane and spherical surfaces, not including AberraLs; the Eye; Telescopes.

All the Questionists are required to pay their | the Saturday or Monday preceding the first day of to the Registrary and the Junior Proctor on the Examination for Honors.

The elementary parts of Astronomy; so far as they are necessary for th explanation of the more simple phenomena, without calculation.

4. In all these subjects, Examples, and Questions arising directly out the Propositions, shall be introduced into the Examination, in addition t the Propositions themselves.

5. The Examination both for Mathematical Honors and for the Ordinar Degree shall be conducted according to the following Schedule.

6. The Moderators and Examiners shall be authorized to declare Car didates, though they have not deserved Mathematical Honors, to have d served to pass for an Ordinary Degree, so far as the Mathematical part of th Examination for such Degree is concerned; and such persons shall accor ingly be excused the Mathematical part of the Examination for an Ordinar Degree, and shall only be required to pass in the other subjects, namely, the parts of the Examination assigned in the Schedule to the two last days but such excuse shall be available to such persons only for the Examinatio then in progress.

That the Questionists who are Candidates for Honors be required to attend with the other Questionists, the Examination in Paley's Moral Philosophy the New Testament and Ecclesiastical History.

That the names of all such Questionists, Candidates for Honors, as sha in the judgment of the Examiners, have passed their Examination in thes subjects with credit, be published, in alphabetical order, by the Proctors, i the Senate-House, upon the day of the Bachelor of Arts' Commencement.

On two pillars at the entrance of the Senate-House are hung the two Lists of the Questionists, one of the Candidates for Honors and the other of the woo, and a paper denoting the hours and order of examination.

The Examination of the other Questionists, viz. those who ar not Candidates for Honors, takes place according to the following Plan, confirmed by Grace of the Senate.

Plan of Examination for Questionists who are not Candidates for Honors.

1. THAT the Subjects of the Examinations shall be the first fourteen, of the last fourteen Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles, and one of the longer or two more of the shorter Epistles of the New Testament, in the origina Greek, one of the Greek and one of the Latin Classics, three of the Six Book of Paley's Moral Philosophy, the History of the Christian Church from it Origin to the assembling of the Council of Nice, the History of the English Reformation, and such mathematical subjects as are prescribed by the Grace of April 19, 1837, at present in force.

2. That in regard to these Subjects, the appointment of the Division of the Acts of the Epistle or Epistles-of the Books of Paley's Moral Philo sophy, and both of the Classical Authors and of the portions of their Works. which it may be expedient to select, shall be with the persons who appoint the Classical Subjects for the Previous Examination.

3. That public notice of the subjects so selected for any year shall be issued in the last week of the Lent Term of the year next but one preceding.

4. That the Examination shall commence on the Wednesday preceding the first Monday in the Lent Term.

5. That on the Monday previous to the commencement of the Examitation the Examiners shall publish the names of the persons to be examined, ranged in alphabetical order, and separated into two divisions.

6. That the distribution of the Subjects and Times of Examination shall e according to the preceding Schedule.

7. That the Examination shall be conducted entirely by printed papers. 8. That the Papers in the Classical Subjects and in the Acts and Epistles hall consist of passages to be translated, accompanied with such plain Quesions in Grammar, History and Geography, as arise immediately out of those passages.

9. That the Papers in the Mathematical Subjects shall consist of quesions in Arithmetic and Algebra, and of Propositions in Euclid, Mechanics, and Hydrostatics, according to the annexed Schedule: and also of such Questions and applications as arise directly out of the aforementioned proositions.

10. That no person shall be approved by the Examiners, unless he shew i competent knowledge of all the subjects of the Examination.

11. That there shall be three additional Examinations in every year; the irst commencing on the Thursday preceding Ash-Wednesday, the second on be Thursday preceding the Division of the Easter Term, and the third on he Thursday preceding the Division of the Michaelmas Term.

12. That in these additional Examinations the distribution of the subects and the hours of the Examination shall be at the discretion of the Exuniners, the subjects being the same as at the Examination in the preceding


13. That no person shall be allowed to attend any Examination whose game is not sent by the Prælector of his College to the Examiners before The commencement of the Examination.

14. That in every year at the first Congregation after the 10th day of October, the Senate shall elect four Examiners, (who shall be members of he Senate, and nominated by the several Colleges according to the Cycle of Proctors and Taxors) to assist in conducting the Examinations of the three llowing Terms.

15. That two of these Examiners shall confine themselves to the Classical abjects, and two to Paley's Moral Philosophy, Ecclesiastical History, the ets of the Apostles, and the Epistles.

16. That the two Examiners in the Mathematical Subjects, at the Exnination in January, be as hitherto the Moderators of the year next but one receding; and that at the other three Examinations the Moderators for the me being examine in the Mathematical Subjects.

17. That each of the six Examiners shall receive £20 from the Univery Chest.

18. That the Pro-Proctors and two at least of the Examiners attend in e Senate-House during each portion of the Examination in January.



Latin Subject. Greek Subject,

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