
of the subject intended to be included: and to give it to be understood th the Examination on each occasion will consist of questions referring to small number of the whole list of propositions, &c., there enunciated: (i whole number of articles in the list being, in that case, about sixty.)

The Regius Professor of Laws: As a Syllabus indicating the range of Examination, refers to the Table of Contents of Dr Whewell's Elements Morality, B. iv. Jus, B. vi. International Law; the requisite knowledge be sought in the Professor's Lectures.

The Professor of Moral Philosophy. Syllabus: The Table of Contents his Elements of Morality, B. I. II. III.; for the knowledge, see the book itse and the illustrations given in the Professor's Lectures.

The Professor of Modern History refers to the following books for info mation which he will require in his Examination for certificate: (1) Préc de l'Histoire des Français, par J. C. Simonde de Sismondi. Paris. 183 Treuttel et Wurtz (2) Sharon Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons. It proposed to publish, before the end of the long vacation, a Syllabus of bot these books. Candidates will be at liberty to answer questions, at the choice, in both of these books, or in one of them only.

The Downing Professor of the Laws of England gives the followin statement of the range of his Examination:

The Examination for Certificates of proficiency in English Law will b confined to the following subjects:

The Law concerning the principal Relations of Society, as Husband an Wife, Parent and Child, Master and Servant.

The Law relative to the principal Contracts of Society, as Sale, Bailmen Leasing, Mortgaging, Bills of Exchange.

The Duties of Magistrates.

The Definitions of Crimes.

The Church Establishment, including the Law regarding Tithes, Dilapi dations, Parochial Rates, Pews, Parochial Registers.

The principal rules of the Law of Evidence, such as those regarding Presumptive Evidence, Hearsay Evidence, and Secondary Evidence. Elementary information upon all the subjects of the Examination may be found in Blackstone's Commentaries, (Serjt. Stephens', or some other modern edition): and Kent's Commentaries.

The Table of Contents of Blackstone's Commentaries, so far as it relates to the above subjects, may be considered as the Professor's Syllabus for the present purpose.

The Examinations will be confined to such parts of the above subjects, as are treated of in the lectures. And in the course of the lectures the students will receive more particular information as to the questions which will be proposed at the examinations, and as to the books from which a competent knowledge of the above subjects may be best acquired. The Professor of Political Economy has published a Syllabus of his subject, for the present purpose, containing reference to the requisite books.

The Regius Professor of Physic will examine for certificates in the subject on which his Lectures are given; namely, the Principles of General Pathology. He refers to Dr Alison's Outlines of Pathology, and the first three chapters of Dr C. J. B. Williams's Principles of Medicine, as containing information on this subject.

The Professor of Chemistry refers to Daubeny's Introduction to the Atomic Theory, and Fownes's Manual of Chemistry, as containing all he will require in his examination for certificates. The Table of Contents of these two volumes may be regarded as his Syllabus for the present purpose.

The Professor of Anatomy will draw up a Syllabus of his subject, with view to his Lectures and Examinations.

The Professor of Botany has published a Syllabus, and gives the requisite information in his Lectures.

Part I.. of Balfour's Manual contains all, or nearly all, that will be equired on the Structure and Physiology of Plants. And our British plants hould be examined by the Floras of either Hooker and Arnott, or Babingon, for obtaining such information as will be necessary to qualify a student or describing plants contained in the few orders named in the Syllabus, and llustrated during the Lectures.

The Professor of Geology intends to publish a Syllabus, and to make it he guide of his Examinations.

The Jacksonian Professor will examine for certificates in the general rinciples of Mechanism, and in certain processes and Machines employed in nanufactures, as delivered in his Lectures. He will draw up a Syllabus.

The Downing Professor of Medicine will publish a Syllabus of the Course of Lectures he intends to give, to meet the new Professorial Reguations, and will point out in it the subjects in which he will examine, and the books to be consulted respecting them.

The Professor of Mineralogy has published a Treatise on Mineralogy; in which he determines the range of subject to be included in his Examination for certificate.

Each Examination for a Professor's certificate will require the candidate to answer a small number (say 10 to 15,) of questions such as correspond to each article of the above Syllabuses.

Examinations with a view to granting certificates will be held by the above Professors in the course of the Lent and Easter Terms of 1853: of which due notice will be given.

In order to check the practice of Degrading, the following Regulations were adopted by Grace of the Senate, Feb. 27, 1829.

1.-That no person who has degraded, be permitted to become a Candi date for University Scholarships or any other Academical Honors during his Undergraduateship, or for Honors in the Mathematical Tripos, unless he shall previously have obtained special permission for so doing, from a Syndicate hereafter to be appointed for that purpose.

2. That the Syndicate do consist of the Vice-Chancellor, the Public Orator, the Greek Professor, and the two Moderators for the time being, who shall be invested with full power to examine into the cases of Applicants for permission to become Candidates for Honors after they have degraded, and o grant or withhold such permission, as they may think proper.

3-That this Syndicate do meet on a certain day in October in each year, of which notice is to be given by the Vice-Chancellor, for the purpose of aking into consideration the cases of applicants; and that all applications be made in writing by the Tutor of the person or persons making such application, accompanied with certificates of ill health, or such other certificates s he may consider necessary.

THE following Regulations respecting standing of which Candilates for the Degree of B. A. ought to be before they are allowed o be examined for that degree, and respecting the period after xamination for which the certificate of approval signed by the Examiners shall remain in force-were adopted by Grace of the Senate, May 8, 1833:

1.-That no person be admitted on or before Ash-Wednesday in the Lent erm of each year, ad respondendum quæstioni, who shall not have been pub

licly examined at the usual time of examination in the month of January that year, and produce a certificate from the Examiners of examination an approval; except those who in consequence of ill health may, by the pe mission of the Proctors and Examiners, have absented themselves from suc examination.

2. That no person be admitted to examination for the degree of B.A until he has entered into his eleventh term, he having previously kept nin terms exclusive of the term in which he was admitted, and that no certificat of approval, in the case of a person so examined in his eleventh term, sha be valid, unless it shall appear when such person applies for the admissio ad respondendum quæstioni, that he has kept the said eleventh term.

The Syndicate appointed to consider whether any and what ad ditional tests should be adopted for ascertaining that th Candidates for the Several Honor Triposes in each year ar of the proper standing, and to report to the Senate, beg leav to report,

That, upon enquiry into the rules and customs of the University relating to the subject, they find that a Student in Arts is of the proper standing to be a Candidate for Honors in the Mathematical Tripos, or in the Classica Tripos, or among the Commencing Bachelors in the Moral Sciences o Natural Sciences Tripos of any year, if at the time of publication of such Tripos he shall have entered into his Eleventh Term at least, having previously kept Nine Terms, exclusive of the Term in which he was admitted provided however that not more than Eleven Terms shall have passed after the first of the said Nine Terms; and that no Student in Arts of a differen standing can be a Candidate for such Honors, unless he shall have obtained permission from the Syndicate appointed to consider the cases of persons who have degraded.

The Syndicate further find that a Student in Arts is of the proper standing to be a Candidate for Honors among the Middle Bachelors in the Moral Sciences or Natural Sciences Tripos of any year, if at the last preceding Examination for such Tripos he was duly qualified in point of standing and other circumstances, to be a Candidate for Honors in that Tripos among the Commencing Bachelors.

Also, that Students in Law or Medicine are of the proper standing to be Candidates for Honours in the Moral Sciences Tripos, and in the Natural Sciences Tripos among the Commencing Bachelors in the fourth Lent Term after the completion of their first Term of residence, and among the Middle Bachelors in the fifth Lent Term after the completion of their first Term of residence, provided that they shall have kept Nine Terms before such fourth Lent Term.

The Syndicate further find that a person entitled to an Honorary degree may, without passing the Previous Examination, be a Candidate for Honors in the Mathematical Tripos, or in the Classical Tripos, or among the Commencing Bachelors in the Moral Sciences or Natural Sciences Tripos of any year, if at the time of publication of such Tripos he shall have entered into his Eighth Term at least, having previously kept Six Terms exclusive of the Term in which he was admitted, provided however that not more than Eight Terms shall have passed after the completion of his first Term of residence.

The Syndicate are of opinion that it is highly desirable that some efficient means should be provided of securing compliance with the rules and customs of the University on the part of Candidates for Honors.

They recommend for this purpose that, in the case of every Candidate or Honors in any Tripos, the Prælector of his College should be required to end to the Registrary before the commencement of the Examination a Cerificate of the date of admission of such Candidate and of the Terms which e has kept, signed and sealed, as usual, by the Master of the College or his Locum-tenens.

Also, that a Syndicate should be appointed consisting of the Vice-Chanellor, the Vice-Chancellor of the preceding year, the two Proctors, and the Registrary, who should meet together in every year on the first day of Exanination for each of the Honor Triposes, or as soon after as may be, to exanine the certificates sent as above required; to ascertain in what cases persons vho have degraded have received permission to be Candidates for Honors, and in the case of any Candidate claiming to be entitled to an Honorary degree whether such claim be valid; to ascertain further, whether the Canidates have passed the Previous Examination according to the rules precribed for it, and also in the case of Candidates for Honors in the Classical Tripos, the Moral Sciences Tripos, and the Natural Sciences Tripos, whether hey have passed the other requisite Examinations and performed the requiite Exercises; and finally to make known to the Examiners in each case, as oon as may be after the commencement of the Examination, the names of hose persons who are duly qualified in point of standing and other circumtances to be Candidates for Honors.

Confirmed by GRACE of the Senate, March 17, 1852.


On Saturday after the first Monday in the Lent Term there is a Congregation in the forenoon; at ten o'clock, the whole number of Candidates for degree appear in the Senate-House. Two papers xhibiting a list of the Questionists arranged according to their nerits, or seniority, are hung on the pillars for public inspection. One of the Bedells calls up the Houses, and the Senior Modeator makes a Latin speech2; the Vice-Chancellor sitting in the hair, and the Moderator standing on his left hand.

The Junior Proctor delivers to the Vice-Chancellor the list of Honors and Seniority, subscribed thus, "Examinati et approbati nobis;" (viz. the Proctors, Moderators, and other Examiners.) The Caput is then called for passing the Supplicats of the Questionists".

The Prælector, or Father of his College, presents to the Caput wo papers on behalf of each Candidate:

1. The Supplicat having the name of the Candidate in full, and of his College on it, and signed by himself.

2. A certificate, signed and sealed by the Master of the College (or his locum-tenens), shewing that each Questionist has kept the required number of terms; if otherwise, the deficiency is mentioned in the Supplicat, and a certificate explaining the cause is delivered to the Caput by the Father.

1 The order of the Tripos is published in the
enate-House, on Friday Morning at nine.
2 At present omitted.

3 For a Student of King's College, who under-
Des no examination for the Bachelor's degree, |

but claims it by prescription, no Supplicat is offered. A Grace is shewn to the Vice-Chancel lor, and read by the Senior Proctor in the Regent. House only.

If any Questionist have been prevented by illness from keepi all his terms, the Certificate to be delivered to the Caput is to be the following form1:

I hereby certify to the Senate and University of Cambridge, that Mr of College, has been under my care from the-day of - till t day of ; and that during that time he could not with safety, account of his health, return to Cambridge.

Witness my hand this day of 18-.


c. b.
(M.D. or Surgeon.)

The Registrary shews to the Caput that every Candidate ha subscribed that he is bona fide a member of the Church England; and that he has passed the Previous Examination. The Vice-Chancellor reads the Supplicats to the Caput, and H writes Ad. on those that are admitted.

When they have been all read, one of the Bedells carries ther into the Non-Regent House, to the Scrutators; the senior_read them, and if all are approved, he says, Omnes placent. But i any are disapproved of, he says, A.B. &c. non placent, relique placent.

The Supplicats are then carried into the Regent-House, wher the Senior Proctor reads them. If all are approved of, he says Placent omnes; placeat vobis ut intrent. If any are disapprove of, he says as above.

The Supplicats are then delivered to the Registrary, who write on them, Lect. et conces. die- Jan.

In the mean time the Candidates put on their hoods over their Undergraduate gowns, and the School-keeper gives to each of them a printed copy of the declaration he is to make at his admission.

The Vice-Chancellor takes the chair before the table, and a Bedell having desired the respective Fathers to be in readiness with their Sons, he precedes the Father of the Senior Wrangler (the rest of the Fathers following with their Sons) to the ViceChancellor.

The Father, taking the Senior Wrangler by the right hand, presents him in these words:

Dignissime Domine, Domine Pro-Cancellarie, et tota Universitas; præsento vobis hune juvenem, quem scio, tam moribus quam doctrinâ, esse idoneum ud respondendum quæstioni, idque tibi fide meå præsto, totique Academiæ.

1 The Caput scarcely ever grants more than one ægrotat term. An ægrotat term is never allowed if the applicant has omitted to reside any single term subsequent to that for which he applies, without indeed he produces a formal certificate of illness to account for such omission. An ægrotut term is never allowed for sickness before residence.

The dates in the certificate ofillness must cover the first or second half of the term; for example,

"A.B. has been under my care from the

9th Oct. to 14th Nov.," or "from the 12th Nov. to 17th Dec."

In the Easter term the certificate must cover the first half.

If the certificate of illness be for the Michaelmas or Lent Term and only covers the first half, the applicant is expected to come up and reside the remainder of the Term.

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