
The SOLICITOR is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

SYNDICS are the members of special committees of members of the Senate, appointed by Grace from time to time for specific duties, such as the framing of laws, regulating fees, inspecting the library, building, printing, &c.

The PROFESSORS are paid from various sources: many of them have ancient stipends which were considerable at the period at which they were fixed, but which have become inadequate from the diminished value of money; to some professorships foundation estates are attached, and to the Regius and Lady Margaret's professorships of Divinity the impropriate rectories of Somersham and Terrington: the others are paid by stipends from the Privy Purse, or by Government, one of them receiving £400, another £200, and the rest £100 per annum.

The ANNUAL INCOME of the University arises from various sources, of which the following are the principal:

The Rectory of Burwell and a farm at Barton, producing about £1000 per annum.

The produce of fees at matriculation, for degrees, cautions for certain academical exercises for degrees, and other irregular sources of income not easily enumerated, the gross amount of which is very variable, but does not average more than £2000 per annum. The trading profits of the PITT [University] PRESS, which have as yet seldom been very considerable.

In the statement of the ordinary income and expenditure of the University, no account has been taken of the amount of fees paid to the Bedells, Proctors, Moderators, Pro-proctors, their servants, the Registrary, amounting to about £2400 per annum, by which these officers are entirely paid: nor of the Library-tax (of 68. per annum upon every member of the University), which is appropriated entirely to the purchase of books for the Public Library: nor of various trust funds, appropriated to specific objects, over the distribution of which the University possesses no control. The whole of the funds of the University are managed by the Vice-Chancellor, or by specific Trustees, and the accounts are examined annually by three Auditors, who are appointed annually by the Senate.

The STATUTES of the University were printed in 1785, and a copy of them may be found in the Public Library, in the Library of every College, and in the Senate-House; the Vice-Chancellor and the two Proctors for the time being have also each one copy.

GRACES of the Senate possess generally the force of Statutes; but no Grace of the Senate is considered valid which is inconsistent with the Statutes of the 12th of Elizabeth, and certain nearly cotemporary interpretations of them, or with King's Letters which have been accepted and acted upon by the University.

The TERMS of this University are three, and are fixed by invariable rules. Michaelmas, or October, Term begins on the tenth of

October, and ends on the 16th of December. Lent, or Januar Term begins on the 13th of January, and ends on the Friday befor Palm Sunday. Easter, or Midsummer, Term begins on the ele venth day (the Wednesday se'nnight) after Easter-day, and end on the Friday after Commencement-day. Commencement-day i always the First Tuesday in July.

If any member of the Senate change his College, twenty-fou hours only are allowed for that purpose: if he exceed that tim he must again keep three terms, before he can be reinstated a a member, or qualified to vote.

The respective Orders in the several Colleges are as follow:

1. A HEAD of a College or House, who is generally a Doctor i Divinity; excepting of Trinity-Hall, Caius College, and Downing College, where they may be Doctors in the Civil Law or Physic The Head of King's is styled Provost; of Queens', President; of al the rest, Master.

2. FELLOWS, who generally are Doctors in Divinity, the Civi Law, or Physic; Bachelors in Divinity; Masters or Bachelors o Arts; some few Bachelors in the Civil Law or Physic, as at Trinity Hall and Caius College. The number of Fellowships in th University is 430.

3. NOBLEMEN GRADUATES, DOCTORS in the several faculties BACHELORS IN DIVINITY (who have been Masters of Arts), and MASTERS OF ARTS, who are not on the foundation, but whos names are kept on the boards for the purpose of being members o the Senate. The expense of keeping the name upon the board: varies in different Colleges from about £2 to about £4 per annum

4. TEN-YEAR MEN; these are allowed to take the degre of Bachelor in Divinity without having been B.A. or M.A. by the 9th chapter of statutes of the 12th of Queen Elizabeth, which permits persons, who are admitted at any college when 24 year: of age and upwards, to take the degree of Bachelor in Divinity after their names have remained on the boards ten years or more After the first eight years, they must reside in the University the greater part of three several terms, and perform the exercises which are required by the statutes.

5. BACHELORS in the CIVIL LAW and PHYSIC, who sometimes keep their names upon the boards till they become Doctors. They wear the habit, and enjoy all the ordinary privileges of Masters of Arts, except that of voting in the Senate.

6. BACHELORS OF ARTS, who are in statu pupillari, and pay for tuition whether resident or not, and generally keep their names on the boards, either to shew their desire to offer themselves candidates for Fellowships, or to become members of the Senate. I they erase their names, they save the expense of tuition and College detrimenta; and may nevertheless take the degree of M.A. at the usual period, by putting their names on the College boards a few days previous to incepting: but under such circumstances they

cannot become members of the Senate, unless they reside again during the greater part of three several terms.

7. FELLOW-COMMONERS, who are generally the younger sons of the nobility, or young men of fortune, and have the privilege of dining at the Fellows' table, from whence the appellation originated.

8. SCHOLARS, who are generally foundation members of their respective Colleges, and who enjoy various advantages; in some cases they have their commons paid for, their chambers rent-free, and various weekly or other allowances: in other cases they have specific stipends only, in conformity with the conditions of their foundation. They are for the most part elected, by direct examination or otherwise, at different periods subsequent to the commencement of their residence at the University, from the most promising and distinguished of the Students.

9. PENSIONERS, who form the great body of the Students, who pay for their commons, chambers, &c., and enjoy generally no pecuniary advantages from their respective colleges.

10. SIZARS are generally Students of limited means. They usually have their commons free, and receive various emoluments.


In order to take the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the regular time, the person must be admitted of some College before the end of the Easter Term of the year in which he purposes to come into residence. The mode of admis sion is, either by a personal examination before the Tutor and some of the College officers, or, which is more usual, by sending to the Tutor a recommendatory certificate, signed by some Master of Arts of this University, stating the name, age, qualifications, &c. &c. of the candidate, and transmitting with it the caution-money'. If this certificate be considered satisfactory, the admission takes place, and the person's name is immediately placed on the boards which are suspended in the butteries of the several Colleges. The person thus admitted usually comes into residence about the 20th of October following, and then commences his Academical Course2.

The Matriculation in the University, or enrolment of the Students' names in the University Books, is done on the day after the division of the Term. At this time also the fees to the University are paid to the Registrary; he presents to each Student a Book of Extracts from the Statutes, containing such directions as relates to his duty.

Besides a constant attendance on lectures, the Undergraduates are examined in their respective Colleges yearly, or half-yearly, in those subjects which have engaged their studies; and, according to the manner in which they acquit themselves in these examinations, their names are arranged in classes, and those who obtain the honour of the first places receive prizes of different value.

By this course the Students are prepared for those public Examinations which the University requires candidates for the degree to pass. The first, viz. the Previous Examination, takes place in the Lent and October Terms of the second year from that in which a Student resides the major part of his first Term3, according to the following plan, confirmed by Grace of the Senate.

1 See p. 40.

2 For Matriculation Fees, see p. 41.

3 Vide 13th Regulation, p. 9.

REGULATIONS for the PREVIOUS EXAMINATION, adopted by Grac of the Senate, March 23, 1849.

1. THAT the subjects of the Examination shall be one of the fou Gospels in the original Greek, Paley's Evidences of Christianity, the Ol Testament History, as contained in the books from Genesis to Esther both inclusive, one of the Greek and one of the Latin Classics, the Elements o Euclid, Books 1 and 2, and examples in the following rules of Arithmetic, viz. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Reduction, Rule o Three; the same Rules in Vulgar and Decimal Fractions; Practice, Simple and Compound Interest, and Discount.

2. That the appointment of the particular Gospel, and in regard to the Classical subjects, the appointment both of the authors and of the portions of their works which it may be expedient to select, shall rest with the ViceChancellor for the time being, the three Regii Professors of Divinity, the Civil Law, and Physic, the Regius Professor of Greek, and the Public Orator (provided that not more than two of them are members of the same College); upon this clear understanding, that in the exercise of the powers thus to be vested in them, they shall so limit the Examination, that every one who is to be examined may be reasonably expected to shew a competent knowledge of all the subjects.

3. That in case three or more of those to whom the appointment of the subjects of Examination has been assigned shall belong to the same college, deputies for any number exceeding two shall be appointed, every year, by a Grace of the Senate.

4. That public notice of these subjects of Examination in each year shall be issued in the first week of the Lent Term of the year preceding.

5. That the Examination in the Evidences of Christianity, the Old Testament History, Euclid, and Arithmetic, shall be conducted entirely by printed Papers.

6. That, in regard to the Greek Testament and the Classical subjects, every person when examined shall be required (1) to translate some portion of each subject, and (2) to construe and explain passages of the same, and to answer such plain questions in Grammar, History, and Geography, as may arise immediately out of the subjects.

7. That previously to the commencement of the Examination, the Examiners shall prepare an alphabetical list of all the persons to be examined, and divide them into six portions as nearly equal as possible: and that they shall send a copy of such list to the Prælector of each College, notifying the days and hours when each of the persons to be examined belonging to that College shall be required to attend the Examination.

8. That the Examination shall begin on the Monday in the week before the end of the Lent Term in each year.

9. That the days of Examination shall be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in the first week, and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, in the following week; and the hours of Examination each day from 8 till 11 in the morning, and from 12 till 3 in the afternoon.

10. That on the first day the subject of Examination shall be the Evidences of Christianity, on the second day the Old Testament History, and on the third day Euclid and Arithmetic; the persons whose names appear in the first three divisions being examined in the morning, and those whose names are in the last three divisions in the afternoon of each day.

11. That during the last six days each of the six divisions shall be examined for one day in the remaining subjects, viz., in the Greek and Latin subjects, and in the Greek Testament; the persons under Examination being employed in translating the passages proposed, and each individual being called upon in turn during the time of Examination to construe and explain passages of the appointed subjects and to answer questions.

12. That the Examination of each person in the Greek and Latin subects and in the Greek Testament shall be concluded in one day, and that the result of the whole Examination with regard to him shall be notified to the Prælector of his College as soon as conveniently may be after the end of the Examination of all the Six Divisions.

13. That every Undergraduate shall be required to attend the Examinaion in the Lent Term of the year next but one after that in which he has sept his first term.

14. That in case any person who has been a resident member of either of he Universities of Oxford or Dublin shall become a resident member of this University before the time at which he would have been required, had he been originally of this University, to attend the Previous Examination, such person be required to attend that Previous Examination which he would have been called upon to attend if he had come to reside in this University at the ime he actually did commence his residence at Oxford or Dublin.

15. That in case any person who has been a resident member of either of the Universities of Oxford or Dublin shall become a resident member of this University after the time at which he would have been required, had he been originally of this University, to attend the Previous Examination, such person e required to attend that Previous Examination which shall take place next after his becoming a resident member of this University.

16. That two Classes (each of them arranged alphabetically) shall be ormed out of those examined-the first consisting of those who have passed heir examination with credit-and the second, of those to whom the Exminers have only not refused their certificate of approval.

17. That in case any one shall be prevented by illness, or any other ufficient cause, from attending the proper Examination of his year, a certicate of such illness or other cause shall be submitted by the Tutor of his College to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors for the time being, for their pprobation in writing.

18. That if any one shall absent himself from the proper Examination of is year, without the written approval of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, e shall not be allowed the Lent Term of that year.

19. That there shall be a second Examination commencing on the cond Monday in the Michaelmas Term of each year, for those who have ben absent with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors from the eceding Lent Examination, and for those who have not been approved by e Examiners at that Examination; and that such Second Examination all be in the same subjects as those of the preceding Lent Examination, all be conducted by the same Examiners, and in a manner similar to that scribed in the preceding Regulations.

20. That those who shall not have been approved at either the Lent or ctober Examination of their year, or who shall have been absent from both ose Examinations, shall be required to attend the Lent Examination of the Sowing year, subject to the same conditions as before; and that no degree B.A., M.B., or LL.B., shall be granted, unless a certificate be presented the Caput shewing that the candidate for such degree has passed, to the sfaction of the Examiners, some one of these Examinations.

21. That in every year, at the first Congregation after the 10th day of

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