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Compensation for these losses of trade and revenue is at this moment suspended, and placed in imminent peril. The deprivation of the article of tea alone would prove a public calamity of no slight importance. It is an article that affords a luxury to the rich, and a blessing to the poor. The moral effect of this beverage, as preventing recourse to stronger stimu lants, is inestimable.

It is easy to say we shall get it through other channels; we are not so sure of that; for should our trade be cut off, the supply of tea itself in China will undoubt. edly fail. Immense as is the empire in population, not a fourth part of the quantity of tea produced is consumed by the inhabitants; and if foreign export be cut off, the cultivation will, to a very great extent, be abandoned.'

cides at once, and only once, while wa- that the annual average quantity of tea imvering between his two little parts of ported in the four years above mentioned, speech, as follows:-'If the pagan semi was 37,827,774 pounds, producing to the barbarians,' as he calls the Chinese, 'have exchequer an annual revenue amounting really destroyed the drug, and are desi- to 3,830,000l. rous of stopping the opium trade, through fears regarding the morals of their people, or the loss of their sey-cee silver. let us demand immediate payment, with interest, of only one half the value of the opium seized, at an average of seven years' price; let our two governments pay one-fourth, and let those concerned bear the loss of the remaining fourth part ; say, China pay fifty per cent., England and India twentyfive per cent., and the concerned lose twenty-five per cent.' On this point of indemnification, we should once more say,-wait the issue of the contest with China; after which, and, perhaps, indeed before, the Chinese may not object, on a very slight pressure, to announce that their benevolent emperor, out of compassion for the ignorance of foreigners in the sublime and merciful laws of the Central Flowery Land,' and as an act of charity to the starving English, whose property has been so properly destroyed, to save the lives of millions of his beloved subjects, has ordered, &c. &c. A friend of ours, who, from long experience, knows the Chinese better, perhaps, than any other individual, has suggested to us the same notion, and that it will be done by four or five annual instalments, as was the general practice with regard to the debts of Hong merchants, whenever they became insolvent. By a juggle of this kind the government knows well how to indemnify itself, at the expense of future traders, by laying on additional imposts. But the question of indemnification forms but a small portion of the evil:-a lucrative legal trade destroyed;-the merchants engaged in it in danger of being ruined; a defalcation in the revenue of four millions;-these are the most important and serious results of the opium crisis. We are told, on the best authori. ty, that the extent of the China trade, separate and distinct from that of opium, was as follows, on an average of four years, from 1835 to 1838 :

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Imports into Canton £2,666.194 Exports from 3,825,744

£6,491,938; that the amount in the year, from April, 1835, to March, 1836, was £8,844,044; and

*Report of the London East India and Chinese Association in 1840.

The Chinese now admit, and we believe for the first time, that the loss of foreign trade would be to them a great misfortune; but they have brought it upon themselves, and let them look to the recovery of it: and as to the prevention of opium, whether on account of its destructive quality, or as to its draining the country of its specie, it is their business, not ours. If, with a population of three or four hundred millions, they cannot afford a coast-guard sufficient to prevent its introduction, let them suffer the whole inconvenience-the loss of their sey-cee silver-and all those deplorable effects of smoking, which, however, we have reason to believe are greatly exaggeratedand that not so much by them as by us. We give very little credit to the following statement drawn from the Methodist missionary who collected it, with other tales, from an American house at Canton -none of whose partners, we venture to say, ever saw a Chinese smoking-shop:

Opium is not only regularly introduced, but openly sold in all parts of China. Notwithstanding the prohibition, opium shops are as plentiful in some towns of China as gin-shops are in England. The sign of these receptacles is a bamboo screen hanging before the door, which is as certain an intimation there as the chequers are here that the slave of intemperance may be gratified. Into these shops all classes of persons continually flock, from the pampered official to the abject menial. No one makes a secret of the business or the practice; and though the officers of government are loud in denouncing the indulgence in public, they privately wink at what is patronised by their own example,

or subservient to their own interests.'-Thelwall, | who appears to have walked a great part p. 123.

of the way along the banks of the grand We fearlessly assert that this is not a canal, that in the whole distance (about true statement; it wears an absurdity on 1,200 miles) he did not see one man in a the very face of it. Openly! why, the state of intoxication; and we believe that poor Chinese that was strangled had only this smoking of opium is, in fact, a very a little opium concealed in his back pre confined and limited practice. The 'Remises; and can it be supposed that, after sident in China' has made a calculation, its solemn denouncement on penalty of the result of which is, that 40,000 chests death, opium is openly sold, and that opi. a-year will just afford a daily whiff to no um-shops are as plentiful as gin shops in more than one person in 166, men, woEngland? Opium, in fact, is not openly men, and children, out of a population of sold; opium-shops are not plentiful; and 350,000,000 'inhabitants; that is to say, a bamboo screen is not the sign of these about 2,110,000 individuals would smoke receptacles; such a screen may be seen opium, and the cost to each person would hanging before the door of almost every be something less than a penny a day. poor peasant. If Mr. Thelwall, who If we must extend our sympathies to seems to be courting a crusade against the other side of the globe, let them be, opium, is not satisfied with our denial, at least, in favour of our own subjects, in let him inquire of any or all of the gentle- preference to those who have nothing in men of Lord Macartney's and Lord Am- common with us, whose religion, morals, herst's embassies, who traversed the und habits are altogether at variance with country from Pekin to Canton, through our own, and whose natural protectors the very densest part of the population, ought to be the authorities under whom and mixed with the people-let him ask they are governed. But there are among any of those gentlemen, whether they us a certain description of persons, whose ever saw one of these shops, into which sensitive feelings are ever ready to exall manner of persons continually flock?' pand in proportion to the distance of the Nay, let him ask Mr. Medhurst himself, who supplies him with a text-book, if he ever saw one? He traversed the whole coast of China, from Canton to the promontory of Shan-tung, landed at various places, visited cities and villages, found 'I might here observe,' he says, that the British the people civil, sober, and quiet; talks government would confer a blessing on the Assamof their tobacco pipes and pouches, but ese, and the new settlers, if immediate and acnever once mentions the word opium. vation of opium in Assam, and afterwards to stop tive measures were taken to put down the cultiOne gentleman of the Company's factory, its importation by levying high duties on opium hearing of one of these shops in Macao, land. If something of this kind is not done, and visited it, and found three Chinese smok-done quickly too, the thousands that are about to ing. He tried a pipe himself, and the infected with the opium mania—that dreadful only effect it had on him was to make him very sick. Mr. Lindsay, indeed, says, 'the public smoking houses were open to all; and no one who has been in Canton can have failed observing opium pipes, with all the apparatus for smoking, publicly exhibited for sale, not only in shops, but by common hawkers in the streets.' But all this was in the peaceful and regular days,' when, he tells us, there was no mystery.

One would really suppose, from Mr. Thelwall's lamentations, that the whole population of China were opium-smokers. a drunken, depraved, and immoral set of beings, wholly absorbed in inhaling this deadly poison, destructive both of body and mind. Nothing can be more incorrect. It is stated by Sir John Barrow,*

* Travels in China.

objects. To such philanthropists may we suggest a little compassion for the condition of our subjects in Assam, so painfully described by Mr. Bruce, the superintendent of the tea plantations :—

emigrate from the plains into Assam will soon be

plague, which has depopulated this beautiful country, turned it into a land of wild beasts, with which it is overrun, and has degenerated the Assam. ese, from a fine race of people, to the most ab ject, servile, crafty, and demoralised race in India. This vile drog has kept, and does now keep, down the population; the women have fewer. children, compared with those of other countries, but in general die at manhood, very few old men being seen in this unfortunate country, in compar ison with others. Few but those who have resided long in this unhappy country know the dreadful and immoral effects which the use of opium produces on the native. He will steal, sell his property, his children, the mother of his children, and, finally, commit murder for it. Would it not be the highest of blessings, if our humane and enlightened government would stop these evils by a single dash of the pen, and save Assa:n and all those who are about to emigrate into it as tea cultivators, from the dreadful results attendant on the habitual use of opium? We should in the end be richly rewarded by having a fine healthy race of men grow. ing up for our plantations, to fell our forests, to

and the children seldom live to become old men,

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clear the land from jungle and wild beasts, and to fill dressed or well dressed, without shame or re. plant and cultivate the luxuries of the world. This morse.'-p. 6. can never be effected by the enfeebled opium. eaters of Assam, who are more effeminate than

Most undoubtedly we have human depravity and human misery enough at home, not to trouble ourselves with the subjects of the emperor of China. The authorities of Canton, at least, have very little claim on our compassion or forbearance. We have frankly done them justice as to all the early series of transactions; but the haughty intractable vio. lence of Commissioner Lin, in not being satisfied, as he had pledged himself he March-but trampling on the English Suwould be, with the great surrender of perintendent, who had but too far com. plied with his previous demands, in proceeding to tax Captain Elliott with a farther and apparently unlimited supervision of all who were, or were suspected of being, engaged in this opinm trade-above sioner in expelling, en masse, our countryall, the brutality of the Imperial Commismen, who had neither offended him nor the laws of China, from Macao, where they were living under the protection of a friendly power-forcing men, women, and children, at twelve hours' notice, to flee to the ships already crowded, depriving them when there of all provisions, and preventing them by armed vessels from taking off those they had purchased from the willing natives these are proceedings for which we suppose no Englishman but Captain T. H. Bullock, in the service of H. H. the Nizam,' would have the courage to demand applause. We are bound to admit that the parlia 'Canton,' he says, is said to contain 800,000 to 1,000,000 of inhabitants; but I do not remembermentary papers give but an obscure noto have seen in its crowded thoroughfares the same tion of the whole res geste subsequent to debilitated frames, the flushed faces or squalid fea- Captain Elliott's final abandonment of tures, that constantly meet the eye in the streets of Canton; but still the outline seems to London, and traceable to the haunts of the gin- be one of unquestionable atrocity. There drinkers They talk of the smoking shops, or opi. um dens-as some have been pleased to call them appears to have been something so vin-of the Chinese, but they at any rate have the dictive in the conduct of this Commismerit of retirement from the public eye. Here the sioner Lin, in subjecting the victims of petty gin-shop has swelled out its dimensions, and his persecution to all the horrors of dying assumed all the splendour of a gorgeous palace, affronting the eye and ear of the sober and respect by famine, that it is utterly impossible to able passenger, with the disgusting appearance and imagine he can have been acting under, language of the deluded beings that throng its por- or sanctioned by, the orders of his govtals. I remember the time when those who visited ernment; and all this because the Superthese, then more humble, resorts of the wretched intendent very properly refused to give and vicious, used to stop and look round to see if they were observed; but now all such precaution is up an innocent person, who happened to abandoned; for in they go, both men and women, have been one in a general scuffle of

women. I have dwelt thus long on the subject, thinking it one of great importance, as it will affect our future prospects in regard to tea; also from a wish to benefit this people, and save those who are coming here from catching the plague by our using timely measures of prevention.'

Now, we have already intimated our suspicion that the evils of opium are greatly exaggerated-we have very strong doubts whether they are worse than those of gin and whisky; but supposing the above picture to be not a gross caricature, surely our government has reason to be alarmed for things nearer home than the habits and health of the Celestials. The importation of opium into England is rapidly increasing the use of the drug is extending, especially in our manufacturing districts; and, we understand, many of the temperance societies are making up for their abstinence from gin by the use of opium. What will they do when tea is no longer to be had? They will, no doubt return to gin, or have recourse to opium. We cannot but think that a strict inquiry should take place as to what the effects of opium-taking really are; but

that in the mean time no evidence is re

quired as to the necessity of putting down the open, profligate, and unblushing manner in which those glaring buildings in the metropolis, known by the name of gin-palaces, are frequented. On this point we entirely concur with the writer of the 'Letter to Lord Palmerston.'

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English, Americans, and Chinese on cipline, their numbers are so great, that shore, in which one of the latter was un- near every city they will be found to fortunately killed; but to point out any swarm like a hive of bees; and like particular individual, who gave the fatal them, they can sting; nothing short of a blow, was utterly impossible, and if pos- whole army could be of any avail, or sible, no Englishman would dare to give safe, in inland operations. Their troops him up to certain destruction without may not be expert in the field, but, gentrial. We will not accuse Lin of the erally speaking, few people are more diabolical act of murdering five innocent clever at expedients than the Chinese. lascars, when carrying over an English The general feeling of the British nagentleman of the name of Moss from tion seems to be for war with the Chinese; Macao to the ships, of hacking or stab- ministers are for it; almost all the writbing this gentleman, and, when in a state ers of the pamphlets we have recorded more dead than alive, of cutting off his are for war-but differ as to the manner ear and cramming it into his mouth. He of prosecuting it One would level the could not be so far lost to every feeling forts at the Bogue, and lay Canton in of humanity as to give direct sanction to ashes; and, not satisfied with this, would such fiendish doings; but he is strongly march on to Pekin (1200 miles). We suspected of having ordered the seizure, hope, however, he knows the road someand his inveterate conduct towards the what better than a Mr. Walter Stevenson English must have been quite enough to Davidson, who, when examined by a countenance the wretches who actually committee, proposed to march thither committed the enormity. But whether with 20,000 men, but admitted that he or not-taking into consideration the had no hints to offer for the details of whole of this imperial commissioner's such a movement. The present writer conduct-whether the extreme outrages would not only march on to Pekin, but committed had or had not his assent, he conclude a commercial treaty in the imhas done enough to make the interposi- perial palace.' Nay, he tells us very tion of the English crown inevitable. briefly what might be the tenour of this And the truth is, that sooner or treaty: You take my opium; I take later the commercial intercourse of your island in return, we are therefore China with the nations of Christendom quits; and henceforth, if you please, let must have been brought to some crisis us live in friendly communion and good of a nature enforcing the necessity of a fellowship. You cannot protect your very serious demonstration at least, on sea-board against pirates and buccaneers the part of one or more of the outside -I can! So let us understand each foreigners. It is practically impossible other, and study to promote our mutual for any nation to carry on a great and interest.'-(Brief Observations.) We have lucrative commerce with others, and yet even seen a proposal for paying a visit to refuse to enter into some species of Pekin in a first-rate man-of-war, though diplomatic relation with them. The in- 100 miles inland. The Barrister-atconveniences of the want of such recog- Law' would also 'penetrate to Pekin,' nised relations may be endured for a and see what they were doing there. season; but individual violences, on one But none of them tells us how we are to side or the other, are sure, at some time reach that city, much less how we are to or other, to bring the reductio ad absur- get back again. And as to seeing the dum; and now that the crisis has arrived emperor,' we must first cross the great in this case, our only prayer is that it wall, and penetrate not only to Pekin, may be made use of wisely. but into Tartary, for thither he would We hear of troops being ordered to certainly betake himself. What (besides join the naval expedition from India. the emperor) the invaders would not find Will not Lord Auckland find enough for at Pekin, we have stated elsewhere. the services of his soldiers in that terri- They would, however, find, among other tory? We cannot imagine in what articles exposed for sale in almost every beneficial way land troops could be em- shop, in the four wide streets, what ployed in the dispute with China: sea- might somewhat surprise them, as many men and marines appear to us the proper most splendidly-decorated coffins description of force for that service. In would be sufficient to hold the whole of a every part of China the population is more numerous party than will ever abundant; and though their soldiers are reach that capital. Some, again, are not in the best state of training and dis-satisfied with blockading the whole coast

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of the Eastern and Yellow Sea; taking, compel us to extend our limits, and our career of sinking, or destroying every species of British India would be repeated in China.'-Lindcraft fallen in with, from the Gulf of say, pp. 36, 37. Petchelee to Hainan, an extent of 1400 or But Mr. Lindsay says, 6 to prevent 1500 miles, full of fine rivers, bays, and future quarrels, free access to the imharbours, which would require more than perial court is the first and foremost half the navy of England efficiently to point, which can only be attained by the blockade. But almost every one calls residence of an ambassador at Pekin.' 'Then out for the seizure and occupation of we can venture to assure him, it never some island; though whether Amoy, or will be attained, but if it were possible, one of the Chusans, or Hong-Kong, God help the unfortunate ambassador! Lantao, or Lintin, they seem not to The indignities and insults he would constantly receive would soon drive him We cannot say that we should reckon away. We have had one embassy too on much advantage from the possession many already. The treatment which of an island on the Chinese coast, whe- Van Braam and Lord Amherst met with ther seized or granted. In either case it-the one for a full compliance with the could not fail to be a source of jealousy degrading demands of the Chinese court, and dislike; and instead of benefiting, the other for non-compliance-ought to would be more likely to damage, our be sufficient to deter any man of rank or commercial interests. Let us suppose character from accepting such an appointone of those outside the Bocca Tigris; ment. But the Russian mission, says what should we gain by our exclusion Mr. Lindsay, is a precedent. We know, from the great mart of trade at Canton, in modern times, of but one mission from while all other nations were on the spot Russia, which was accompanied by Mr. taking the earliest advantage of the Charles Stuart (the present Lord Stuart market-except the immense benefit of de Rothesay). After a long and tedious involving ourselves in perpetual broils journey through Siberia, and just as they with the natives, probably in frequent were approaching the great wall, they homicides? Or, of what use would it were met by a deputation from the embe, if we were still to live in the Canton peror of China, conveying more of confactory? Those who talk of taking pos-dolence for their fatigues, than congratusession of Hainan or Formosa, islands lation at their arrival in his dominions, nearly as large as Ireland, are not de- and expressing his hearty wishes for serving of notice. If we could succeed their safe return-but anything rather in obtaining leave to establish a factory than the remotest hint of a desire that on the eastern coast,-at Amoy, for in- they should extend their labours by pro. stance-in the neighbourhood of the tea ceeding to Pekin. Others, we perceive, districts, or on the great island of Chusan, talk of the Russian legation at Pekin: as a depôt from whence a most extensive this too is a mistake. They have what trade in silks and other valuable articles they call a college there, where half-amight be carried on with the wealthy dozen youths are instructed in the Chicity of Hong-cheu-foo, and the populous nese language, for the mutual benefit of districts bordering on the Imperial Canal; the two nations, in their commercial one or both of these would be worth contending for; but neither these, nor any island, should be taken or held by compulsion. On this point we are glad to find that Mr. Lindsay concurs with us :

'Many people are disposed to maintain that some insular possession on the coast of China is desirable, where we might carry on our trade under the pro. tection of our own flag. I confess that in my mind I see great and serious objections to such a measure. Nothing would tend so much to degrade the impe. rial government before their own people as demand. ing such a concession; and merely looking to our own interests, anything having such a tendency is most seriously to be deprecated. Our object in China is mere commercial intercourse, not territorial aggrandisement; and I cannot help fearing, that if we once planted our flag and built a fort within the Chinese dominions, circumstances would

transactions at the great market of Kiatcha, near to which they are conterminous ; a permission granted so far back as in the time of the Empress Elizabeth, nearly one hundred years ago.

The American friend of Captain Elliott points out, very obligingly, various modes in which we may settle the Chinese.

Finally, there are two powers in the hands of Great Britain, capable of being wielded for the subduing of the Chinese-the power of inflicting infi. nite harm, and the power of imparting infinite b'essings. To recommend the latter means, is the object of this publication. If, however, all confidence in truth, in peaceful policy, is lost; if resist ance to rival aggrandisement can be reconciled with these remoter usurpations; if it be consistent to uphold the Mohammedan power in Europe with

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