
War of the United States, on Indian affairs, 209; the children of Indian schools superior to others, 215, 216; his speech to the Ottawas to induce them to part with their lands, 225.



321; Polack's case, 322; Stockdale's second, third, and fourth actions, 322, 323 publicity of parliamentary debates, 323, 324; extravagant privileges heretofore claimed, 328; bill to settle the question, ib.; reasons for passing it 329; Policy of the Conservative party, ib.; Sir Robert Peel's conduct in these proceedings, 330. Prout, Dr., his system of universal voracity, 179.

Napoleon, his presumption and personal arrogance,
19; his method of estimating chances, 20; his
arrival in Spain, and sudden departure from it,
20, 21; cause of his departure, 21; tokens of his
good temper, 24; and of his forgetfulness of his Quotidienne, the, 240.
own orders, 27; his opinion of the battle of Al-
buera, 29; cause of all his marshals abandoning
him, 29, 30; reception of, at Grenoble, on his

return from Elba, 46.

National debt of Austria, and sources of revenue,


National, the, established to accelerate the Revolution of 1830, 233; edited by Armand Carrel, 236; its present character, 238. Ney, Marshal, his dispute with Massena, 22, 23. Newspapers, English, contrasted with French, 245.

[blocks in formation]

Paget, John, Hungary and Transylvania, 126; analogy of the institutions, traditions, and localıties of Hungary, with those of England, 137; peopled by the Sclavacks, ib.; Hungarian Diet, 138; Déak and Count Szechenyi, 138, 139; the latter persuades the nobles to pay a tax, 139; Prince Esterhazy's wealth and magnificence, ib.; their genealogical tree, 139, 140; their patronage of Haydn, 140; a Presburg dinner-party, ib. Palmerston, Lord, 255.

Pascal's Thoughts,' and Provincial Letters, 201; 'Pensées,' 204.

Patagonians, the, 110, 111. See King.
Pearson, Rev. George, the Progress and Tenden.
cies of Socialism, 153; the author attributes
popular tumults to social ignorance, 164; Social-
ism defined, 165: its rapid spread has excited
the apprehensions of Churchmen and Methodists,
166; summary of its tenets, ib.; its growth and
present prosperity, 166, 167.

Peel, Sir Robert, his conduct in the proceedings in
Stockdale's case, 329.
Polack's case, 323.

Poor-laws in Austria, origin of, 134; sources from which the funds for their administration are derived, 134, 135.

Pratt, Mr. Tidd, has sanctioned the rules of the Socialists, 278.

Presse, La, has effected a revolution in journalism, 241; its character, 242; contributors, ib.

Printer's Devil, the, 1-18.



Ranke, M., History of Italian Poetry, 188; on the influence of the Jesuits on education, 196. Red man, the, 209. See Catlin.

Religion, re establishment of, in France, 50. Religious education, necessity of it for the lower

orders, 134.

Reviews, impracticability of establishing them in France on the plan of the English Quarterlies, 244.

Romance in real life, 48, 49. Russell, Lord John, made Mr. Frost a magistrate, 154; his Lordship never contemplated the consequences of such an act, 156; his visit to Liver. pool in 1838, ib.; his panegyric of public meetings, 156, impossible to conjecture his motive, 157; its impropriety as emanating from the Secretary of State, ib. ; who was obliged shortly after to issue a proclamation against torch-light meetings, 157, 158; grievance meeting at Pontypool, Jan. 1839, 158; its effects traceable at the New. port riots, ib.; Llewellyn quotes his Lordship's speech as his defence, ib.


St. Martin, Alexis, 174. See Beaumont.
Schoeffer, the father of letter-founding, 12.
Shakspeare, 193. See Hallam, 256. See Hun-


Shell, George-his ruin and death at Newport, 163. Siècle, Le, started in opposition to La Presse, 242. Small-pox, its devastating effects upon North American Indians, 221.

Socialism, 165. See Pearson.

–, 265 ; a natural development of dissent, ib.; principles of Socialism, 265, 266; analysis and tendency of these principles, 266, 267; means counteracting them, 281, et seq.

Society in England, the highest is the best, 143; contrast between it and that of Vienna, 144. Spaniards, proof of their courage, 21. Spanish literature, the best of it comprised between 1550 and 1650, 198.

Spain alone has her warrior-poets, 199. Spence, G., Esq., Queen's Counsel, on the unsatisfactory state of the Court of Chancery, 147; the public are much indebted for his labours, 153. State, Church and, 54. See Gladstone. State Paper Office, the absurd proceedings of, in preventing Mr. Tytler from continuing the publication of any letters connected with English history, 42, 43

Stature of men sensibly diminishing in France within the last 40 years, 113. Stereotype casting described, 14, 15.

Printing, invention of the art, 9; the cause of the Stockdale, his case of parliamentary privilege, 319. Reformation, 12.

Printing steam-presses described, 8. Privilege, statement of Stockdale's case, 319; opi. nion of Lord Denman, and Court of Queen's Bench, as to sale of parliamentary proceedings containing libels on individuals, 320; report and proceedings of the House on this decision, 320,

Stokes, Captain, appointed to the command of the Beagle in her surveying voyage in 1826, 106; death, 107.

Stone, Wm. L., Life of Thayendanegea, 209. Students of German Universities described, 132. Stultz, Baron, compelled to pay double price for his title, 129.

[blocks in formation]

Tea, average annual quantity imported into Eng- Victor, Marshal, Letter to King Joseph (Buonaland, 310.

Tempest, the, 256. See Hunter.

Thelwall, Rev. A. S., Iniquities of the Opium Trade, 294.

Tetchen, the Castle of, in Bohemia, described, 141, 142.

Thiers, M., justified in aspiring to political power, 235; cause of the calumny heaped upon him, ib.; the accusation against him relative to his father-in-law explained, 252.


Toulouse, the battle of, acknowledged by the Re. vue des deux Mondes to have been lost, 29. Travellers in Austria, 126. Trollope, Mrs., Vienna and the Austrians, 126 one of the most remarkable writers of the day, 142; she travels to collect national characteristics, 143; Viennese and London society compared, 144; manners of the aristocracies of Vienna, ib; La Crême, 145; Mrs. Trollope occasionally mystified, ib. ; chief defect of her books, 146; Prince Metternich, ib,; the au. thoress's descriptions and theories contradicted by her facts, ib.; justice of her political conclu.

sions, 147.

Turnbull, P. E., Austria, 126; his estimate of crime in Austria as affected by education, 133, 134; opinions on the Austrian army, 135. Tytler, P. J., England under the reign of Edward VI. and Mary, 30; author of the only history of Scotland, ib.; value of original letters in elucidating history,21; division and character of the work. 31, 32; Earl of Hertford, 32, 33; vindication of 'bloody Mary,' 33-34; second division of the work, 34; Mary's personal appearance, 35; unpopularity of, her marriage with Philip, ib.; her anxiety to become a mother, 36.; Lord Burleigh, 36, 37; Protector Somerset, 37; Northumberland, 39: proceedings of the State Paper Office in reference to Mr. Tytler, 42, 43.

parte), 21.

Villèle, M., re-established the censorship in France, 233.

Villermé, M., analysis of mortality in the various classes in Paris, 176.

Universities, number of, in Austria, 132. Unstamped newspapers in 1835, their immoral character, 161; two classes of complainants against them, ib. ; they have not been stopped by reducing the stamp on newspapers, 161, 162; the Western Vindicator, 162.


Walewski, le Comte, a son of Napoleon, proprietor of Le Messager, 243.

Warren, S., Esq., the Opium Question, 294; cha. racterised, 295.

Weddell, Captain, his adventure with the Chinese, 303, 304.

Wellington, the Duke of, letter to Lord Lynedoch, 27, 28.

Wellesley, Marquis of, Primitiæ et Reliquæ, 289; the author is distinguished as a master of ver. nacular and classical composition, ib; his educa. tion at Eton, and the poetic spirit it inspired, 291; Odes of Lord Wellesley, written at 17, 295; Ode on the Weeping Willow, 293; translation, ib; Latin and English inscription on Miss Brougham's tomb, 294; written in his Lordship's eightieth year, ib.

Western Vindicator, unstamped newspaper, edited by H. Vincent, in Monmouth gaol, 162; specimens of its articles, ib.; cause of the ruin and death of Shell, slain at Newport, 163; letter of the Mayor of Cardiff to Lord Normanby for its suppression, ib. Wilberforce, Mr., 85, 154. William IV., 109.











JULY, 1840.

ART. I.-Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater Giovanni Santi. Von J. D. Passavant

[ocr errors]

II. A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape-Vine on Open
Walls. By Clement Hoare

III.-Plotini Opera Omnia. Ed. Fredericus Creuzer

IV.-1. First Annual Report of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages.

2. Statistical Report on the Sickness, Mortality, and Invaliding among the Troops in the West Indies. Prepared from the Records of the Army Medical Department and War-Office Returns.

3. Ditto, ditto, for the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and British America.

4. Ditto, ditto, for Western Africa, St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Mauritius.

V.-Poems. By John Sterling.

VI.—1. An Examination of the new Form of the Statutes, Titt. IV. V., with Hints for establishing a System of Professorial Teaching. By Robert Hussey, B. D., Censor of Christ Church.

2. Hints on the formation of a Plan for the safe and effectual Revival of the Professorial System in Oxford. Addressed to the Rev. the Warden of New College, by a Resident Member of Convocation.

3. Considerations of a Plan for combining the Professorial System with the System of Public Examinations in Oxford. By a Tutor of a College.

VII. The Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edited by
William Stanhope Taylor, Esq., and Captain John Henry Pringle,
executors of his son, John Earl of Chatham.

VIII.-. 1. Allgemeine Theorie des Erdmagnetismus. Resultate aus den
Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins im Jahre 1838. Her-
ausgegeben von C. F. Gauss und W. Weber. Leipzig, 1839.
2. Intensitas Vis Magneticæ Terrestris ad Meusuram absolutam
revocata. Auctore Carolo Friderico Guass. Göttingæ, 1833.

3. Lettre de M. de Humboldt a S. A. R. Mgr. le Duc de Sussex,
Président de la Société Royale de Londres, sur les moyens pro-
pres à perfectionner la connaissance du Magnétisme Terrestre par
l'établissement des stations magnétiques et d'observations corres-

4. Report of the Committee of Physics, including Meteorology, on the objects of Scientific Inquiry in those Sciences. Approved by the President and Council of the Royal Society. London, 1840.










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