
by the circumstances of his birth in the foremost ranks of society. But there was a cloud on the horizon; a moral gloom hung over the most brilliant effusions of the imagination which every one was ready to lament, though most of us were sanguine enough to hope that it would be dispersed by the improving influence of reason and religion. How deplorably have their hopes been disappointed; this portentous cloud has spread itself on all sides and involved his whole intellect in its fatal gloom. Nothing can pierce it, the flashes of wit and the bright blaze of imagination are alike ineffectual; and the name of Lord Byron, who might, (it would be a cruel effort of the imagination even to suggest what he might have been) serves now only to point a moral.

"He seems to have been possessed of all the gifts of nature and fortune, only that he might prove how vain such posses. sions are to those who know not how to use them rightly.

"He was gifted with the highest intellectual talents, but he has profaned this God-given strength,' to the worst purposes: he was born a Briton, and inherited the honours and privileges of a class to which the proudest might have been proud to belong, yet when does he allude to his country or her institutions; without an expression of scorn or hatred? He did not scruple to contract the most solemn obligations which society can impose, and which usually call into exercise the tenderest feelings of our nature; those feelings he has wilfully thrown from him; and trampled on the ties from which they sprung: and now at last he quarrels with the very conditions of humanity, rebels against that Providence which guides and governs all things, and dares to adopt the language which had never before been attributed to any being but one, Evil be thou my good.' Such as far as we can judge is Lord Byron." P. 14.

The concluding address to Mr. Murray is calculated to make an impression upon that gentleman's nerves, which we trust that he will be unable to shake off.

"In conclusion, Mr. Murray, I would bid you ask yourself, are you prepared to go all lengths with him? It is not to be supposed that the author of Cain will stop there; he already resembles the wretched Carlile in so many points, that we reasonably expect he will imitate him in his pertinacity also will he find in you a willing instrument, a publisher ready to dissemi

nate all the moral poisons he may think fit to prepare? Deliberate, Sir, before you decide this question in the affirmative, for be assured, that you challenge a heavy responsibility: I speak not of the responsibility to which the actions of every one of us shall be liable; on the deeds done in the body, whether they be 'good or bad, let no mortal be so presumptuous as to pronounce a judgment, or so deceived as to hope to escape one. But you are responsible to that society whose institutions you contribute to destroy; and to those individuals whose dearest hopes you insult, and would annihilate. Hone, it is true, escaped with legal impunity; but Carlile and his miserable associates are in gaol. I trust you will not persevere; but if you do, neither your courtly locality and connections, nor the demi-official character with which you are invested, will avail to protect you." P. 19.

The writer signs himself Oxoniensis, and his secret hitherto has been so well kept, that we shall not even pretend to know him under other any name. But of this we are certain that the proudest name of which Oxford can boast need not be ashamed of acknowledging the Remonstrance to Mr. John Murray.

We conclude our remarks by transcribing a passage from Mr. Southey's Letter, which has recently appeared in the Newspapers, and which merits something more than a

Newspaper existence. The attack upon that gentleman is coupled with praises of Lady Morgan, and while

the one is reviled on account of his religion and loyalty, the other, and that a female, is extolled to the skies for the fearlessness with which

she scoffs at Christianity. "Lord Byron," says Mr. Southey, "has thought it not unbecoming in him to call me a scribbler of all work. Let the word scribbler pass; it is not an appellation which will stick, like that of the Satanic School. But, if a scribbler, how am I one of all work? I will tell Lord Byron what I have not scribbled-what kind of work I have not done. I have never published libels upon my friends and acquaintance, expressed my sorrow for those libels, and called them in

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during a mood of better mind-and then re-issue them, when the evil spirit, which for a time has been cast out, had returned and taken possession, with seven others more wicked than himself. I have never abused the power, of which every author is in some degree possessed, to wound the character of a man,

or the heart of a woman. I have never sent into the world a book to which I did not dare affix my name;

or which I feared to claim in a court of justice, if it were pirated by a knavish bookseller. I have never manufactured furniture for the brothel. None of these things have I done; none of the foul work by which literature is perverted to the injury of mankind. My hands are clean; there is no damned spot' upon them-no taint, which all the perfumes of Arabia will not


"Of the work which I have done, it becomes me not here to speak, save only as relates to the Satanic School, and its Coryphæus, the author of Don Juan. I have held up that school to public detestation, as enemies to the religion, the institutions, and the domestic morals of their conntry. I have given them a designation to which their founder and leader answers. I have sent a stone from my sling which has smitten their Goliah in the forehead. I have fastened his name upon the gibbet, for reproach and ignominy, as long as it shall endure. Take it down who can !"

The Necessity of being in a State of Preparation for Death; a Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of Somersham, in the County of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, October 16th, 1821, at the Funeral of the Rev. T. Wilson, M.A. Perpetual Curate of Wil burton, and Curate of Colne and Pidley, in the same County. By the Rev. T. Bourdillon, M.A. Vicar of Fenstanton, cum Hil

ton, Hunts, and formerly Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Hall, in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. 32 pp. Rivingtons. 1821. WE ventured a few months ago to make some general observations upon funeral sermons, and to condemn the discourse of a well-known preacher, on account of the partyspirit which it unequivocally displayed. The little work before us is written in a very different strain, and the account which it gives of a deceased clergyman, is so judicious and satisfactory, that we cannot refrain from laying it before our readers.

The subject of the sermon is the sudden death of the Rev. T. Wil

son, who lost his life in consequence of being thrown from a gig, after having passed the afternoon, with some other clercompany


gymen, at a friend's house. The discourse, therefore, naturally turns upon the necessity of preparation for death; and after having enbut convincing manner, especially forced this necessity, in a plain by shewing the certainty of eternal punishments, the preacher gives the following sketch of the character of his departed friend.

"To render his example conducive to your spiritual good, I will proceed, as I purposed, to set some features of his character before you that you may be and what hope you have, should your led to consider how far you resemble it, days be cut short by any such unexpected accident, of closing your eyes in the same peace, and of becoming partakers of that happiness which we trust he is now inheriting.

"In taking this review of the character of our departed friend, I would observe, in the first place, that he was a person of unaffected humility. Though possessed of a sound judgment, and with a mind enriched by study of the best kind -the study of the Holy Scriptures, and of subjects connected with his ministerial duties yet was he lowly in his own eyes; firm in maintaining what he thought right, he was more disposed to listen to the opinions of others, than forward to ad

vance his own.

"The like temper shewed itself in his outward manners. This the poor of his villages will be ready to testify. 'l'here was nothing harsh, nothing overbearing, nothing arrogant in his behaviour towards them, but an engaging and affable address, accommodated to their habits, and which, as it bore the marks, so did it proceed intrinsically from a spirit of love and kindness.

"This leads me to notice, as another Christian-like and amiable quality belonging to him-his disinterested benevolence his ready and active charity. He pecuniary means were not great, but he made a wise and liberal use of them. Not only was his house always open to those who stood in need of such comforts as it afforded, but he was in the habit of making advances of small sums of money to poor persons, to enable them to pay their rent, and for other beneficial purposes; advances which, from various causes, we may suppose were in many cases never replaced, and in many others sever required or expected to be so. It has been truly said of him, by those who knew him well, that by the judicious application of his limited resources, conpected with his own frugal and inexpensive babits, he bad the art of making a little go a great way-a happy art when employed, and full of the most benecal consequences.

"Not that his benevolence was exerted only in acts of small assistance. This some of his own more immediate connections well know, who will be ready cheerfully to acknowledge the very mportant and lasting services they derived from him.

"As he was thus charitable in the employment of his pecuniary means, so likewise did his benevolence and sense of daty manifest themselves in the use which be made of another important talent-his


"It is well known that many persons are ready to give money towards the furtherance of any useful or charitable instilations, who would be loth to sacrifice ach time in their behalf. This, perhaps, few things more strikingly exempified than in the care and superinndance of schools; those, I mean, which are established for the benefit of the poor. Such was not the case with im of whom I am now speaking. He

"One act of benevolence of this kind he had performed on the morning of the very day when the fatal accident befel him."


gave not only his money but his trouble ; he put himself not only to expence, but to inconvenience. Two or three times a week did he go, in the evenings of the winter half-year, to the night-school at Colne, a distance, you well know, of full a mile, that he might afford help and superintendance. His other labours in his parishes were of a corresponding nature. Though he had no opportunity of residing in either of his villages, yet, like a true pastor, he was much among his people, visiting their cottages, learning their wants, assisting them with his advice, composing their differences.

"The mention of this last particular leads me to notice another feature in his character, of a truly Christian stamp, that of a peace-maker. How blessed this quality is in the sight of God we have

our Saviour's own declaration to assure us; and for this he whose character we are considering was particularly distinguished; so much so, that he was constantly referred to by those who had any disputes to settle, or differences to heal; such was the opinion entertained both of his disposition to do good in this way, and of the judgment and uprightness with which he would discharge the trust reposed in him. How much good he effected in this respect, we may, in some measure, appreciate, if we consider the cabals and jealousies, the rancour and the heart-burnings, the strife and divisions, which frequently prevail where there is no such benevolent person at hand to pre

vent them.

"And now if we enquire what gave rise to this humility, this benevolence, this desire and disposition to promote the peace and happiness of those around him, to what, my brethren, shall we ascribe it, but, under the influence of divine grace, to a sincere belief in the Holy Scriptures, and to a pious wish and endeavour, thence arising, to frame his heart and life accordingly, and to imitate, not in word only, but in deed, that divine pattern of all virtue set before us in the person of Christ our Saviour." P. 17.

"The next and last particular which I will mention as belonging in an eminent degree to our departed friend, and which was among the most obvious as well as the most excellent parts of his character, is his "devotedness to his profession," the almost exclusive attention which he paid to the business and duties of his ministry.

"He was, strictly speaking, a clergyman: the constant current of his thoughts was towards religion. Those who en

joyed, even in a slight degree, his society and friendship, know how truly this may be said of him. To talk upon religion and religious subjects was his great delight. His reading and studies lay all that way. In his most familiar intercourse he seemed always gratified when he could give the conversation a profitable turn, and lead it to his favourite theme.

"My reverend brethren, who are come to pay the last tribute of regard and affection to his memory, may I be excused if I respectfully advert to the solemn obligations we have taken upon ourselves as to this important matter, and pray that in this great and distinguishing part of our lamented friend's character, his example may be so considered by us as to lead, through God's blessing, to the same fruits in ourselves. We know the pledges we gave at our ordination, may they be remembered by each of us as they were by


"Having dwelt so long on the several particulars already mentioned, I have but little time to say any thing further; neither indeed is it necessary. For after what has been stated, it would be almost need

less to add, that he fulfilled all the relative duties of life as a Christian ought to do; that he was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a steady friend, a kind relation to all connected with him. To these things the feelings of some here present, and the knowledge of many more bear sufficient testimony. P. 23.

We trust that there is nothing extraordinary or singular in the amiable character here pourtrayed. But taking for granted, as we most readily do, the accuracy of the portrait, its author is entitled to our best thanks. There is nothing strained, affected, or exaggerated, in his description. He gives us the history of a pious parish priest, which ought to interest and improve his hearers. He tells a plain tale in plain language; and his example may be copied in more quarters than one, with manifest and important advantage.


SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. Madras District Committee. In a very important despatch recently transmitted by Richard Clarke, Esq. Secretary to the Madras District Committee, the following passages oc


"The establishment of local deposits of Books at the principal stations of this Presidency, under the superintendence of the resident Chaplain, has been attended with all the success which had been anticipated from the measure. The distribution of Bibles, Prayer Books, and religious Tracts, has been increased; the benevolent designs of the Society have become more generally known, and their operations more extensively useful. In the absence of the Chaplain of Bellary (who is in England on a sick certificate) the Committee have accepted the proposal of Captain Clarke, of his Majesty's 46th regiment, (and one of their members), to form a depôt at that extensive

station; and the Books have accordingly been placed in charge of that gentleman, on the same terms as at the other depôts, until a Minister shall resume the clerical duties of the station."

"The District Committee have received a letter of advice from the Rev. Mr. Parker, respecting a supply of books shipped on board the Lady Kennaway, and the books have also been duly received. The Committee have taken into consideration the letter of the Rev. Archdeacon Owen, Chaplain General to his Majesty's Forces, and of the Rev. Mr. Parker, relative to the grant of books for the use of his Majesty's regiments serving under the Presidency of Madras; and the supply of these books for the years 1818 and 1819 having been received, they have instructed the Select Committee to distribute them according to the directions given in the Rev. Mr. Parker's letter. The Society shall be apprized of their special appropriation."

"The Society will be gratified to learn that the Vipery Mission Press has been successfully re-established. The Mis

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sionaries have evinced considerable judgment in the selection of the works edited by them, as well as very praiseworthy exertions in their speedy completion. The District Committee have admitted on their local list the following translations into Tamul, of works approved by the Society, which have lately issued from the Vipery Mission Press, viz.

"The Psalter of the Church of England. "The Parables of our Blessed Saviour. "The Miracles of our Blessed Saviour. "A Series of the National Society's Reading Books, from the Alphabet to Book No. 2, in Tamul and English.

"Copies of these works are presented to the Society, and in the binding of them a fair specimen is displayed of the skill and industry of the Society's servants at

the Vipery Mission House. The District Committee anticipate the Society's entire approbation of what has been done, on account of the benefits resulting from the measure that has been adopted. For in making this purchase, the Committee have afforded such pecuniary aid to the Mission Press, as will materially contribute to discharge the outstanding demands against it, and ensure its future operations from embarrassment. And what is still more important, the Committee have been enabled to send a much needed and most seasonable supply of Tamul reading and School Books to the several Missionary stations in southern India, in order to relieve the pressing demands of the Congregations and Schools, for elementary works of Education."


Allen, Charles Jefferies, to the rectory of Stocklinch Ottersey, Somerset ; patron, JEFFERYS ALLEN, Esq. of Bridg


Barlow, John, B.A. to be one of the chaplains to the Right Hon. LORD VISCOUNT TORRINGTON.

Bellett, George, to the vicarage of Sampford Arundell; patron, WILLIAM BELLETT, Esq.

Blomberg, F. W. M.A. to be a Canon residentiary of St. Paul's Cathedral; patron, THE KING.

Blomfield, C. J. D.D. of Trinity college, Cambridge, rector of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, and of Chesterford, Essex, to the Archdeaconry of Colchester; patron, the BISHOP OF LONDON. Boscawen, Hon. J. Evelyn, rector of Wotton, Surrey, and late fellow of All Soul's college, to a prebendal stall in the Church of Canterbury; patron, THE KING.

Boyse, John, to the rectory of Kitnor,

alias Culborne, Somerset; patron, THE KING.

Carr, very rev. R. J. D.D to the prebendal stall of Pratum Majus ; patron, the BISHOP OF LONDON.

Carr, Samuel, M.A. of Queen's college, Cambridge, to the perpetual curacy of St. Mary Key, Ipswich; BY THE PA

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Lasham, Hants; patron, GEO. PURE-

Evans, William, M.A. to the rectory of
Kingsland, Herefordshire; patron, ED-

Francis, Robert John, to the rectory of

Carleton St. Mary, Norfolk; patrons, the CORPORATION OF NORWICH. Greenly, John, M.A. of Christ Church,

Oxford, to the perpetual curacy of St. Thomas, Salisbury; patrons, the DEAN and CHAPTER of SARUM. Harding, William, to the perpetual curacy of Sawley, with the chapelries of Long Eaton and Wilne, annexed in the county of Derby.

Hogarth, John Henry, of Emanuel college, Cambridge, to the rectory of Stifford, Essex; patron, -HOGARTH, esq. Dorking, Surry. Holcombe, G. D.D. to the dignity of a prebend of Westminster Abbey; patron, THE KING.

Hoste, James, M.A. of Christ college, Cambridge, to the vicarage of Empingham, Rutlandshire.

Huntingford, H. to the rectory of Hampton Bishop.

Ingilby, Henry, to the livings of Swallow and Rigby, Lincolnshire; patron, SIR W. INGILBY, Bart.

Ingle, Charles, M.A. to the vicarage of

Orston, Nottinghamshire; patron, the Very Rev. the DEAN of LINCOLN. King, S. M.A. to the perpetual curacy of Lattimers, Bucks; patron, LORD G. H. CAVENDISH.

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