[blocks in formation]

event, and this providential deliverance. May the apalling effects of ungoverned passions, and evil company, be deeply impressed on our memories, and inscribed on the tablets of our hearts. Can we listen to the recital without being struck with horror, or yearning with benevolence? should we not all unite in opposing and stemming the torrent of infidelity, which hurries men forward to such depths of madness and guilt, and overwhelms them in the floods of despair? If you are sensible of the importance of this, you will willingly give your support to those who labour in the cause of religion, you will not suffer their zeal and ardour to want the encouragement of your patronage.

"I have esteemed it my duty to exert all my powers against Infidelity—the growing and gigantic monster of the present age-the parent of vice, misery, and black despair-the blaster of man's brightest hopes, the murderer of his immortal soul, the robber of his crown of glory. With this view I have employed this pulpit for three years past in delivering Lectures against infidelity, and the prevailing errors and sins, and the present portentous times, and our incumbent duties. The expenses of lighting the Church devolve entirely upon myself. To you, therefore, am I obliged to appeal, as the only authorized source appointed me to defray the expences. The annual income of the Lecture does not amount to 357. Would delicacy allow me to tell you of late heavy afflictions in my numerous family, and the losses I have sustained by laborious and persevering exertions in the cause of Christianity, truth, and social order, I am persuaded that it would much strengthen my appeal to you. Whatever your contributions, I shall receive them as a testimony of your regard to the cause of revealed religion, Christian faith and Christian practice, and as a tribute of encouragement to one of the humblest,

but sincerest Christian advocates for his Country, his King-his Religion-his Saviour and his God."

No. III.

"To the Inhabitants of the United Parishes of St. Michael, Queenhithe, and Holy Trinity, the Less.

"My Christian Friends, "THE appointment of the Rev. T. L. Strong, as the Rector of your Church, in consequence of the death of the Rev. Dr. Coombe, and his determination to discharge not only his own duties, but those

• St. Antholin's, Watling-street.

of the Lecturer also, having terminated
my connection with you, I cannot but
avail myself of the opportunity, which the
announcement of this circumstance affords,
to offer to you the assurance of the grate-
ful feelings with which your kindness has
impressed me. The personal civilities I
have received; the favour with which, in
many instances, my imperfect or weak
services have been accepted; and the
liberality which you manifested when soli-
cited to aid my distressed Countrymen,
have unitedly interested my heart, and
secured my lasting regard and gratitude.
At one time I certainly indulged the hope
of some future more permanent connexion
with you; but circumstances and consi-
derations on my part, to which it is unne-
cessary that I should here particularly ad-
vert, would now render it impossible; for
I am not yet prepared, with Dr. Paley, to
regard oaths and subscriptions as mere
matters of ceremony and form. Of the
truths and importance of the doctrines of
the Gospel however, I am more than ever
convinced. The fall of man; the utter
depravity and corruption of our nature,
and the necessity of its regeneration by the
Holy Spirit; Salvation by Grace through
Faith that is in Jesus Christ; and a con-
duct worthy of that holy vocation where-
with we are called; these are doctrines
according to godliness, and which I hope
to the latest hour of exertion to be ena-
bled, as I have hitherto done, to preach
faithfully, and fully, wherever Providence
may direct my goings. These doctrines it
has been my honest endeavour to preach
among you; and, in the confidence which
a conscious sense of duty inspires, I have in
no way sought either to conceal or soften
down their full force and meaning. Plain
language and honest boldness become the
Minister of Truth: Men's Souls are not to
be sacrificed to the fear of Man, to the
hopes of preferment, or to the love of
popularity. Such are my opinions. You
know my practice. The peculiar circum-

"The appointment of their own Lecturers is one of the few rights and privileges which the London Parishes possess; but this, in many recent instances it has been deemed expedient, by certain incumbents, to question, and if possible to subvert. That this may be intended in your Parish, I would not even insinuate; but every encroachment on your rights you will, I am sure, regard with suspicion, and resist with firmness. To maintain these unim paired is due to yourselves, your children, and your country. This is your sacred duty."

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stances under which I have discharged the duties of your Curate and Lecturer, will, I am persuaded, convince you that I am not of a mercenary disposition; and yet I am somewhat covetous;-I would carry

with me some recompence for my labours; -I cannot spend my strength for nought; -yet if I have been privileged instrumentally to turn one sinner from the error of his way; or to have directed one doubting penitent to the hope set before him in the Gospel; to have animated the faith of one weak brother, or, to have comforted one christian mourner; to have ministered to the necessities of one child of sorrow, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, by an exhibition of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; then I have received a reward infinitely more valuable than what man confers, and of which none can deprive me. Whether I am so rewarded may not yet be known;-may the judgment of the great Day declare it more abundant than I dare anticipate!

"With the deepest sense of personal ob. ligation to many among you, and with the most unfeigned good will, and the sincerest wishes for your present and future happiness, I have the pleasure to subscribe myself,

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"Your faithful Friend and obliged "Servant,

"H. C. O'Donnoghue,"

"MILE-END, Sept. 30th, 1822.

Do not these passages afford full and convincing proof, that the charge brought by Selden against the Lecturers of 1840, may now be sub. stantiated against the Lecturers of a later age?

Setting aside the nonsense and inconsistency of Mr. Saunders's radical cant about the right of the Lecturer, andthe privileges of the parishioners, and the only ecclesiastical privilege of the people, and the freedom of the pulpit, the absurdity of all which was well known to Mr. Saunders, (as appears from his admission, that none but the Incumbent could grant him the privilege of entering the pulpit,) setting aside all this, what shall we say to his affecting query respecting the fate of those who take Holy Orders without patronage? Is it not in plain English a confession, that he intended to lec

ture himself into a living? That the pulpit of St. Margaret's was to be made his first step to a stall in the adjoining Cathedral, or a still more exalted station in the neighbouring senate? Where was this gentleman's common sense, when he forgot that there was such a person as a humble Parish Curate, and pretended that the highest offices in the Church could only be attained by the merits of a Lecturer?

On Mr. Piggott's statement it is unnecessary to comment. We can sympathise with his distress; but a more reprehensible, a more disgraceful method of supplying his wants, we cannot easily conceive.

Mr. O'Donnoghue is an exception to all general rules. And his meaning is not to be ascertained with any considerable precision. We suppose the Rev. Gentleman intends to say that he has scruples about subscribing to the Thirty-nine Articles, and that he does not intend to repeat that operation. If so, the Church of England is greatly indebted to Mr. Strong for putting an end to his officiating at St. Michacl's; and the Ecclesiastical Authorities should take care that he does not get possession of any other pulpit. The note about privileges is borrowed from Mr. Saunders, and if Mr. O'Donnoghue believes what he says, he is in a state of very deplorable ignorance. But his wisdom is as great as his charity, or he would not have ventured to charge Dr. Paley with an opinion, which he probably never held, and certainly would not have acknowledged during the latter part of his life.

We conclude by returning our best thanks to the Incumbents, who at the risque of much vexation and unpopularity, have protected their flocks against the evils of the lecturing system. A line of conduct equally honourable and decided has also been recently adopted by Dr. Hamilton, Rector of St. Olave's, Jury, and he has been rewarded by the approbation of a majority of his

parishioners, as well as by the grati. tude of his clerical brethren. Let such examples be followed as often as the occasion may require; and the Church of England will stand and flourish, in spite of Mr. Saunders's threat. Let his friends and admirers follow him to the meeting house, if they please; but let us hope that the Church will disdain to retain her members, by sacrificing her doctrines and her laws.

As the preceding remarks are passing through the press, we see that Mr. Piggott has covered the walls in the southern part of the city, with enormous hand-bills. The purport of them is to announce, that he will deliver a Lecture next Sunday evening, at St. Antholin's, to warn the public against the mischievous tendency of blasphemous publications, specifying in particu

lar Cain and the Liberal. To com plete the thing, we are reminded that A Collection will be made after Service, for the benefit of the Lecturer." These are the very words. Surely Mr. Piggott can have no right to prostitute the Church in this scandalous manner; but unless he is checked, he will proceed in the same course. Notice is given in the placard, that in the course of the winter, other Lectures will be given by Mr. Piggott, against the prevailing errors of the day: and other collections will, doubtless, be extorted from the pockets of those fools, who go to hear him.

To the Editor of the Remembrancer. SIR,

As I am a Constant Reader of your valuable Miscellany, I shall be obliged if you, or any of your Correspondents, will afford me some information about a work whose title is "Rationes Textus Heb. et editionis vulgatæ differentiarum ferè sex millium verborum in Psalmis

omnibus existentium; Nunc primum explicatæ, et editæ: per Rever. Sac. Theol. profess. F. Lucret. Tyroboscum Ausulanum Carmel. Ve netiis, apud Christophorum Zanettum, MDLXXII." I have searched Mr. T. H. Horne's Introduction, &c. but can find no mention of it. Are its interpretations correct, and is it adapted for a beginner? as I am just commencing the study of the Hebrew language. A. CANTAB.

7th Nov. 1822.

To the Editor of the Remembrancer. Sir,

You may depend upon the authenticity of the enclosed letters. They are both addressed to a native Hindoo of Bombay-the former is from Ram Mohun Roy, a Brahimin, whose name is become very familiar in this kingdom; the other is from a per

son less known here; but he is a Hindoo reformer, scarcely less famous in Calcutta, where he is the editor of a native newspaper. Ram Mohun Roy is celebrated in the Monthly Repository as a convert to Socinianism; and I believe that Hurree Hurr Dutt has exchanged his Hindooism for the same religious principles, or rather that they are both converts to Deism. The contents of these letters are curious, and make some discoveries not unworthy of attention.

Your obedient servant, &c.

NO. I. (COPY.)
Dear Sir,

ALTHOUGH I have not the honour of knowing you personally, yet from what I have heard of your character and qualifications, I entertain a high regard for you, and feel desirous to have the pleasure of personal ac. quaintance. I will in all probability visit Bombay in a few months hence, and will fulfil my long standing in

tention. As Mr. Bruce is about to proceed to that settlement, and is kind enough to offer to be the bearer of any letter or parcel that I might send you, I have the pleasure of availing myself of his friendly offer, by sending you such English tracts as contain my disputes with some advocates for idolatry; as any works written in Bengalee, or even in Sungscrit, printed in Bengalee character, will be of no use to you, I beg you will accept the accompanying pamphlets, as well as a few numbers of the Brahmunical magazine, the production of a Brahmun friend, who is compelled to defend his religion by the harsh language constantly used by Missionaries in Bengal against his faith. In my humble opinion, any system of religion that is worth observing must promote liberty and happiness, and not slavery or misery, I should have written you long ago, but I assure you I have had little or no time to do myself that satisfaction, and from this very circumstance I am now obliged to conclude this, with my best wishes for your success and happiness, and remain, Dear Sir,

Yours most faithfully,

Calcutta, Nov. 8. 1821.
To Vencoba Sadashew Naique,


NO. 11.
(No date affixed, but written in
November 1821.)

My Dear Sir, ALTHOUGH I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you, yet from what I have heard from my worthy friend and benevolent patron, James Calder, Esq. of your indefatigable and zealous exertion for the amelioration of the present benighted condition of our countrymen in general, I have been impressed with a most anxious wish and an ardent desire to open a communica tion with you by means of epistolary correspondence; (the only medium

through which it can under the present circumstances be effected) confidently trusting you will kindly forgive the presumption and freedom in a stranger, whose sole motive in assuming which, is to invite the attention and exertion of the enlightened portion of his countrymen in the cause of reform and improvement which the present state of thraldom, and deplorable ignorance, and superstition of the Hindoos, imperiously demand. You will probably have learnt from public prints, and must unquestionably have been highly gratified to find that strenuous ef forts are making in the House of Commons for the abolition of that truly inhuman and atrocious practice now in much prevalence on this side of India, I mean the immolation of the forlorn Hindoo widows on the funeral pile of their deceased husbands; and most sincerely and fervently do I pray that the efforts of the philanthropic members of that august assembly may be crowned with eventual success. It is a matter of surprise as well as of serious regret to me, that the government have not as yet adopted any measures for its suppression, and declared it a capital offence, punishable with death, as it has done in the case of the destruction of children. Such a measure as the extermination of this abominable custom, will reflect eternal credit and glory on the British administration in India. I hope the day is not far distant when this dreadful Scourge to humanity will be done away by the perseverance and laudable exertions of the friends of liberty, truth and virtue. The zeal and eagerness manifested both here and in England, on the part of our well-wishers for the moral and intellectual improvement of our much degraded and much to be lamented countrymen, is indeed very gratifying; and the institutions established in furtherance of those desirable and important objects, are highly meri

torious and useful, and have produced, and are still producing, very great advantages among the Hindoos of the Western Hindoostan. I have, with feelings of the highest exultation, noticed in the Calcutta Journal of this day, the establishment of a Hindoo College at Bombay, supported and patronised by the goverament there. From the important advantages that have already resulted from similar institutions here, I do not entertain the least doubt but that in the course of a few years our present ignorant and superstitious countrymen will be as liberal minded and enlightened as their present protectors are. The Tories have been lately straining every

nerve to destroy the freedom of the
Calcutta Press, but have not as yet
succeeded, nor do I hope they ever
shall. It is a great consolation to
me to know that among the mass of
Hindoos there are still some who
value liberty, truth, and justice, as
the greatest of all mortal blessings.
I shall at a future opportunity again
do myself the pleasure of writing to
you on various other topics; and
with every wish to cultivate your
friendship, and every prayer for
your happiness, I beg you will be-
lieve me your faithful friend,

To Vencoba Sadashew Naique,



On the proud banks of great Euphrates' flood
There we sat, and there we wept:
Our harps, that now no music understood,
Nodding on the willows slept;

Whilst unhappy captiv'd we,

'Lovely Sion, thought on thee.

They, they, that snatch'd us from our country's breast,
Would have a song carv'd to their ears

In Hebrew numbers then, (O cruel jest!)

When harps and hearts were drown'd in tears.
"Come," they cried, "come sing and play

One of Sion's songs to day."

Sing! Play! to whom, ah! shall we sing or play,
If not Jerusalem to thee?

Ah thee, Jerusalem! ah, sooner may

This hand forget the mastery

Of music's dainty touch, than I

The music of thy memory;

Which when I lose, O! may at once my tongue
Lose this same busy speaking art,

Unperch't, her vocal arteries unstrung,

No more acquainted with my heart,
On my dry palate's roof to rest
A wither'd leaf, an idle guest.

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