
derstanding and heart that he has declared himself to entertain for those of his reviewer, that is, they must have "no exalted idea of either." P. 65. But smoke and dust are sure to show from what quarter the wind blows; and of the religious state of a colony in which this pamphlet could be published by subscription, no flattering opi

nion can be reasonably or safely formed.

The Doctor concludes by proposing to answer our Review of Dr. Chalmers "as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers shall be procured." We know not whether the subscription has filled or failed; but inthe former case we shall be grateful for a presentation copy of the work.


Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

THE Report of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, for 1821, is just printed; we extract the following passages from that part which relates to their foreign proceedings.

"A most satisfactory Report has been received from Calcutta, dated in January, 1822. The Committee in that Archdeaconry have established depôts in different parts of Bengal for the more convenient distribution of books. At Cawnpore, a Station-Committee has been formed by the zealous exertions of the Rev. H. L. Williams, which has met with great encouragement and suceess, and has already been the means of dispersing 1967 books of different descriptions. From the depôts at Dacca and Chittagong a very considerable number of books has also been issued under the judicious care of the Rev. Mr. Tayler. From Dinapore, the Rev. E. Brodie has sent a remittance to Calcutta arising from the sale of books; and at Meerut, the Rev. H. Fisher has undertaken the management of the depôt, and is only waiting the arrival of a large consignment of books from England to replenish the stores of that station,

"In other parts of the Presidency where Station-Committees have not been established, private individuals have entered into the views of the SOCIETY with exemplary zeal and spirit. G. Saunders, Esq. has kindly undertaken to distribute books at Agra, particularly among the European soldiers of the artillery. Great assistance has also been derived from the generons exertions of Lieut. F. Candy, a subscribing Member. He urges the necessity of printing Tracts in the Qordoo language in the Persian character, which is generally understood by natives of education over the whole of Hindostan ;" and de

clares his readiness fo promote the objects of the SOCIETY to the utmost of his pow


"From the depôt at Calcutta, schools, barracks, hospitals, and other public establishments, continue to be supplied with books. The Church at Dum Dum has with an ample quantity of Bibles and been provided by the Rev. Dr. Parish Prayer Books for the free use of the congregation. Candidates for the late confir. mation were also supplied with books from Calcutta ; and the Committee report that the general demand for elementary works is rapidly increasing.

"In the year 1821, the number of books received at Calcutta was 10,822, of which 5,885 had been sold, or gratuitously distributed. Lending Libraries have been partially established in this Presidency, and appear to have given great satihfaction to those who take an interest in the moral and religious improvement of the country. It is determined that the Libraries shall consist of a complete set of the bound books, amounting to 42 volumes, and of the works admitted on the Supplemental Catalogue." P. 33.

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"The report of the Schools in Bengal is highly encouraging. The children make much greater proficiency than heretofore, and the value of instruction is now more duly estimated, ‘In the Russapugly circle the school at Beltollah having become untenantable through damp, the children have been united with those at Chuckera baree, and the school has been removed to Talliagunge, where a piece of ground has been rented on a pottah [or lease] for ten years. In Cossipore district a third school has been opened at Oottur Panah, on the Barrackpore road, which was occupied within a few days after its completion by upwards of 100 children. A fourth school will shortly be opened at Chitpore, where a large number of children are waiting for admission.'

"The Committee have also taken a large

school at Barripore under their care, and have erected a school-house at their own expence. They have received from the Marchioness of Hastings a pottah of the school ground at Barrackpore, and express their high sense of her Ladyship's benevolence, in the support and patronage of the school.

"This Committee have resolved to appropriate a part of their funds to printing re

purest ages of the Church; and will not only be memorable in the records of this SOCIETY, but in the annals of Christianity itself.

"The Report details, at considerable length, the measures which have been adopted for restoring the Missionary establishment at Vipery to an efficient state." P. 37.

ligious Tracts in the native languages for Deaneries of Warwick and Kineton.

the use of schools. The Discourses, the Miracles, and the Parables of our Saviour, as extracted from the New Testament, have been chosen for this purpose: and will soon be printed in Hisdostanee, (Nustaleeg character); in Hindooe, (Nagree); and in Bengalee, according to existing translations. It is proposed to print 2000 copies of each work in these several characters, so that the whole impression will amount to 18,000 copies.

"A communication has been received from the Bishop, dated August 4, 1821, in which he expresses an earnest wish that the schools in Bengal may be placed under the care of Missionaries, as far better qualified for the task of instruction than ordinary school-masters. In the northern aud southern suburbs of Calcutta, are schools which particularly require such superintendence; and at Noacolly, in the south-eastern part of Bengal, the assistance of a Missionary would be eminently useful. In the latter place a body of longneglected Christians has been discovered, but little removed from Paganism; and although schools are already formed with a special view to their improvement, an able instructor is indispensibly requisite to give effect to these establishments." P. 35.

"In the early part of the present year an excellent Report was received from the District Committee at Madras. This, perhaps, is one of the most important and interesting documents which has ever been presented to the Board. It comprises a very clear abstract of the proceedings of the SOCIETY in the Carnatic, from the year 1710 to the present day. Much of the information contained in this Report, has already been laid before the public, at dif ferent times, in a less regular and authentic form; but infinite credit is due to the Madras Committee for having collected materials so widely scattered, and thus given a clear and comprehensive sketch of the state of Christianity in the south of India. It may, indeed, be affirmed, without presumption, that the zeal, judgment, and ability, displayed at Madras since the establishment of the District Commit tee in August 1815, are worthy of the REMEMBRANcer, No. 48.

REPORT.-The Committee have the satisfaction to Report, that the operations of the Society appear to be exciting a more general interest within the District and Neighbourhood, than they have An increasing zeal is mahitherto done. nifested both by the Clergy and Laity, in supplying the Poor with the Society's Books, for which the demand during the last year has been very extensive. The number of Bibles and Testaments which have been sold, as well as other Books and Tracts, calculated to disseminate sound Doctrines, and to further Religions Education and Instruction, must materially tend, under Providence, to aid the great cause of Religion and Virtue; while the call for Prayer Books, which has been especially gratifying, justifies the Committee in expressing a conviction, that their efforts are promoting an increased attendance on, and attachment to the Established Church, and have been the means of rendering her beautiful Liturgy better understood and more highly va

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Total 240


266 753 About 3000

Few Lending Libraries have at present been established, owing, as it would seem, to the small size of the Parishes, in general, through the Districts; but the Committee are much pleased to notice that several of the Clergy keep by them a considerable number of the Society's Books and Tracts, (purchased at their own expense,) which they lend out to their Parishioners; and thus, virtually, a Lending Library is, in many places, provided for the Poor, although it has not the name of a regular establishment. In order, however, to promote the more general formation 5 E

of Lending Libraries, the Committee have passed a Resolution, in which they offer to bear one half of the First Cost of such Library, i. e. they will furnish any Parish within the Deaneries, with a Lending Library at one half the prime cost of the Books.

Most satisfactory Returns have been received from about 20 Parishes, including the Boroughs of Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon, of the children educated in Schools supplied wholly or in part with the Books of the Society. The results

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The small comparative number of Subscribers to the Stratford District is explained, by observing that the Fund of that District, which was, in the first instance, most liberal, was raised chiefly by Donations; but a Resolution has been lately passed, soliciting the subscription of small sams, instead of occasional Donations, the Committee entertain the best hopes that their next Returns will furnish a much more numerous list of Annual Subscribers.

The Committee close their Report with a confident hope that their statement will be deemed satisfactory, and that the good cause of the Society will continue to receive that liberal aid, in the Districts, which can alone enable the Committee to carry its great and benevolent designs into


JOHN BOUDIER, Secretary.

Vepery Mission School,

On Saturday the 22d Instant was held the second annual examination of the

Vepery Mission School of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. The Boys and Girls of the English and Tamil Schools were first assembled in the Vepery Church, where they were examined in their religions exercises, the former by the Rev. W. Thomas, Senior Chaplain, who obligingly presided at this part of the duty of the day, and the latter by the Rev. Dr. Rottler and the Rev. L. P. Haubroe. The correctness of the English classes, both of boys and girls, in answering the questions of the Church Catechism, and the distinctness and good emphasis with which they read, were particularly remarked; as were likewise the fluency with which the Tamil girls read the elementary books prepared in their own language for progressive learning, according to the system of the National School Society.

The children then adjourned to their several stations in the School rooms. The

girls in the English school exhibited to the Visitors their reading and writing lessons, and their needle work, which was observed to be all of the plain and useful kind. The different classes were inspected in their tasks of writing on sand, spelling, reading and writing, Dr. Bell's system having been introduced as well in the Tamil as the English school, and cards and books printed for their use. Particnlar notice was attracted by the industrious class of Tamil girls employed in cleaning cotton, spinning thread and knitting.Samples of their work were laid on a table, with specimens of books bound at the institution. The printing press was found actively engaged.

The examination was atttended by several families who were highly gratified with the interesting scene they witnessed. The children were all remarkably clean and healthy; and their rapid progress in useful acquirements, their orderly behaviour, reflected the highest credit ou their veuerable pastor the Reverend Dr. Rottler, and his able and indefatigable coadjutor the Reverend Mr. Haubroe.

The revival of this late neglected institution, with the great improvements in the system of tuition, and in the increase of the school in the course of two years from about forty children to nearly three hundred cannot fail to prove a blessing of the most important kind to the populous neighbourhood in which it is situated.

Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.

IN consequence of a circular letter addressed to the District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Know

ledge, at Bromley, in Kent, by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, a District Committee, in aid of this Corporation, has also been formed at that place. The Lord Bishop of Rochester being most anxious to promote the excellent designs of this chartered Society of the Church of England, a sermon, by his Lordship's permission, was preached on Sunday, 24th November, at Bromley Church, recommending the purposes of that Institution, by the Reverend H. H. Norris, Prebendary of Llandaff, &c.

This sermon was heard by the Lord Bishop of Rochester, and a very numerous and respectable congregation, with the most marked attention and effect. The collection amounted to 44l. 16s. 6d.

We are induced to hope that the Lord Bishop of Rochester, having already recommended to his Clergy within the Bromley district, to advocate this important cause, will extend the recommendation to all places of considerable population and opulence within his diocese, and that they will adopt the method of which his Lordship has given them so good and beneficial an example, at Bromley Church. For the unwearied efforts of other societies not so closely connected with our ecclesiastical polity, in the opinion of some of our most judicious friends, greatly strengthen the call, which is now made upon the sober-minded and steady friends of the Church of England, for increased exertion in this most sacred cause, and we shall then most probably find that the powerful claims of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel will justly enjoy a much larger share of the unexampled liberality of our public charities than it at present possesses.

Hedingham District Committee.

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of Members of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge within the Deanery of Hedingham, holden at Castle Hedingham, Oct. 28, 1822, it was unani. mously agreed,

1. That the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts is entitled, on account of its zealous and successful exertions in the maintenance and advancement of pure Christianity, to general gratitude and patronage, and merits in a particular degree the liberal support of the

Clergy and other members of the Estab lished Church.

2. That such support is at this time especially requisite, to further the intended operations of the Society in British North America, at the Cape of Good Hope, and in New Holland, to which the existing funds of the Society are wholly inadequate, after the wise appropriation of the whole amount of the collections made under the king's letter in 1819, to the maintenance and support of the bishop's college for the education of missionaries and catechists at Calcutta.

3. That a district committee be now formed, to be called the Committee of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts for the Deanery of Hedingham, for the purpose of making the operations and objects of the society more generally known, and of collecting, receiv ing, and remitting, all annual subscriptions and benefactions in aid of the society's designs.

4. That all subscribers of half-a-guinea, or of any larger sum annually, and all contributors of five guineas or upwards, be members of this committee.

5. That this committee do always meet on the days appointed for the meeting of the committee of members of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge within the Deanery of Hedingham, viz. on the last Monday in February, and on the last Monday in August.

6. That the Rev. H. Davies Morgan and the Rev. Lewis Way be appointed secretaries of this committee.

7. That the Clergy of the deanery be particularly requested to make known and to promote as much as possible, the objects of this committee, and to communicate to the secretaries the names of persons who may be disposed to become subscribers or benefactors to the society.

8. That all subscriptions and benefactions be paid to the secretaries.

9. That all annual subscriptions be considered as commencing on the first day of January in every year: aud that the first annual subscription commence on the first day of January 1823.

10. That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the Rev. Anthony Hamilton, secretarry of the society, for the purpose of being laid before the general board.


Cheese, B. B.D. fellow of Baliol college,
Oxford, to the rectory of Tendring,

Essex; patrons, the MASTER AND FEL-

Coulcher, W. B. to the rectory of Bawsey, Norfolk; patron, Р. HAмиOND, esq. of Westacre High House. Flower, W. jun. chaplain of York Castle, to the incumbent curacy of Malton; patron, EARL FITZWILLIAM. Hatch, C. B.A. fellow of King's college, Cambridge, to the perpetual curacies of Kersey and Lindsey, Suffolk; patrons, the PROVOST AND FELLOWS OF THAT SOCIETY.

Perring, P. M.A. of Brazenose college, Oxford, to be one of the chaplains to his royal highness the duke of Cambridge.

Priest, P. to the rectory of Langtree,


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November 16.

DOCTOR IN DIVINITY.-P. N. Shuttleworth, warden of New college, grand compounder.

BACHELOR OF CIVIL LAW.-W. B. Higgins, Trinity college, grand compounder. MASTERS OF ARTS.-C. C. Boyles, Exeter college, grand compounder; J. A H. Grubbe, Exeter college; T. H. Tragitt, Corpus Christi college; J. Wootten, Baliol college; and H. Morse, Worcester college.

BACHELORS OF ARTS. J Browne, and H. A. Browne, Queen's college; R. Burn, St. Edmund hall; W. A. Horne, Christ church; E. Trimmer, and E. Elton, Brazenose college; J. King and hon. R. Barrington, Oriel college; G. P. Belcher, Worcester college; P. Aubin, Jesus college; W. Battiscombe and W. Brownlow, Pembroke college.

November 22.

MASTER OF ARTS.-C. Alcock, New college.

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HONORARY MASTER OF ARTS.-Lord George Henry Spencer Churchill, Emanuel college.

BACHELOR IN DIVINITY.-J. Miles, Queen's college.

MASTER OF ARTS.-A. S. Thelwall, Trinity college.

BACHELOR IN CIVIL LAW.-O. Marden, Trinity hall.

BACHELOR IN PHYSIC.- E, Morton, Trinity college.

BACHELORS OF ARTS.-T. H. Jones, St. Peter's college; C. D. Halford, Jesus college; C. Fursdon, Downing college. November 4.

The rev. Henry Godfrey, D.D. president of Queen's college, was elected vicechancellor for the year ensuing.

The Seatonian Prize for the present year has been adjudged to the rev. Edward Bishopp Elliott, M.A. fellow of Trinity college, for his poem on " Antiochus Epiphanes."

Essay for the ensuing year is, "The Of The subject for the Norrisian Prize fice and Mission of St. John the Baptist."

The rev. Walter Burroughes, B A. of Clare hall, is admitted fellow of that society, on the foundation of Mr. Borage. November 20.

A grace passed the senate, "to purchase the late Dr. E. D. Clarke's collec-. tion of minerals at the sum of 15001."

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