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Exhibiting them by States, Territories and Districts-so far as they are returned by the Marshals, and the Secretaries of Territories, and their respective assistants, in the autumn of the year 1810.

Together with similar returns of certain doubtful goods, productions of the soil and agricultural stock, as far as they have been received.

Goods for apparel and furniture, of cotton, woolen, flaxen, hempen and silken yarn or thread, made in the

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Of goods for apparel and furniture made in the year


Maine. Woolen cloth manufactory 1; yards made 2000; value 5,250.


Cotton duck 200 pieces; value 6,000 dollars. Hempen sail duck, 3,025 pieces; Value 80,813 dolls. Tow cloth, 60,000 yards, value

Virgina. Stockings, 227,578 pairs, value 227,587 dolls.

Ohio. Cotton and wool spun in mills, 10,000 lbs value 11,50 dolls.

Kentucky. Bagging, for cotton, of hemp; establishments, 13; yards made 453,750; value 159,453 dolis.

33,000 dolls. Woolen cloth manufactory, 1; yards North-Carolina, and East Tennessee. No additional made 6,860, value, 10,290 dolls. Web lace and returns.

fringe to the value or 10,000 dolls. Cotton and

wool spun in mills, 838,348lbs. worth 931,906 West Tennessee. Cotton and wool spun in mills dolis. Stockings, 37,951 pans, value 28,4 50 dolls. 13,000 lbs. value 9,495 dolls. Sewing silk and raw silk, 100lbs. value 618 dolls.

New Hampshire. Tow cloth 723,039 yards.

Vermout. Woolen cloth manufactories, 2; web lace and fringe 1,240 yards, worth 174 doils. Cotton and wool spun in milis 8,960ibs. valued at 8,960 dolls. Yarn valued at 1,688 dolls. Stockings 24,129; worth 17,737 dolls. Thread, 4,742,920 runs and skeins; worth 189,716 dolls.

South Carolina. Mixed cloths and flaxen do. chiefly mixed, 2000 yards, worth 1,050 dolls.

Georgia. Mixed cloth and hempen do. chiefy mixed, 2,348 yards, value 2,174 dolls. Bagging, for cotton, of hemp, 9,463 yards; value 5,032 dolls. Mixed cloths and flaxen do. chiefly mixed, 10,512 yards, value 7,138 dolls. Stockings, 5,685 pairs; value 5,685 dolls.

Rhode Island. Woolen cloth manufactories 2; yards Orleans Territory. Stockings, 300 pairs; value 300

made 11,000; value 10,000 dolls. Web lace and fringe, 20,000 yards, value 3,120 dolls. Cotton



and wool spun in mills, 433,815 lbs. worth 305,824 Mississippi and Louisiana Territories. No additional dolls. Stockings, 14,760 pairs; value 7,380 dolls. Thread 15,600 runs and skeins; value 973 dolls.

Indiana Territory. Cotton and wool spun in mills to the value of 150 dolls.

Connecticut. Hempen cloth to the value of 12,143 dolls. Woolen manufactories 15. Stockings to the value of 111,021 dolls. Sewing silk and raw Illinois and Michigan Territories and Columbia, silk, worth 28,503 dolls. (Dist.)" No additional returns.

New-Jersey. Tow cloth 21,721 yards, value 6,516| dolls. Thread, 43,680 runs and skeins; value 7,644 doils.

New-York. Silk manufactory, 1; yards made 1800: value 1800 dolls. Blankets made, 278; worth 1,112 dolls. Carpeting and coverlets 200 yards, worth 60 dolls. Cotton and wool spun in mills, 8,200 lbs. worth 9,225 dolls. Varn, 17,200 lbs. worth 12,890. Stocking 15,831 pairs, value 11,877 dolls. Pennsylvania. Mixed cloths and hempen do. chief ly mixed, 1,801,025 yards. Hempen cloth 36,714 yards. Woolen cloth made in manufactories, 30,666 yards. Carpeting and coverlets, 9034 yards; value 9,049 dolis. Cotton, woolen, hempen and flaxen manufacturing establishments, 5. Web lace and fringe, 721,850 yards; value 96,246 dolls. Cotton and wool spun in mills, 403,681 lbs. value 354,692 dolls. Hempen and flaxen yarn-mills tons made 26; worth 5,160 dolls. Stockings 107,508 pairs; worth 154,406. Shirt buttons 7,068 dozen, value 406 dolls.


Delaware. Mixed cloths and hempen do. chiefly
mixed, 17,820 yards, value, 10,578 dolls. Woolen
cloth manufacturing establishments, 2; yards
made, 20,500, worth 41,000 dolls. Cotton and
wool spun in mills, 130,000 lbs. value 91,000 dolls.
Stockings 6,563 pairs; value 4,759 dolls.

Maryland. Woolen cloth manufactm ing establish-
ment, 1; carpeting and coverlets, 750 yards, value
2,500 dolls
Cotton and wool spun in mills,
96,760 lbs. value 111,274 dolls. Stockings, 41,088
pairs, worth 23,546 dolls.


Of the preceding minor articles, in the aggregate.
Cotton duck, 200 pieces, valued at 6000 dolls.
Mixed cloths and hempen do. chiefly mixed, 1,821,193

Hempen cloth manufacturing establishments, 3,025
Fow cloth-802,718 yard.
pieces; and 36,714 yards, value not stated.

Woolen cloth manufacturing establishments 24; yards

made 71,026.


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Silk manufactory 1; yards made 1800; value 1800
Blankets of wool, number made 278; value 1112

Carpeting and coverlets-yards made 9,984.
Bugging (for cotton) of hemp. Establishments 13;
Mixed cloth and flaxen do. chiefly mixed, 12,512
yards made 463,213; value, 164,477 dolls.

Web, lace and fringe-743,090 yards, worth 109,540


Cotton and wool spruın in mills—1,942,766 lbs. value

1,834,046 dolls.

Hempen and flaxen yarn-mills 6; tons made 26;
Yarn-17,200 lbs. value 14,578 dolls.
Stockings-manufactories, see "instruments and ma-
value 5,160 dolls.
Shirt buttons-7,968 dozen; value 406 dolls
chinery," &c. 481,399 pairs; value 572,742 dolls.
Sewing si k and raw silk-value in dolls 29,121.
Thread-4,802,200 runs and skems; value 198,336

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Instruments and machinery for the manufacture of cotton, flax, hemp, wool and silk into cloth, &c.

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16,057 75 22,561 182 20,970 109 67,756 14,801 139

59 357,386
797,236 236,193 221 730,948
478,000 228,140 135
798,500 47,910 160




19, 48





5,956 804


4,622 23 16,13 184 504,088


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413 1,881,596|


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10,930 24
427 1,811,005 2,263,756
52 204,640 213,880

42,418 11,085

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Pennsylvania, 133,007


340 1,940,350


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8,849 532 474,924

45,369 1,288,246



2,005 11 6.388

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32 67,936




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96 18 86,000 21 75,100

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37,745 40,911


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North Carolina 128,484 40,978

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E. Tennessee


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79,400 47,844

8,236 36,045

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372,743 325,392 1,776 7,417,261 1,837,508 1,682 5,452,960 4,117,304 201) 122,6:7 8421,095,465 467,666| 4,323,744

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Rhode Island. Mules 3; Thossels 1; mills for making of instruments and machinery, &c. noticed in the machinery for the manufacture of cotton and wool 12; value of the work done 43,500 dolls. Connecticut. No further return. New-York. The same,

New-Jersey. Reeds made 800; value 1000 dollars. Drawing and roving machines 3, mules 6; billies 4; Jennies 8; Throssels 2; twister 1.

Pennsylvania. Reeds made to the value of 3,025 dolls. Stocking looms 136; drawing and roving machine 1; mules 76; billies 45; Jenmies 43; throssels 7; twisters 5; spooling machine 1; stretcher 1; looms with fly shuttles 206; water frames 7; reels 2; patent shearing machine 1; wool pickers 14. Manufactory for making cotton rollers 1; machine for cutting and setting card teeth 1; wheel iron imanufactory 1; number made 2,400; value 700 dolls. Wire card manufactory 1; floor cloth stamping establishment 1; yards stamped 1500; value 3000 dolls: Machine makers 3; value of machines made 7,500; patent hat loom 1; hats of cotton and straw 500; value 250 dolls. Pair of hand cards 55,963.

Delaware. No further return. Maryland. Stocking looms 12; drawing and roving machines 6; mule 1; jennies 5; looms with fly shuttles 2; recls 2; weaving machine by water 1.

Hand cards, 55963 pairs.
Reeds made, value 4570 dolls.
Stocking looms 1:48.

53; jennies 299; throssels 10; twisters 6; spooling Drawing and 'roving machines 21; mules 87; billies machine 1; stretcher 1; looms with fly shuttles 224; water frames 7; reels 5; patent shearing machines 2; wool pickers 14.

Mills for making machinery 12; value of machinery made 45,500 dolls.

Machine makers 3; value of machines 7,500 dolls. Spinning wheel makers 5; and 6,393 spinning wheels made, worth 17,982 dolls.

Patent hat loom 1; value of hats made of cotton and straw 250 dolls.

Manufactory of cotton rollers 1.

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and steel.

Other iron works and manufactures of iron suchusetts 161,625, in Pennsylvania, 901,250; in Virginia 4,300-total value 1,067,175 dollars. Also, 2 Maine. Augurs and bitts to the value of 2000 dolls.shops in Maryland, 40 in Orleans Ter. and 3 in Lou Massachusetts. Wire drawing to the value of 29,912. isiana-total shops 45. Hydraulic machines, worth 4000; tacks 11,000,000 worth 2000 dollars.

New Hampshire. No further returns.
Vermont. No further returns.

Rhode Island. One manufactory of wood screws,
making 1,220 gross, worth 1525 dollars.
New York. No further returns.

Tin and copper ware. Value-Vermont, 1200; in Virginia 52,915-total value 54,115 dollars. Also 30 shops in Orleans, Ter.

Tin-plate works. Value-Massachusetts 73,715; Connecticut 139,370; New-Jersey 29,250; Maryland 91,500, Mississippi Ter. 7,200-total 341,035 dolls. also 2 shops in Louisiana Territory.

New Jersey. One wire drawing manufactory. Door Brass founderies. In Rhode Island 1, s. made locks 936, worth 4,680 dollars. Large screws 6,000; value 4,500 dolls. In Connecticut 4 foundeand steel springs to the value of 15,000 dollars. ries. In Maryland 6 founderies; value of manufacPennsylvania. Manufactories of saws 2; value tures 61,500 dolls-totals 11 founderies; 6,000 lbs. 19,000 dollars. Wire drawing manufactory 1, brass made; value 66,000 dolls.

value 2000 dollars. Wire workers 6; value 18,700 Copper, brass and tin manufacturès. In Massachudollars. Cutlery-shops 111; value of work in dol-setts, quantity manufactured 45,135; and of copper lars 113,360. Currying combs, dozens made, and brass 29,964. In Pennsylvania 109 manufactories, 1,248; worth 3,432 dollars. Flat irons-mills for and 361,600. In Maryland, one manufactory. In grinding 2; value of them made 2,000 dollars. Virginia, of copper, brass and tin 2240; and of copFiles-manufactory 1; value made 3000 dollars. per and brass, 1,680 dolls. Hydraulic engine makers 2; value of their work 25,000. Boring mills 3; gun barrels bored 1,670; cannon bored 106; value 8,745 dollars. Planes one foundery. manufactories 4; planes made 25,000; value 19,000 dolls.

Type founderies. In Connecticut, one foundery; Pennsylvania, type made 75,000 lbs. Maryland,

Brass, jewelry and plated ware.-In Connecticut, to the value of 49,200.

Plated ware. In New Jersey, 2 manufactories;

Delaware.-No further returns.
Maryland-Planes to the value of 42,000 dollars. value 18,350 dolls.
Virginia. Cannon bored 30; value 2,490 dollars.

Stills made. In Maryland, 20; value 1,600. Virgi Swords 1081; worth 5,405 dollars. Door locks nia, 768; value 76,800. North Carolina, value 4,000 380, value 760 dollars. Augurs and bitts, 24,000; worth 8,400 dollars.

Ohio. No further returns.
Kentucky. No further returns:

North Carolina. From manufactures not named to
the value of 135,160 dollars.

Tennessee, (east and west) South Carolina and Georgia. No further returns.

Recapitulation of the items in the preceding


Boring mills 3; gun barrets bored 1670; cannon bored
136; value 11,235 dollars.

Swords-1081 made, worth 5,405 dollars.
Saws-manufactories 2; value of the saws made
19,000 dollars.

Wire-drawing mills 2; valne 26,912 dollars.
workers 6, value of their work 18,700.
Planes-manufactories 6-value of those
61,000 dollars.



Door locks-number 1,316; value 5,440 dollars.
Angurs and bitts.-number made 24,000; value
10,400 dollars.

Cutlery-shops 111; value of work 113,360 dollars.
Currycombs-dozens 1,248, value 3,432 dollars.
Flat irons-worth 2,000 dollars.
Files-worth 3000 dollars.

Hydraulic engine makers 3; value of their work
29,000 dollars.

Tacks-number made 11,000,000; worth 2,000 dolls.


Manufactures of mixed metals. In Massachusetts, 350,791 lbs. value 151,481 dolls.

Hydrostatic machine makers. In New Jersey, 2. Coffee mills. In Pennsylvania, number made 4000; value 6000 dolls.

Bell founderies. In Massachusetts, weight of bells, 21,410 lbs. value 8,555 dolls. Pennsylvania, 10 founderies; value of work 63,000 dolls.

Metal buttons. In Massachusetts, value 20,000 dots. Vermont, 400 dolls. Connecticut, 155,000 gross; value 102,125 dolls. Pennsylvania, 3,640 gross; value 3,000 dolls. Virginia, value 300 dolls.

Lead, and manufactures of lead.

Lead in pigs. Massachusetts, value 200 dolls. Virginia 156 tonsi value 26,520 dolls.

Black Lead. Pennsylvania, value 420 dolls.

Red and white lead manufactured. Pennsylvania, 369 tons.
Virginia the value of 2,040 dolls.
Leaden shot. Pennsylvania, manufactories 6; tons made 575. In

Red and white lead, leaden shot and type. Pennsylvania, value

296,360 dolls.

Plumbers work. Pennsylvania, plumbers 3; value made 72,000


Soap and candles, and oils.

Maine. Hard soap 345,000 lbs. value 31,650 dolls.

Massachusetts. Tallow calles 1,436,550 lbs. value 217,060 dolls. spermaceti candles 465,000 lbs. value 178,300 dolls. hard soap, 2,043,720 lbs. and 4,190 bbls. soft soap-value of soap 258,097 dells. spermaceti oil 77,696 galls. whale oil 249,728 galls.-value of thest oks 240,520 dolls.

Rhode Island. Tallow candles 92,000 tbs. value 15,000 dolls. New-Jersey. Tallow candles, value 11,529 dolls. soap 3,846 dolls. Pennsylvania. Manufactori s of tallow candles 25; lbs. made. 1,500,984. Hard soap 3,283,960 lbs.-value of soap and candies candles-value 23,000 dolls.

Wood screws-manufactory 1; gross made 1,220;12,338 dolls. Spring cil, 50 galls.- value 1,100 dolls. White was value 1,525 dollars.

Large screws and steel springs-worth 15,000 dolls. Iron manufactures not named, to the value of 135,650 dollars.

Manufactures of gold, silver, set work and mixed metals.

[The returns of these are too imperfect to deserve

a tabular form to shew them.]

Clucks and watches. Value-in Massachusetts

Maryland. Soap and candle manufactories 7-value made 95,000 dolls.

Virginia. Tallow candles 276,943 lbs.-value 47,081 doll's. Harti soap 783,704 -value 78,730 dolls.

Georgia. Tallow candles 30,000 lbs.-value 6,000 dolls, Hard

North Carolina. Tallow candles 8000 Hbs.-value 1,600 dolls.

soap 150,000 lbs.-value 12,500 dolls.

Hard soap 166, 94 lbs.-value 19,955 dolls.
Orleans Territory. Tallow candles 9,902 lbs.-value 1,980 dolls.

Muhigan territory. Tallow candles, 6,500 lbst-value 2,356 dolls.
Hard soap 37,000 lbs.-value 4,750 dolls.

RECAPITULATION.-Tallow candles. 3,358,881 lbs. Sperma

46,185, in Vermont, 350; in Maryland, 3,889; in Vir-ceti candles 465,000 hs. white wax candles-value 28,000 dolls.

ginia, 7,027-total value 57,442 dollars.

Gold and silver work and jewelry. Value in Mas

Hard soap 6,759,678 lbs. Soft soap 4190 bbls. Spermaceti vil
candles and soap to the additional value of 95,000 dolls.
77,696 galls, Whale oil 249,728 galls. Spring il 550 galls-abo

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