WIN. Glofter, thou'lt answer this before the pope. GLO. Winchester goose, I cry-arope!arope! Now beat them hence, Why do you let them stay? Thee I'll chase hence, thou wolf in sheep's array.Out, tawny coats!-out, scarlet hypocrite!5 Here a great tumult. In the midst of it, Enter the Mayor of London, and Officers. 6 MAY. Fie, lords! that you, being supreme magiftrates, Thus contumelionfly should break the peace! GLO. Peace, mayor; thou know'st little of my wrongs: Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor king, Hath here distrain'd the Tower to his use. WIN. Here's Gloster too, a foe to citizens; " One that still motions war, and never peace, O'ercharging your free purses with large fines; That seeks to overthrow religion, Because he is protector of the realm; 3 Winchester goose,] A ftrumpet, or the consequences of her love, was a Wincheffer goofe. JOHNSON. 4 a rope! a rope!] See the Comedy of Errors, Vol. X. p. 288, n. 2. MALONE. 5 out, scarlet hypocrite!] Thus, in King Henry VIII. the Earl of Surrey, with a fimilar allusion to Cardinal Wolfey's habit, calls him" Scarlet fin." STEEVENS. 6 the Mayor of London,] I learn from Mr. Pennant's LONDON, that this Mayor was John Coventry, an opulent mercer, from whom is defcended the present Earl of Coventry. STEEVENS. The first Here's Glofter too, &c.] Thus the second folio. folio, with less spirit of reciprocation, and feebler metre, - Here is Glofter &c. STEEVENS! ( And would have armour here out of the Tower, To crown himself king, and suppress the prince. GLO. I will not answer thee with words, but [Here they skirmish again. MAY. Nought rests for me, in this tumultuous ftrife, blows. But to make open proclamation: - OFF. All manner of men, affembled here in arms this day, against God's peace and the king's, we charge and command you, in his highness' name, to repair to your feveral dwelling-places; and not to wear, handle, or use, any fword, weapon, or dagger, henceforward, upon pain of death. GLO. Cardinal, I'll be no breaker of the law: But we shall meet, and break our minds at large. WIN. Glofter, we'll meet; to thy dear coft, be fure: 8 Thy heart-blood I will have, for this day's work. • Glofter, we'll meet; to thy dear cost, be fure:] Thus the second folio. The first omits the epithet - dear; as does Mr. Malone, who fays that the word -fure " is here used as a difssyllable." STEEVENS. 9 I'll call for clubs, if you will not away:] This was an outcry for affiftance, on any riot or quarrel in the streets. It hath been explained before. WHALLEY. F So, in King Henry VIII: - and hit that woman, who cried out, clubs!" STEEVENS. That is, for peace-officers armed with clubs or ftaves. In affrays, it was customary in this author's time to call out clubs, clubs! See As you like it. Vol. VIII. p. 319, n. 2. VOL. XIV. MALONE. D 1 GLO. Mayor, farewell: thou doft but what thou may'st. WIN. Abominable Glofter! guard thy head; For I intend to have it, ere long. [Exeunt. MAY. See the coaft clear'd, and then we will Good God! that nobles should fuch stomachs depart. bear! 9 I myself fight not once in forty year. (Exeunt. 5 - ftomachs-) Stomach is pride, a haughty spirit of re sentment. So, in King Henry VIII: I myself fight not once in forty year.) Old copy - these nobles. Correded by Mr. Rowe. MALONE. The mayor of London was not brought in to be laugh'd at, as is plain by his manner of interfering in the quarrel, where he all along preferves a fufficient dignity. In the line preceding these, he direas his officer, to whom without doubt these two lines should be given. They fuit his character, and are very expreffive of the pacific temper of the city guards. WARBURTON. I fee no reason for this change. The mayor speaks first as a magiftrate, and afterwards as a citizen. JOHNSON. Notwithstanding Warburton's note in support of the dignity of the Mayor, Shakspeare certainly meant to represent him as a poor, well-meaning, fimple mau, for that is the character he invariably gives to his Mayors. The Mayor of London, in Richard III. is juft of the fame ftamp. And fo is the Mayor of York, in the Third Part of this play, where he refuses to admit Edward as king, but lets him into the city as Duke of York, on which Glofter fays "A wife ftout captain! and perfuaded foon. Such are all Shakspeare's Mayors. M. MASON. SCENE IV. France. Before Orleans. Enter, on the walls, the Master-Gunner and his Son. M. GUN. Sirrah, thou know'st how Orleans is befieg'd; And how the English have the fuburbs won. SON. Father, I know; and oft have shot at them, Howe'er, unfortunate, I miss'd my aim. M. GUN. But now thou shalt not. Be thou rul'd by me: 2 Chief master-gunner am I of this town: * The prince's espials - Espials are spies. So, in Chaucer's. Freres Tale : "For fubtilly he had his espiaille." STEEVENS. The word is often used by Hall and Holinshed. MALONE. 3 Wont, through a fecret grate of iron bars &c.] Old copy went. See the notes that follow Dr. Johnson's. STEEVENS. That is, the English went not through a fecret grate, but went to over-peer the city through a secret grate which is in yonder tower. I did not know till of late that this passage had been thought difficult. JOHNSON.. I believe, instead of went, we should read - wont, the third old verb wont. The English - wont, that is, over-peer the city. The word is used very and several times by Milton. person plural of the are accustomed -- to frequently by Spenser, TYRWHITT, And thence discover, how, with most advantage, A piece of ordnance 'gainft it I have plac'd; If thou spy'st any, run and bring me word; (Exit. SON. Father, I warrant you; take you no care ; I'll never trouble you, if I may spy them. Enter, in an upper chamber of a Tower, the Lords SALISBURY and TALBOT, Sir WILLIAM GLANSDALE, Sir THOMAS GARGRAVE, and Others. SAL. Talbot, my life, my joy, again return'd! How wert thou handled being prifoner? The emendation proposed by Mr. Tyrwhitt, is fully supported by the passage in Hall's Chronicle, on which this speech is formed. So, in The Arraignment of Paris, 1584: the usual time is nie, "When wont the dames of fate and deftinie " In robes of chearfull colour to repair, Now, boy, do thou watch, For I can stay no longer.) The first folio reads: And even these three days have I watch't If I could fee them. Now do thou watch, For I can stay no longer. STEEVENS. MALONE. Part of this line being in the old copy by a mistake of the transcriber connected with the preceding hemiftich, the editor of the second folio supplied the metre by adding the word - boy, in which he has been followed in all the fubfequent editions. MALONE. As I cannot but entertain a more favourable opinion than Mr. Malone of the numerous emendations that appear in the fecond folio, I have again adopted its regulation in the present instance. This folio likewife fupplied the word - fully. STEEVENS. Talbot, Though the three parts of King Henry VI. are |