1 Hath been enacted through your enmity: stoop; Or, I would fee his heart out, ere the priest WAR. Behold, my lord of Winchester, the duke GLO. Here, Winchester, I offer thee my hand. preach, That malice was a great and grievous fin: WAR. Sweet king!--the bishop hath a kindly gird."- 7 hath a kindly gird.] i. e. feels an emotion of kind remorfe. JOHNSON. A kindly gird is a gentle or friendly reproof. Falstaff observes, that " men of all forts take a pride to gird at him:" and, in The Taming of a Shrew, Baptista says: "Tranio hits you now:" to which Lucentio answers : "I thank thee for that gird, good Tranio." STEEVENS. The word gird does not here signify reproof, as Steevens supposes, but a twitch, a pang, a yearning of kindness. M. MASON. I with Mr. M. Mason had produced any example of gird used in the sense for which he contends. I cannot supply one for him, or I most readily would. STEEVENS 1 : See here, my friends, and loving countrymen; WIN. So help me God, as I intend it not! [Afide. K. HEN. O loving uncle, kind duke of Glofter, How joyful am I made by this contract!Away, my masters! trouble us no more; But join in friendship, as your lords have done. 1. SERV. Content; I'll to the surgeon's. 2. SERV. And fo will I. 3. SERV. And I will fee what physick the tavern affords. [Exeunt Servants, Mayor, &c. WAR. Accept this scroll, most gracious sove- GLO. Well urg'd, my lord of Warwick; -for, sweet prince, An if your grace mark every circumstance, At Eltham-place I told your majesty. K. HEN. And those occasions, uncle, were of force: Therefore, my loving lords, our pleasure is, WAR. Let Richard be restored to his blood; ६ kind duke of Glofter,) For the fake of metre, I could wish to read - most kind duke &c. STEEVENS. 1 8 K. HEN. If Richard will be true, not that alone, And, in reguerdon of that duty done, ALL. Welcome, high prince, the mighty duke of York! SOM. Perish, base prince, ignoble duke of York! [Afide. GLO. Now will it best avail your majefty, K. HEN. When Gloster says the word, king Henry goes; For friendly counsel cuts off many foes. 8 GLO. Your ships already are in readiness. [Exeunt all but EXETER. that alone, By a mistake probably of the transcriber, the old copy reads that all alone. The correction was made by the editor of the second folio. MALONE. 9 - reguerdon - Recompence, return. JOHNSON. It is perhaps a corruption of regardum, middle Latin. See Vol. VII. p. 236, n. 8. STEEVENS. EXE. Ay, we may march in England, or in France,, . As fester'd members rot but by degrees, SCENE II. France. Before Roüen. Enter LA PUCELLE disguis'd and Soldiers dreffed Puc. These are the city gates, the gates of Roüen, Through which our policy must make a breach: 2 Burns unter feigned ashes of forg'd love,] Ignes fuppofitos cineri dolofo." Hor. Malone. 3 So will this bafe and envious discord breed. That is, so will the malignity of this discord propagate itself, and advance. JOHNSON. 4 His days may finish &c.] The duke of Exeter died shortly after the meeting of this parliament, and the Earl of Warwick was appointed governor or tutor to the king in his room. MALONE. 5 the gates of Rouen,, Here, and throughout the play, in the old copy, we have, Roan, which was the old spelling of Rouen. 5 1 Take heed, be wary how you place your words; That Charles the Dauphin may encounter them. And we be lords and rulers over Roüen; [Knocks. : GUARD. [Within.] Qui est là?' GUARD. Enter, go in; the market-bell is rung. [Opens the gates. Puc. Now, Rouen, I'll shake thy bulwarks to the ground. [PUCELLE, &c. enter the city. The word, consequently, is used as a monosyllable. See Vol. XIII. p. 372, n. 7. MALONE. I do not perceive the necessity of confidering Roüen here as a monosyllable. Would not the verse have been sufficiently regular, had the scene been in England, and authorized Shakspeare to write (with a dissyllabical termination, familiar to the drama) These are the city gates, the gates of London? STEEVENS. Our facks shall be a mean to fack the city, ) Falstaff has the fame quibble, showing his bottle of fack: "Here's that will fack a city." STEEVENS. anfwerable. MALONE. 7 Qui eft là?] Old copy - Che la. For the emendation I am Late editions-Qui va la? STEEVENS. |