
Supreme Court created by the promotion of Judge del Toro was filled by the appointment of Carlos Franco Soto.

Santo Domingo.-William E. Pulliam was appointed general receiver of Dominican customs on November 15, 1921, succeeding Clarence H. Baxter, who resigned May 15, 1921. George D. Miller, deputy general receiver of Dominican customs, resigned January 27, 1922, and was succeeded by Thomas T. Kelly.

Bureau of Insular Affairs.-The Chief of the Bureau was absent on leave four months during the period covered by this report. During his absence, Col. Charles C. Walcutt, jr., performed the duties of the Chief of the Bureau. There were no changes in the commissioned personnel of the bureau.

The various duties imposed on the bureau have been during the year well performed by the civil service personnel thereof. The loss of experienced personnel, particularly during the period of the war, is still felt in the bureau, and the effort to perform the duties imposed on it with a less experienced personnel, somewhat reduced in number, requires the earnest effort of all. It is a satisfaction to report that, in general, this earnest effort has been made.

Major General, U. S. Army,

Chief of Bureau.

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The bonded indebtedness of the Philippine government, including the bonded indebtedness of the cities of Manila and Cebu, on June 30, 1922, was as follows:

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Sinking funds have been provided by law for the retirement of the above-mentioned bonds at or before maturity.

There were also outstanding $10,000,000 one-year 4 per cent cer

tificates of indebtedness due August 1, 1922.

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