[blocks in formation]

See Lunatics.

Act making provision for, fur-
ther continued 167.

Lands granted the Illinois regi-
ment, how apportioned, sur-
veyed and patented 335.

All acts and ordinances prohibit-
ing the importation of British
goods repealed 195. Congress
empowered to restrict impor-
tation, in vessels of subjects of
powers with whom we have
no commercial treaties 388.

Auditors to settle claims for pro-
perty impressed for public ser-
vice 79. At what prices 79.
Not to grant certificates for
damages done to houses and
plantations, except where al
lowed against the U. States
80. Power of auditors in ad-
Justing claims for property
impressed 183. County courts
to be allowed further time to
receiver claims 184. Sheriffs
permitted to pay taxes in such
certificates 184. Warrants in

paper money, for property im-
pressed, may be reaudited in
specie 184, 192.
sioners to settle claims for pro-
perty impressed for public ser-
vice 191. To keep a register
of warrants issued and return
it to auditors 192. Warrants
or certificates issued by com-
missioners receivable in taxes
192. County courts to adjust
claims for a limited time, and
certify them to commissioners
192. Commissioners to grant
warrants 192. Act for adjust-
ing claims for property im-
pressed for public service, fur-
ther continued 337, 449.--
County courts authorised to
act on certificates given by
continental officers 338. For
militia, when called into ser-
vice 486.

Act to ascertain the quantity of
land, the improvements there-
on, and the number of people
within this commonwealth 415
Indemnity granted to William

Preston, Robert Adams, jun.
James Callaway, and Charles
Lynch, for suppressing a con-
spiracy against the state 135.
To those who committed in-
sult or injury against the per-
son of Joseph Williamson 373
Certain persons appointed to con-
land to Edwin Gray which
he purchased at a sale of the
lands of the Nottoway Indians
157. Additional trustees ap-


pointed to lease out their lands

Injunctions and pleas to stay
sales of escheated property, to
be expedited 81.

crop notes in exchange for
transfer 230. And at Sep-
tember court yearly, account
and sell the tobacco for all
notes outstanding 230. Also
tobacco gained by allowance
for shrinkage 230. To ac-
count with the treasurer, when
and how 231. To return an
account annually of all tobac-
co shipped 231. Inspectors
ineligible to the general as-
sembly 233. Salaries of in-
spectors 235, 346, 391, 392.
Method of detecting inspect-
ors, who shall fail to do their
duty 236. New inspectors to
give their predecessors receipts
for tobacco in warehouse 243.
Inspectors exempted from mi-
litia duty 246. Inspectors to
give bond for payment of du-
ties 527. Penalty on inspect-
ors, concerned in interest with
pickers 528.

Inspectors liable for tobacco lost,
except by fire, floods, or the
enemy 95. To give bond for
collection of export duty 96.
Their commissions 96. Re-
medy against them by motion
96. To give receipts for to-
bacco as delivered 97. In-
spectors of tobacco, how nom-
inated and commissioned 217.
Additional inspector, when to
act 218. No inspector to take
a reward for resigning 219-
Penalty on giver and receiver
219. No inspector to vote in
recommendation 219. Inspec-
tors in office recommended,
continue without new commis-
sion 219. Inspectors to give
bond and take an oath 219.-On
Form of oath 220. Time in-.
spectors to attend 220. Pen-
alty for neglect 221. Where
inspectors disagree 223. In-
spectors or servants not to be
concerned in picking tobacco
223. Remedy against inspec-
tors 227. Penalty on inspec-
tors changing tobacco 228.-
Or failing to deliver it when
demanded 228. To transfer
crop tobacco 228. Penalty
for delivering tobacco without
order from proprietor 229.-
And for delivering fictitious
notes 229. Inspectors to give


invasion or insurrection, how
militia to be called out 485,


See Fee Taille, and page 271.

Interest on military certificates,

where and how paid 105. In-
terest warrants receivable for
taxes 202. Funds for pay-
ment of certificates and inter-
est warrants apportioned a-
mong the holders 380.

On invasion or insurrection, how
militia called out 485, 487.

Artificers employed at iron works
exempted from militia duty 21

Act empowering judges of gene-
ral court to superintend and
regulate the public jail, fur-
ther continued 108: Prisoners
taken on civil or criminal pro-
cess in James City, may be
committed to public jail in
Williamsburg 381.

Prisoners taken in civil or crimi-

nal process in James City may
be committed to public jail of
Williamsburg 381.

Trustees appointed for improv-
ing navigation of James River
through the south mountains
341. "James River Compa-
ny" incorporated 450: Books
to be opened for subscriptions
450: Meeting of subscribers
451: Amount of capital 451:
In case of overplus subscrip-
tion, mode of reducing it 451:
Capital divided into 500 shares
451: Unless one half of capi-
tal subscribed, the whole to be
void 452: To be incorporated

[ocr errors]

a company 452: Style of
Rules for
corporation 452;
electing officers 452: Authori-
ty of president and directors
to make contracts 452: To
appoint officers and fix their
compensation 453: Bond and
security by treasurer 453:
Limitation of compensation
453: Mode of collecting a-
mount of subscriptions 453:-
May sell shares of delinquent
A 4


subscribers 453: May sue for
deficiencies arising on sales
454: Election of officers 454:
Vacancies, how supplied 454:
Officers, how removed 454:
Oath of officers 454: Meetings
of company 454: Property
vested in holders of shares as
tenants in common 455: De-
clared real estate 455: Ex-
empt from taxation 455: Tolls
455: On refusal to pay tolls,
passage may be refused 457:
Or vessel seized and sold 457:
Tolls be reduced 457:-
River, and works, deemed a
public highway 457: Compa-
ny may purchase lands 457:
Or have them condemned 458
Proceedings thereon 458——
Further damages, how com-
pensated 458: Land whereon
to erect buildings, how ac-
quired 459: No water to be
used from canal, but for navi-
gation, without consent of pro-
prietor 459: Shares transfera-
ble, in what manner 459: To
be first offered to the public
460: Capital may be aug-
mented 461: Conditions on
which tolls demandable 461:
On failure, charter forfeited
462: Treasurer to subscribe
for 100 shares 462: And vote
and receive tolls in proportion
462: One hundred shares vest-
ed in Geo. Washington, esq.
Jefferson county divided, and
Nelson county formed 469:-
Boundaries 469: Court days
469. Jones, Elizabeth.
Estate of Robert Williams vested

[blocks in formation]

courts in Kentucky to direct
surveys to poor persons, ac-
tual settlers, farther continued
296: Fees of office and state
price of land, when to be paid
296: Forfeitures for non-pay-
ment 296 Provision for better
support of supreme court in
Kentucky 397: Tax on law
process same as in general
court 397: Certain taxes, fines
and duties appropriated 397:
Naval officers for Kentucky
district 398: Salaries of judg-
es and attorney 398: Salaries
increased 498: To be paid by
deputy register 499: Court-
house, &c. how erected 499. J


Slaves of Walter King escheated
and purchased on behalf of
commonwealth, restored to
Walter King Cole 35.

of William Kennon, dec. to be
sold for the benefit of his chil-Town
dren 147.

See District Court.
District court established on the
western waters, called the Ken-
tucky district, how constituted,
its jurisdiction, and rules of
proceeding 85, 90. Books and
papers of Kentucky commis-
sioners, to be returned to land
office 91: All plats in Kentac-
ky to be first lodged with the
deputy register 292: Memori-
als of deeds and certificates of
administrations, to be trans-
mitted by clerks of county
courts in Kentucky, to district
court, and recorded 295.-
Fees 295: Act authorising


of Kinsale in Westmore-
land county established 369.

Pardoned on condition of leav-
ing this state 129.

Officers and soldiers to give in

their land claims 83: How
their warrants are to be ob-
tained 83: Certificate from
commissioner of war 84: Af-
ter abolition of that office from
executive 133, 134: Bounty
for three years 84: Addition-
al bounty for six years 84:
-No locations within their
bounds 84: Officers and sol-
diers in Lee's legion, and o-
thers, credited to this state, in-
cluded in pay and bounty 84:


Navy officers, sailors and ma-
rines, entitled to same emolu-
ments as in land service 85,
162: Land bounty to Dr. Wil-
liam Brown 106: Office of
commissioner of war abolish-
ed, and duties transferred to
executive; consequently, certi-
ficates for land bounties to be
ordered by executive 133, 134:
Officers of the navy, sailors,
and marines, entitled to same
land bounty and other emolu-
ments, as officers and soldiers
in Virginia line on continen-
tal establishment 162: Depu-
tation of officers to choose su-
perintendants, for locating and
surveying lands granted to of
ficers and soldiers on continen-
tal and state establishments
309: One sixth of surveyor's
fees reserved for William and
Mary college 310: Warrants
for bounty lauds, when to be
delivered 310: Limitation as
to number of surveys 310:-
Warrants to be classed and
drawn for by lot 311: Pri-
ority of location determined
by lot 311: Locations and
surveys to be made under the
direction of the superintendants
311. Assignees of warrants
to pay one dollar a hundred,
besides legal fees 311: All
the good lands on the Cum-
berland and Tennessee rivers,
to be first surveyed, then on
the north west side of the Ohio,
between Scioto and Little Mi-
ami 312: Governor, if neces-
sary, may furnish military aid
312: Four thousand acres of

a prime tract, on the Missis-
sippi, may be laid off for a
town 312: Lands granted to
George Rogers Clarke, his
officers and men, how appor-
tioned, surveyed and patented
335: Proclamation suspend-
ing the surveying of military
lands 447: Digest of laws on
the subject of land bounties


Fees of land office to be paid in-
to treasury 443: When regis-
ter to account 443: Penalty
for failure 443: Bond and
security 443: Fees to be paid
down 444: Fees credited, to
be accounted for, as if paid
444: Register placed on the
civil list 444: His salary and
that of his deputy 444: Va-
cancy in office of register, how
supplied 444: Fees on deter-
mination of caveats, how paid
Military warrants & certificates
to be received for land-war-
rants 22: Lands of Richard
Goodall, liable to escheat, ves-
ted in Parke Goodall 55.-
Charles Carter re-vested of
certain entailed lands remain-
ing unsold, under a former
law 55: How lands distrained
for taxes shall be sold 68,115,
116: Officers and soldiers to
give in their land claims 83:--
How their land warrants are
to be obtained 83,133: Boun-
ty in lands confirmed 84: Ad-
ditional bounty for six years
84: No locations within their
bounds 84: Their certificates

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