
Bourdaloue, when he desired to create more than ordinary sensation in the pulpit, always used to excite himself to vigour by being energetically played-to on the violin, while he violently danced about his room, and so got his spirit into play before he gravely ascended to the pulpit. We are still too young to require such factitious stimulant; the public needs only to visit us with increasing favour to find increase of useful service and unwearied zeal at the hands of their true and faithful

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MR. URBAN,-When it was determined bition of execrable taste, the latter is the that the body of the Duke of Wellington should be deposited in St. Paul's Cathedral, it was at once supposed that it would be laid side by side with that of our great Naval Hero, which already occupied the central spot of that great structure, beneath the sarcophagus originally made for Wolsey's tombhouse at Windsor. It was found, however, on the eve of the funeral, that Nelson's tomb had already been encroached upon in the year 1835, when the body of his brother William Earl Nelson was placed within it. This circumstance, it is understood, formed the difficulty which has prevented the completion of the Great Duke's interment.

In a book of local topography recently published, Mr. Pulman's "Book of the Axe," I find, in an account of Cricket St. Thomas, in Somersetshire, the parish church of Lord Bridport, a statement that "there is a very interesting and beautifully executed monument of white marble, [the sculptor's name is not given], against the north wall of the chancel, to the memory of the Rev. William Earl Nelson, Duke of Bronté, and father of the present Lady Bridport. It consists of a full-length reclining figure of the Earl, in canonicals, contemplating an ascending angel above, and holding, in one hand, an open book. The countenance is remarkably fine. An inscription sets forth that the Earl was born on April 20, 1757,-and died February 28, 1835, and that his remains are deposited in St. Paul's cathedral, by the side of those of his brother, the celebrated Admiral." On reading this, the question will at once occur to every one, Why should not the remains of this worthy member of the Church Militant be translated from their present unauthorised position, and placed beneath his own "beautifully executed monument?"

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[We believe this matter is now settled, the coffin of the Duke of Wellington having been recently removed from where it rested above the sarcophagus of Nelson's tomb to a spot some twenty yards more to the east, where our great Military Hero will now have a tomb of his own.-EDIT.]

MR. URBAN,-In your November numer you gave insertion to an account of me strangely barbarous treatment to hich one or two mural slabs in Folkeone Church have been subjected. I can

furnish your pages with another case similar Vandalism. But there is this erence; the former is merely an exhi

deliberate perpetration of extravagant Puritanism. Displeased with a small demifigure of St. Matthew, in a south window of the south aisle of the pretty church of Lydiard Milicent, in Wiltshire, the zeal of the minister has excited him to have the head taken out and its place supplied by a circular piece of yellow-coloured glass! This half-way sort of sensitiveness only makes the enormity the more flagrant. I am as hotly opposed to the pranks of Puseyism, to resuscitated medieval mummeries, and to preaching much of "The Church" and but little of "The Gospel," as the lowest of Low-churchmen can be. Disgusted too with the monotonous howling of the Litany, &c. in our cathedrals, I have very frequently been tempted to exclaim that, were it not for the architecture and the monuments, I should wish these nurseries of priestly presumption razed to the dust. Nevertheless something is due to archæology, and such ultra-iconoclastic intemperance as that of the minister of Lydiard Milicent would, if honestly carried out, hail the burning of the best works of Rafaelle and Guido, break up the Greek and Egyptian idols in the Museum, and smash every pane of ancient stained glass to be found in our churches.

I am, &c. L.

MR. URBAN,-Some clerical reader of your Magazine, resident in London or the suburbs, could I think assist me in the following matter. The poet Mallet married his second wife in October, 1742: for two years previously he lived in the parish of Chiswick where he lived before 1740

I know not. I want to find out the time
and place of the death of his first wife,
which probably was not many years prior
to 1742.
Yours, &c. D.

A. A. who is desirous for information respecting the family of Pickering, of Tichmarsh, co. Northampton, has of course consulted Bridges's History of Northamptonshire. We should willingly have inserted his queries if they had not been mislaid.

Errata.-Sept. p. 307, for "the present" read the late Lord Monson; and the Earl of Aylesford brother-in-law to the late Earl of Warwick.

P. 630. The Earl of Kenmare was in his 64th, not in his 66th year.

P. 642. For Ashford Lodge, read Ashfold Lodge.

P. 644. Mr. Baring Wall died unmarried, and his large estates descend to a nephew.






State Papers relating to the Custody of the Princess Elizabeth at Woodstock in 1554, being Letters between Queen Mary and her Privy Council and Sir Henry Bedingfield, Knt. of Oxburgh, Norfolk. Communicated by the Rev. C. R. Manning, M.A. to the Papers of the Norfolk and Norwich Archæological Society.

WHILST the Lady Elizabeth, afterwards our illustrious Protestant Queen, was the subject of her sister Mary, she was not exempt from a share of those persecutions which visited less exalted professors of the Reformed religion; and Foxe, the historian of the Martyrs, has not failed to commemorate the sum of her sufferings, and to place them in the most piteous and lamentable aspect. It has now, however, been well ascertained, by the researches of successive historical inquirers, that in this story, as in others, Foxe's zeal carried him into gross exaggeration; and reasonable exception might be taken to Elizabeth being classed as a religious martyr at all, for whilst, on the one hand, she was at this period too intensely alarmed for her personal safety to be particularly contumacious in respect of religious observances, so, on the other, it is evident that her treatment resulted entirely from urgent political causes, involving the security of Queen Mary's person and government, and not from any purely religious questions. We are now enabled, by the recent publication of some authentic documents connected with Elizabeth's imprisonment, to review the narrative which Foxe and his followers have given of its incidents, and we feel sure that any fresh information on so interesting a portion of our history will at once engage the attention of our readers.

The jealousy with which the Lady Elizabeth was regarded, was the almost

necessary result of the relative position of her sister and herself. Mary was the possessor of the throne, and childless; Elizabeth was the next heir in expectancy. This circumstance alone, at a time when all parties and factions had their mainspring in personal claims, was quite sufficient to excite distrust, unless the sisters had been perfectly united in sentiment and opinions, and devoted to the accomplishment of the same objects. But this they neither were by age or education, nor would the world allow them to become so. Mary was the ostensible head of a religious revolution: Elizabeth the sole stay of the smothered but widely-spread aspirations of those who had embraced in sincerity the pure doctrines of the Gospel.

All the children of Henry the Eighth, though each born of different mothers, appear to have been brought up in kindly intercourse with one another; and even to have reciprocated with affection the attentions of their last step-mother, Queen Katharine Parr. But their friendly intercourse was considerably checked and impaired during the reign of King Edward by the religious, political, and personal jealousies of their councillors and adherents.

At the death of King Edward, the attempted diversion of the succession, commenced, but not fully accomplished, by the Dukes of Northumberland and Suffolk, placed the interests of the two sisters, Mary and Elizabeth, in a community of danger, and appeared for a

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