




'Clips it down the wind."

Submitting me unto the perilous night." (e) "Where Brutus may but find it."

(f) "Coins of gold have been dispersedly found." (g) "Than the time of these urns deposited, or precise antiquity of these relicks, nothing of more uncertainty."

11. Write an Essay upon-Newspaper reading.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Narrate the chief facts in the ecclesiastical history of England up to and including the time of Dunstan.

2. Explain concisely the effect of the Norman Conquest on the land tenures in England.

3. Explain the allusions in the following stanzas :-
"In the dark hour of shame, I deigned to stand
Before the frowning peers at Bacon's side:
On a far shore I smoothed with tender hand,
Through months of pain, the sleepless bed of Hyde.

"I brought the wise and brave of ancient days
To cheer the cell where Raleigh pined alone:
I lighted Milton's darkness with the blaze
Of the bright ranks that guard the eternal throne."


4. Explain fully the circumstances under which the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was created by the Legislature.

5. Give shortly the history of the chief public questions with which the name of Sir Robert Peel was prominently identified.

6. Give the history of the title "King of France" as borne by Kings of England.

7. Trace the history of the colonial rivalry of France and England in India and in America.

8. Exemplify from the political and from the military history of Rome the maxim "Divide et impera."

9. To what causes would you attribute the greatness of Rome ?

10. Give some account of the origin and functions of the Grecian amphictyonies.

11. Explain the nature of the social dissensions in Attica with which Solon had to deal. How far, if at all, was he successful?

12. Explain the allusions in the following lines:-
"There Ilissus rolls

His whispering stream: within the walls then view
The schools of ancient sages; his who bred
Great Alexander to subdue the world,
Lyceum there, and painted Stoa next."



The Board of Examiners.

1. Give some examples of the use of the pronoun dont.

2. Give the comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives bon, mauvais, petit; and of the adverbs bien, mal, peu.

3. Translate into French

Were you going to write when we arrived?
Ought you to start to-day for Echuca ?


you any friends in Adelaide ?

Yes, I know several doctors there.

Have you received any visits to-day?

Yes, several persons came to me whom I did not expect.

4. Translate into English—

66 "Après avoir achevé sa toilette qui fut sommaire, il passa une grande heure accoudé à sa fenêtre. La campagne venait de s'eveiller comme lui, le jour naissant la regardait d'un œil doux; elle était heureuse de refaire amitié avec la lumière. Ses gazons trempés de rosée exhalaient une fraîcheur délicieuse. La Limourde semblait coqueter avec ses bords, que ses eaux luisantes frôlaient amoureusement. De hauts peupliers, rangés en file rayaient de leurs ombres transparentes la blancheur d'un champ de sarrasin fleuri; sur les coteaux, des bruyères faisaient çà et là des taches roses : des fumées montaient

lentement dans l'air, oscillant à droite et à ganche comme si elles avaient dû rapprendre leur chemin."

5. Translate into French

"I am there now, as I write; I fancy that I can see the downs, the huts, the plain, and the river-bed-that torrent pathway of desolation with its distant roar of waters. Oh wonderful, wonderful! So lonely and so solemn, with the sad grey clouds above, and no sound save a lost lamb bleating upon the mountain side as though its little heart were breaking."

6. Translate into French

"One dog is said to have saved as many as forty human lives. Its name was Barry, and it was as ingenious as it was brave. Once a woman, who was going up the mountain with her little son, was carried away by an avalanche. Barry found the little boy unhurt, but cold and stiff. He managed, however, to get him on his back, and thus carried him to the door of the convent, where he was taken good care of by the monks." 7. Parse the words printed in italics in question 4. 8. Give the present and past participles of the following verbs:-Acquérir, mourir, prévaloir, vaincre, luire, repartir, répartir, ouvrir.

9. Distinguish between tous deux and tous les deux ; pire and pis; imaginer and s'imaginer.

10. Translate into English

"Ce n'est pas que j'approuve, en un sujet chrétien, Un auteur follement idolâtre et païen :

Mais, dans une profane et riante peinture,
De n'oser de la fable employer la figure;
De chasser les tritons de l'empire des eaux;
D'ôter à Pan sa flûte, aux Parques leurs ciseaux;
D'empêcher que Caron, dans la fatale barque,
Ainsi que le berger ne passe le monarque;
C'est d'un scrupule vain s'alarmer sottement,
Et vouloir aux lecteurs plaire sans agrément."


The Board of Examiners.

1. State shortly when the subjunctive mood is used

in German sentences.

plifying such use.

Form sentences exem

2. What final syllables enable you to tell the gender of a noun ?

3. What effect have the following syllables upon the meaning of words with which they are compounded?

An-, ent-, fort-, -los, ver-, -voll, zer-.

Give examples.

4. When should "to be" be translated by "werden," and when by "sein"?

5. Give meanings of the following words :

Abhängigkeit, Darstellung, Einfall, Gegenstand, Gegenwart, Ohnmacht, Unbegreiflich, Wirklichkeit, Wirksamkeit, Zuschauer.

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