
(c) Harp of Eolus.

(d) The triple Tyrant.

(e) Brought to me like Alcestis from the grave. (f) The steep head of old Latmos.

(g) The deceased antagonist of Salmasius.

10. Write a short account of-The Camel.


The Board of Examiners.

(Candidates may select any two, but not more, of the following groups.)

I.—1. When and under what circumstances was the censorship of the Press abolished?

2. Explain the nature of Queen Anne's claim to the throne, and give some account of the principal events of her reign.

3. Give some account of the principal events which occurred during the long administration of Mr. Pitt.

4. Give some account of any three statesmen and of any three men of letters who lived during the reign of William the Fourth.

5. What do you consider the important occurrences of Indian history since the accession of Queen Victoria?

6. Where are the following places, and for what reasons are they respectively remarkable :-

Blenheim, Meerut, Quatre Bras, Salamanca,
Scinde, Walcheren?

II.-1. Give some account of the origin of the Roman people.

2. Trace the history of the office of Consul and of Proconsul respectively.

3. Give the date and the circumstances of the disaster of the Caudine Forks.

4. Trace the history of the Second Punic War from the Battle of Cannae to the conclusion; and supply an illustrative geographical sketch.

5. Give some account of the agrarian agitation begun by Tiberius Gracchus.

6. Give the date and the causes of the Social War.

III.-1. Give some account of Periander.

2. Who were Harmodius and Aristogeiton? How do you explain the esteem which always attached to their memory?

3. Write a short biography of Themistocles, giving dates.

4. Give an illustrative sketch of the campaigns of Alexander.


5. Give a short account of the Sicilian Expedition.

6. Recount the principal events which occurred during the Theban Supremacy.

IV.—1. Write an essay descriptive of the great events of European history during the century following the Turkish capture of Constantinople.


The Board of Examiners.

1. What are the principal exceptions to the general rule that the plural of French substantives is formed by adding the letter s to the singular? Give examples.

2. Give the feminine form of the following words :— âne, comte, maître, prince, hôte.

3. Distinguish between mon, ton, son, and le mien, le tien, le sien. Illustrate your answer by examples.

4. Write out the present tense subjunctive mood of avoir and être. What do you understand by

"auxiliary verbs"?

5. What is the rule for the agreement of the verb when it refers to several subjects of different persons?

Translate into French-
You and I are satisfied.


you or your brother have time, come and see me this evening.

6. Translate into French

How long have you

been here?

I have been here for more than a year. At the moment your letter reached me, writing to you to complain of your silence.

[blocks in formation]

When you have finished your translation you will shew it to me.

When I have learned French I will go to France.

I am delighted that his efforts have been crowned with success.

7. Translate into French

I have constantly a headache.

[blocks in formation]

The battle lasted over four hours.

They fought with swords.

They tore the child from the arms of its mother.

8. Translate into English

"Encore faut-il, ma tres-chère, que je vous dise un petit mot de votre petite lettre: elle m'a donné une sensible consolation, en voyant la santé du petit très-confirmée, et la vôtre ma chère enfant, dont vous me dites de merveilles; vous m'assurez que je serais bien contente si je vous voyais; vous avez raison de le croire. Quel spectacle charmant de vous voir appliquée à votre

santé, à vous reposer, à vous restaurer! C'est un plaisir que vous ne m'avez jamais donné.”

9. Translate into English

"Vos deux lettres m'ont donné bien de la joie, monsieur, de voir que vous m'aimez toujours, et que vous avez pris toutes les persecutions qu'on vous a faites en galant homme. Cela ne m'a pas surpris; je suis assuré que vous avez trouvé dans votre cœur les sentiments des poëtes latins sur le mépris de la fortune, avant que vous les eussiez lus, et que vous n'avez pris d'eux que les expressions. Pour moi, qui n'ai jamais lu Pline, Horace, ni Juvenal, je pense là-dessus tout ce qu'ils ont pensé; et parce qu'ils n'en ont pas parlé avec tant d'expérience que moi, peut-être que si j'y songeais un peu, je dirais des choses qu'ils n'ont pas dites; mais enfin, je vis dans un repos que je n'ai jamais trouvé à la guerre ni à la cour."

10. Parse the words in italics in questions 8 and 9.

11. Translate into French

The old man sat down on a stone at the foot of the hill to rest himself and gather strength for the ascent. He gazed after Hanson, and sighed as he thought of the days of his youth, now far back in the past. A tear was beginning to gather in his eye, when another little boy came up to him and said, "Shall I help you up the hill with your load ?"

12. Mention some of the principal cases in which it is necessary to use the Subjunctive mood, instead of the Indicative, in French.

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