
with him, without being examined or fearched, as alfo thofe of the comptrol and revenue.

ANS. All public papers fhall be delivered up to a proper perfon appointed to receive and inspect them; and such as are not found neceffary for government, will be returned to Major-General Bellecombe and M. Cheureau.

ART. XX. The public records, effects, registers, and papers, belonging to the fuperior council and courts dependent thereon, minutes of the deeds of notaries, and all effects and papers in general, which may affect the fecurity of the conditions and fortune of the citizens, shall be respected and preserved; they shall remain at Pondicherry in the cuftody of their prefent poffeffors, for their cuftomary proper ufe, until an opportunity may offer for difpofing of fuch valuable effects, till future circumstances fhall indicate the proper measures to be taken for these important objects.

ANS. Granted.

ART. XXI. The depofit of papers, which regard the settling of the affairs of the India Company, fhall be at the disposal of the commiffaries of that Company, who fhall be at liberty to take the precautions and arrangements that they may think neceffary for the fecurity of thefe papers.

ANS. Granted.

ART. XXII. The French European or Indian fubjects, who may remain in the French or English places and poffeffions, fhall have nothing to difcufs with the Indian Princes; and the English government shall fecure them from all vexations and demands from them, granting them the fame protection as the fubjects of his Brittannic Majefty.

ANS. Granted.

ART. XXIII. The Seapoys, or other Indians, of whatsoever caft or religion they be, who fhall have served under the French flag, fhall not be troubled or molefted in their poffeffions, or in their perfons on account of their fervices, and of their attachment towards the French nation. The English government shall even take them under its protection in cafe they fhall be perfecuted by any Afiatic power.

ANS. Granted.

ART. XXIV. The prefent capitulation fhall extend, as far as the articles of it are capable, to all that relates to Chandernagore, and other French factories at Bengal, at Yanaon, and at Karical, which the English have feized, and at the fettlement of Mufulipatam; as alfo to the French veffels which have been taken in the Ganges, and on the coaft of Coromandel, fince the first of July laft; the failors of which, and those who were in the place, fhall be transported to the Ile of France. The papers and letters addreffed to Monf. de Bellecombe, which were taken in those ships, fhall be faithfully reftored.

ANS. Inadmiffible.

ART. XXV. After the figning of the prefent capitulation, there fhall be delivered to an English guard of 50 men the gate of Villenour,


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The fleet was foon after joined by the Formidable of go guns, Capt. Bazely; and the Belleifle of 64 guns, Capt. Brooks.

Note 109. Fleet under Admiral Keppel, when reinforced.

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Centaur, Worcester, Thunuerer, Terrible, and Arechua, oined the feet of Plymouth.

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Note 110. Lift of the French Fleet under Comte d' Orvilliers, which engaged the British Fleet, July 27th, 1778.

VANGUARD.-White and Blue Squadron.

The Comte Du Chaffault de Befné, Lieutenant-General.

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The Commanders of the Second and Third Divifions of the Squadrons, were the Comte de Rochechouart, and M. de Beauffet.

CENTRE.-White Squadron.

The Comte D'Orvilliers, Lieutenant-General.

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