


If the Bible be true, it is a volume of unspeakable interest.

One circumstance of interest is, that its truths are derived from a Source infinitely lofty. Other books are the productions of human genius. Their origin is marked by imperfection; and they are consequently to be received with caution. The Bible, if its claims are well founded, is from the Fountain of all knowledge. Its Author is a Being, whose existence is from everlasting to everlasting; who fills immensity with his presence; who seeth the end from the beginning. His character is that of absolute perfection. And, consequently, his declarations are to be received without any reserve. Though written by men, and at different periods, they are worthy of the same confidence as if they came direct from the Excellent Glory.

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Another circumstance of interest is, that the topics of which the Bible treats are of great moment. It treats of the Creation, and gives a history of our race through a period of nearly four thousand years. It treats of God,-his nature, mode of existence, government, and designs. It treats of man, his origin, ruin, dependence, duty, only way of recovery, and his final destiny. It treats of the infinite Redeemer,— his character, offices, and works. It treats of the almighty Spirit,-the Sanctifier, and blessed Comforter. It treats of death, a resurrection, a judgment, an eternal heaven, and an everlasting hell.

Where is the history of such amazing interest? Where are topics of such grandeur, glory, and awfulness? Viewed merely as a work of curiosity and taste, then, no volume is more adapted to arrest your attention, and to absorb your powers of feeling and research.

But the truths of the Bible contemplate a far nobler object than mere intellectual gratification. They seek your highest happiness through time and eternity. They are expressly designed to be "a light to your feet and a lamp to your path." The whole system is adapted to your circumstances, and has a direct bearing on your character and endless destiny. Such a system of religion, coming from such a source, demands surely a most solemn and candid consideration. You may question the declarations of a fellow-man, you may treat with indifference the opinions and counsels of a created mind; but when God speaks, it becomes you to hearken, believe, and obey. You may even trifle where matters of little moment are concerned; but not surely over a volume whose pages alone can guide to a city of glory. If the Bible is really of heavenly origin, no language can describe the importance of its

revelations. And in such circumstances it is utter madness to live undecided as to the validity of its claims, or the import of its disclosures. In a matter of such overwhelming moment, perplexity and doubt are wholly unbecoming.


IN urging a settled state of mind as to the origin and import of the Bible, I have gone upon the supposition that its claims are well founded.

Another consideration is, that these claims and their supporting evidence have been long before the world.

Prophets, Apostles, and Jesus Christ, all professed to teach under a commission from God; and they gave such evidence of divine authority as to demand fearlessly the confidence of mankind. The claims of some of the sacred writers have been before the world more than three thousand years; and those of Christ and his Apostles nearly two thousand.

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