
Spryte of Segowen speeketh.

Spryte of Elle speeketh.
Swythyn, yee sprytes, forsake the bollen floude,
And browke a sygthe wyth mee, a syghte enfyne;
Welle have I vended myne for Danyshe bloude,
Syth thys greete structure greete mie whaped eyne.
Yee that have buylden on the Radclefte syde,
Tourne there your eyne and see your workes out-

Spryte of Bythrycke speeketh.

What wondrous monumente! what pyle ys thys!
That byndes in wonders chayne entendemente!
That dothe aloof the ayrie skyen kyss,
And seemeth mountaynes joined bie cemente,
From Godde hys greete and wondrous storehouse.


Fulle welle myne eyne arede ytte canne ne bee,
That manne could reare of thy!ke agreete ex-

A chyrche so bausyn fetyve as wee see:
The flemed cloudes disparted from it flie,
Twylle bee, I wis, to alle eternytye.

Elle's spryte speeketh.

Were I once moe caste yn a mortalle frame,
To heare the chauntrie songe sounde ynne myne
To heare the masses to owre holie dame, [eare,
To viewe the cross yles and the arches fayre!
Through the halfe hulstred sylver twynklynge

Of yon bryghte Moone in foggie mantles dreste,
I must contente the buyldynge to aspere,
Whylste ishad cloudes the hallie syghte arreste.
Tyll as the uyghtes growe wayle I flie the lyghte,
O were I manne agen to see the syghte!
There sytte the canons; clothe of sable hue
Adorne the boddies of them everie one;
The chaunters whyte with scarfes of woden blewe,
And crymson chappeaus for them toe put onne,
Wythe golden tassyls glyttrynge ynne the Sunne;
The dames ynne kyrtles alle of Lyncolne greene,
And knotted shoone pykes of brave coloures done:
A fyner syghte yn sothe was never seen.

Byrtonne's spryte speeketh.

Inne tyltes and turnies was mie dear delyghte,
For manne and Godde hys warfare han renome;
At everyche tyltynge yarde mie name was hyghte,

I beare the belle awaie whereer I come.
Of Redclifte chyrche the buyldynge newe I done,
And dyd fulle manie holie place endowe,
Of Maries house made the foundacyon,
And gave a threescore markes to Johnes hys toe.
Then clos'd myne eyne on Erthe to ope no moe,
Whylst syx moneths mynde upon mie grave was

Full gladde am I mie chyrche was pyghten down,
Syth thys brave structure doth agrecte myne eye.
Thys geason buyldynge limedst of the towne,
Like to the donours soule, shalle never die;
But if percase Tyme, of hys dyre envie, [stone;
Shalle beate ytte to rude walles and throckes of
The faytour traveller that passes bie

Wylle see yttes royend aunty aunte splendoure

Inne the crasd arches and the carvellynge,
And pyllars theyre greene heades to Heaven rear-

Bestoykynge golde was once myne onlie toie,
Wyth ytte mie soule wythynne the coffer laie;
Itte dyd the mastrie of mie lyfe emploie,
Bie nyghte mie leman and mie jubbe bie daye.
Once as I dosynge yn the wytch howre laie,
Thynkynge howe to benym the orphyans breadde,
And from the redeless take theyre goodes awaie,
I from the skien heare a voyce, which said,
"Thou sleepest, but loe Sathan is awake;" [take.
Some deede thats holie doe, or hee thie soule wylle

I swythyn was upryst wyth feere astounde;
Methoughte yn merke was plaien devylles felle:
Strayte dyd I nomber twentie aves rounde,
Thoughten full soone for to go to Helle.
In the morne mie case to a goode preeste dyd
Who dyd areede mee to ybuild that daie
The chyrche of Thomas, thenne to pieces felle.
Mie heart dispanded into Heaven laie:
Soon was the sylver to the workmenne given,-
Twas beste astowde, a karynte gave to Heaven.
But welle, I wote, thie causalles were not soe,
Twas love of Godde that set thee on the rearynge
Of this fayre chyrch, O Canynge, for to doe
Thys lymed buyldynge of so fyne appearynge:
Thys chyrch owre lesser buyldyngs all owt-dary-

Lyke to the Moone wythe starres of lyttle lyghte;
And after tymes the feetyve pyle reverynge,
The prynce of chyrches buyiders thee shall hyghte;
Greete was the cause, but greeter was the effecte,
So alle wyll saie who doe thys place prospect.

[blocks in formation]

and fyre.

As stopped ryvers alwaies ryse moe bygher,
And rammed stones bie opposures stronger bee;
So thie whan vanquyshed dyd prove moe dyre,
And for one peysan theie dyd threescore slee.
From them of Denmarques royalle bloude came I,
Weile myghte I boaste of mie gentylytie.

The pypes maie sounde and bubble forth mie
And tellen what on Radclefte syde 1 dyd: [name,
Trinytie Colledge ne agrutche mie fame,
The fayrest place in Brystowe ybuylded.
The royalle bloude that thorow mie vaynes slydde
Dyd tyncte mie harte wythe manie a noble


Lyke to mie mynde the mynster yreared,
Wythe noble carvel workmanshyppe was wroughte.
Hie at the deys, lyke to a kynge on's throne,
Dyd I take place and was myself alone.

But thou, the buylder of this swotie place,
Where alle the say nctes in sweete ajunctyon stande,
A verie Heaven for yttes fetyve grace,
The glorie and the wonder of the lande, [hande,
That shewes the buylders mynde and fourmers
To bee the beste that on the Erthe remaynes;
At once for wonder and delyghte commaunde,
Shewynge howe muche hee of the godde reteynes,

Canynge the great, the charytable, and good,
Noble as kynges, if not of kyngelie bloude.

Spryte of Framptone speeketh.

Brystowe shall speeke mie name, and Radclefte toe,

For here mie deeds were goddelye everychone;
As Owdens mynster bie the gate wylle shewe,
And Johnes at Brystowe what mie workes han done.
Besydes anere howse that I han begunne;
Butte myne comparde to thyssen ys a groffe:
Nete to bee mencioned or looked upon,
A verie punelstre or verie scoffe;
Canynge, thie name shall lyven be for aie,
Thie name ne wyth the chyrche shall waste awaie,

Spryte of Gaunts speeketh.

I dyd fulle manie reparatyons give,
And the bonné Hommes dyd fulle ryche endowe;
As tourynge to mie Godde on Erthe dyd lyve,
So alle the Brystowe chronycles wylle shewe.
But all my deedes wylle bee as nothynge nowe
Syth Canynge have thys buyldynge fynyshed,
Whych seemeth to be the pryde of Brystowe,
And bie ne buyideyng to bee overmatched :
Whyche aie shalle laste and bee the prayse of

And onlie in the wrecke of nature falle.

A Knyghte Templars spryte speeketh.

In hallie land where Sarasins defyle
The grounde whereon oure Savyour dyd goe,
And Chryste hys temple make to moschyes vyle,
Wordies of despyte genst oure Savyour throwe.
There twas that we dyd our warfarage doe,
Guardynge the pylgryms of the Chrystyan faie;
And dyd owre holie armes in bloude embrue,
Movynge lyke thonder boultes yn drear arraie.
Owre strokes lyke levyn tareynge the tall tree
Owre Godde owre arme wyth lethalle force dyd
Maint tenures fayre, ande mannoures of greete
Greene woodes, and brooklettes runnynge throughe
the lee,

Dyd menne us gyve for theyre deare soule her helthe,

Gave erthlie ryches for goodes heavenlie.
Ne dyd we lette our ryches untyle bee,

But dyd ybuylde the Temple chyrche soe fyne,
The whyche ys wroughte abowte so bismarelie;
Itte seemeth camoys to the wondrynge eyne;
And ever and anon when belles rynged,

From place to place ytte moveth yttes hie heade: Butte Canynge from the sweate of hys owne browes,

Dyd gette hys golde and rayse thys fetyve howse.

Lanyngetonnes spryte speeketh.

Lette alle mie faultes bee buried ynne the grave;
Alle obloquyes be rotted wythe mie duste;
Lette him fyrst carpen that no wemmes have:
'Tys paste mannes nature for to be aie juste.
But yet in sothen to rejoyce I muste,
That I dyd not immeddle for to buylde;
Sythe thys quaintissed place so gloryous,
Seemeyng alle chyrches joyned yn one guylde,
Has nowe supplied for what I had done,
Whych toe mie cierge is a gloryous soune.

Elle's spryte speeketh,

Then let us alle do jyntelie reveraunce here,
The beste of menne and by shoppes here due stande:
Who are Goddes shepsterres and do take good

Of the goode shepe hee putteth yn theyre hand;
Ne one is loste butte alle in well likande
Awayte to heare the Generalle Byshoppes calle,
When Mychaels trompe shall sound to ynmoste
Affryghte the wyeked and awaken alle: [lande,
Then Canynge ryses to eternal reste,

And fyndes hee chose on Erthe a lyfe the beste.



[This poem is printed from a copy made by Mr.
Catcott, from one in Chatterton's hand-writing.
Sir Simon de Bourton, the hero of this poem, is
supposed to have been the first founder of a
church dedicated to oure Ladie," in the place
where the church of St. Mary Redcliffe now stands.
The following account is transcribed from one
of the parchment manuscripts produced by
"Symonne de Byrtonne eldest sonne of syrre Bald.
wynus de Byrtonne, was born on the eve of the
annunciation hee was desyr-
abelle of aspect, and in hys yowthe much yeven
to tourneyeynge, and m.c.c.xxxxxxxx at Wyn-
chestre yule games won myckle honnoure, he
abstaynyd from marryage, he was mycke learned,
and ybuylded a house in the Yle of Wyghte af-
ter fashyon of a pallayse royaul, goodlye to be-
houlde, wyth carvelly'd pyllars on whych was
thys ryme wroten:

Fulle nobille is thys kyngelie howse
And eke fulle nobille thee,
Echone is for the other fytte

As saynctes for Heaven bee.

"Hee ever was fullen of almesdeeds and was of the poore beloved: in kynge Edwarde kepte hys Chrystmasse at Bryghtstowe and pro ceeded agaynste the Welchmenne ebroughtenne manye stronge and dowghtee knyghts, amongst whom were syrre Ferrars Nevylle, Geoffroie Freeman, Clymar Percie, Heldebrand Gournie, Ralph Mohun, syr Lyster Percie, and Edgare Knyvet, knyghtes of renowne, who established a three days jouste on sayncte Maryes Hylle: syrre Ferrars Nevylle appeared dyghte in ruddy armoure, bearyn. a rampaunte lyon gutte de sangue, agaynste hym came syr Gervayse Teysdylle, who bearyd a faunce issuynge proper, but was quycklie overthrowen: then appeared Leonarde Ramsay, who had a honde issuante holdeynge a bloudie swerde peercynge a couroune wyth a sheelde peasenue with sylver; he ranne twayne tyltes, but Neville throwen hym on the thyrde rencountre: then dyd the aforesayd syrre Symonne de Byrtonne avow that if he overthrowen syrre Ferrars Neville, he would

This circumstance is proved by our old chronicles under the year 1285. Rex, Edw. I per Walliam progrediens occidentalem intravit Gla morganciam, quæ ad Com tem Gloveruiæ noscitur pertinore: rex dein Bristolliam veniens festum Dominicæ nativitatis eo anno ibi tenit.-Barrett.

there erecte and builde a chyrche to owre Ladye: allgate there stoode anigh Lamyngtonnes Ladies chamber hee then encountred vygorously, and bore syrre Ferrars horse and man to the grounde, remaynynge konyge, victore knyght of the jouste, ande settynge atte the ryghte honde of k. Edwarde. Inde m.cclxxxxi hee performed hys vowen ybuylden a godelye chyrche from a pattern of St. Oswaldes abbyes chyrche, and the day of our Lordes natyvyty m.ccc.i. Gylbert de Sante Leonfardoe byshope of Chychestre dyd dedicate it to the Holie Vyrgynne Marye moder of Godde."]

Enter an HLRAWDE.

THE tournament begynnes; the hammerrs sounde;
The courserrs lysse about the mensuredd fielde;
The shemrynge armoure throwes the sheene

Quayntyssed fons depicted onn eche sheelde,
The teerie heaulmets, wythe the wreathes amielde,
Supportes the rampynge lyoncell orr beare,
Wythe straunge depyctures, nature maie nott
Unseemlie to all orderr doe appere,
Yett yatte to menne, whothyncke and have a spryte,
Makes knowen thatt the phantasies unryghte.
I, sonne of honoure, spencer of her joies,
Muste swythen goe to yeve speeres arounde;
Wythe advantayle' and borne' I meynte emploie,


"In the notes adventayle is interpreted armour,
and borne burnish. In this passage there seem to
be several mistakes. The transcriber has expressed
the former word with a d, adventayle and advan-
tayle: in which, if there be any propriety, he was,
I believe, little aware of it. The true spelling is
supposed to be aventayle, from the French avant. It
was some part of a suit of armour which projected;
and this might have been known from Skinner.
Aventaile: credo a Franco-Gallico jam obsoleto,
aventail; prætentura ferrea: googvidov: ab ad-
verbio avant. A like account is afforded by Du
Cange; but neither of them define precisely what
However from the ac-
piece of armour it was.
counts which are uniformly given of it, we may
be assured that it was something which stood for-
ward; and is therefore supposed by Du Cange to
be anterior armaturæ pars. In the MSS. of Wil-
liam and the Werwolf, mention is made of the
bero seizing upon a person with whom he is en-
gaged in fight, which circumstance is thus de-

William thant witli by the aventayle him hente,
To have with his swerd swapped of his heade.

P. 54

We find that he laid hold of a particular part of the armour, such as most facilitated his cutting off the head of the enemy. This therefore must have been part of the helmet; and that part especially which was most prominent and liable to be seized upon; and this I take to have been the beaver. There were several sorts of helmets of different denominations; and I imagine that one of them was styled aventaile or adventaile, from a moveable beaver, which was made to slide up and down. The name was given from its affording, when the beaver was up, an opening to the air for respiration; and seems to have been derived, not from

Who withoute mee woulde fall untoe the grounde,
Soe the tall oake the ivie twysteth rounde;
Soe the neshe flowerr grees ynne the woodeland

The worlde bie diffraunce ys ynne orderr founde;
Wydhoute unlikenesse nothynge could bee made.
As ynn the bowke nete alleyn cann bee donne,
Syke ynn the weal of kynde ail thynges are partes
of onne.

avant but from ad and ventus, or ventilo; from whence
was formed the French word aventail. Du Cange
quotes from Rymer's Fœd. an order tom 8. p. 384.
Tredecim loricas, quinque aventailles, quadraginta
arcus, &c. The beaver of an helmet projected be-
yond the helm, and stood hollow; so that it gave
an opportunity for a person to lay hold of it and
to force the head of his enemy downward. From
hence I am induced to think, that an adventailwas
properly that fore part of the helmet, the beaver,
it afforded an opening to
this beaver, was put up,
but which often gave name to the whole. When
breathe more freely, and to receive fresh air; which
opening was from thence styled a ventail from ven-
tilo. When Eneas was healed of his wound by
lapis, and was returning completely armed to
battle, he embraced his son who stood by his side,
and kissed him; which is thus described by Gawin

Ascaneus zoung tendirly the ilk place
With all his harues belappit dyd embrace,
And thro his helms ventall a lytell we
Him kissit.

P. 425, 1. 18.

It is expressed after the same manner in an an-
cient poem quoted by Mr. Warton. Hist. of Eng.
Poetry v. 1.p. 163.

Upon his shoulders a shelde of steele,
With the lybardes painted wele,
And heline he had of ryche entayle,
Trusty and trewe was his ventayle.

From His. of Richard Coeur de Lion.

There is a passage in the interlude of Ælla, where
the adventaile is mentioned in conjunction with
the helmet.

Who haveth trodden downe the adventayle
And tore the heaulmes from heads of myckle

v. 469.

Ventale or ventall, a vent-hole and breathing part of a helmet: a Fr. ventaille. Gloss. to Gawin Douglas. Hence I imagine that the beaver and the helmet itself had the name of adventail and aventail from being constructed in such a manner as to afford occasionally such an opening.

2 Borne. By this word is signified a kind of gorget or breast-plate expressed more commonly burn and byrn; from the byrna of the Saxons. Bynna, lorica. Sax. Dict. In the laws of K. Athelstan In the laws also of k. Ina, a burn mention is made of a person having a burn and helm. c. 72. Olai Veand sword are spoken of, c. 55. It was sometimes expressed bryne and bryn'a. Brynia, lorica, hringa brynia, lorica annulis ferreis concatenata. relii. Lex Sueo-Goth. It is taken notice of by Du Cange as it is differently exhibited. Brunea,

Enter SYRR SYMONNE DE BOURTONNE. Herawde, bie Heavenne these tylters staie too longe Mie phantasie ys dyinge forr the fyghte. The mynstrelles have begonne the thyrde warr songe, [syghte. Yett notte a speere of hemm hath grete mie 1 feere there be ne manne wordhie mie myghte. I lack a Guid3, a Wyllyamm to entylte. To reine anente a fele emboydiedd knyghte, Ytt gettes ne renome gyff hys blodde bee spylte. Bie Heavenne and Marie ytt ystyme they're here; 1 lyche nott unthylle thus to wielde the speare.

[blocks in formation]

brunia, bronia, lorica. Gloss. Lat. Theotise, thorax, militare ornamentum, lorica. He also expresses it byrnan and byrn. Turnus is described in the Scotish version of the Æneis, as arming himself in the following manner.

He clethis him with his scheild and semysbald,
He claspis his gilt habirihone thrinfald,
He in his breistplait strang, and his birnye,
Ane souir swerd beltis law down by his the.

P. 230. 1. 42. Among the English it seems to have been called burn; and in the poem from whence I have quoted the passage it appears to have denoted militare ornamentum, probably something like a gorget; with which the heralds presented the knights at the same time that they gave them their helmets and spears.

I, sonne of honour, spencer of her joyes
Must sythen goe to yeve the speeres arounde,
Wyth adventayle and borne. I meynte emploie,
Who without me would fall unto the ground.

So it should be stopt. After the herald had mentioned that he was to present to the knights what belonged to them, he magnifies his own office, and speaks of himself as the dispenser of all honour. I,' says he employ many, who without me would sink to nothing.' In short he intimates, that all honours and badges of honour come through the hands of the herald; which seems to have been not at all understood by the transcriber. Such, I imagine, is the purport of the two wordsin question adventayle and borne. By the former of these is meant an helmet with a sliding beaver; by the other a kind of cuirass or gorget: which two by the transcriber have been interpreted armour and burnish."-Bryant.

This is the strongest argument that has been adduced for the authenticity of the poems. Chatterton translates borne, after Kersey, burnished; this makes the passage unintelligible, the real meaning of the word explains it.

3 Grid, Guie de Sancto Egidio, the most famous tilter of his age.

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The flemedowlett flapps here eve-speckte wynge;
The lordynge toad ynn all hys passes bides;
The berten neders att hymm darte the stynge;
Stylle, stylle, he passes oun hys stede astrodde,
Nee hedes the daungerous waie gyff leadynge un-
toe bloode.

The lyoncel, fromme sweltrie countries braughte,
Coucheynge binethe the sheltre of the brierr,
Att commyng dynn doth rayse himself dis-

Hee loketh wythe an eie of flames of fyre.

Goe, stycke the lyonn to hys hyltren denne, Lette thie floes drenche the blood of anie thynge botte menne.

Wythe passent steppe the lyonn mov'th alonge; Wyllyamm hys ironne-woven bowe hee bendes, Wythe myghte alyche the roghlynge thonder stronge:

Thelyonn ynna roare hys spryte foor the sendes. Goe, slea the lion ynn hys blodde-steyn'd denne, Botte bee thie takelle drie fromm blodde of odherr


• An unauthorized word, formed from Kersey's blunder.

Swefte fromm the thyckett starks the stagge The couraciers as swefte doe afterr flie. [awaie; Hee lepethe hie, hee stonds, he kepes att baie, Botte metes the arrowe, and eftsoones dothe die. Forslagenn att thie fote lette wylde beastes bee, Lette thie floes drenche yer blodde, yett do ne bredrenn siee.

Wythe murtherr tyredd, hee sleynges hys bowe alyne 5. [flowerrs.

The stagge ys ouch'd 6 wyth crownes of lillie Arounde theire heaulmes theie greene verte doe entwyne;

Joying and rev'lous ynn the grene wode bowerrs. Forslagenn wyth thie floe lett wylde beastes bee, Feeste thee upponne theire fleshe, do ne thie bredren slee.

[blocks in formation]

I take the challenge; squyre, mie launce and stede.

I, Bourtonne, take the gauntlette; forr mee staie. 5 Unauthorized and unintelligible.

6 Ouch'd, garlands of flowers being put round the neck of the game, it was said to be ouch'd, from ouch, a chain worn by earls round their necks.

Botte gyff thou fyghteste mee thou shalt have mede;

Somme odherr I wylle champyonn toe affraie; Perchaunce fromme hemm 1 maie possess the daie,

Thenn I schalle bee a foemanne forr thie spere.
Herehawde, toe the bankes of knyghtys saię,
De Berghamme wayteth forr a foemaun heere.


Botte longe thou shalte ne tende; I doe thee fie. Lyche forreying levyn schalie mie tylte-launce flie.

[Berghamme and Clinton tylte. Clinton fallethe.


Nowe, nowe, syrr knyghte, attoure thie beeveredd


I have borne downe, and efte doe gauntlette thee.
Swythenne begynne, and wrynn thie shappe orr


Gyff thou dyscomfytte, ytt wylle dobblie bee.
[Bourtonne and Burghamm tylteth.Berghamme falls.


Symonne de Bourtonne haveth borne downe three,
And bie the thyrd hathe honnoure of a fourthe.
Lett hymm bee sett a syde, tylle hee dothe see
A tyltynge forr a knyghte of gentle wourthe.
Heere commethe straunge knyghtes; gyff corte-
ous heie,

Ytt welle beseies to yeve hemm ryghte of fraie.


Straungerrs wee bee, and homblie doe wee clayme The rennome ynn thys tourneie forr to tylte; Dherbie to proove fromm cravents owre goode

[blocks in formation]


Nowe bie seyncte Marie, gyff onn all the fielde
Yerasedd speres and helmetts bee besprente,
Gyff everyche knyghte dydd houlde a piercedd
Gyff all the feelde wythe champyonne blodde bee
Yett toe encounterr hymm I bee contente.
Annodherr launce, marshalle, anodherr launce.
Albeytt hee wythe lowes of fyre ybrente,
Yett Bourtonne woulde agenste bys val advance.
Fyve haveth fallenn downe anethe bys speere,
Botte he shalle bee the next thatt falleth heere.
Bie thee, seyncte Marie, and thy sonne I sweare,
Thatt ynn whatte place yonn doughtie knyght shall

Anethe the stronge push of mie straught out speere,
There schalle aryse a hallie chyrches walie,
The whyche, ynn honnoure, I wylle Marye calle,
Wythe pillars large, and spyre full hyghe and

And thys I faifullie wylle stonde to all,

Gyff yonderr straungerr falleth to the grounde. Straungerr, bee boune; I champyonn you to warre. Sounde, sounde the slughornes, to be hearde fromm farre.

[Bourtonne and the straungerr tyll. Straunger falleth.

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