1 Alike the Busy and the Gay In Fortune's varying colours drest: Methinks I hear, in accents low, Poor Moralist! and what art thou? Thy joys no glitt'ring female meets, ON THE DEATH OF A FAVOURITE CAT, DROWNED IN A TUB [2] OF GOLD FISHES. 'TWAS on a lofty vase's side, Demurest of the tabby kind, Her conscious tail her joy declar'd; Her coat, that with the tortoise vies, Her ears of jet, and emerald eyes, She saw; and purr'd applause. [2] Mr. Walpole, after the death of Mr. Gray, placed the China vase in question (for it was not a tub) on a pedestal at Strawberry-Hill, with a few lines of the Ode for its inscription. 'Twas on this Vase's lofty side, &c. : Still had she gaz'd; but 'midst the tide Two angel forms were seen to glide [3], The Genii of the stream: Their scaly armour's Tyrian hue Thro' richest purple to the view Betray'd a golden gleam. The hapless Nymph with wonder saw: A whisker first, and then a claw, With many an ardent wish, She stretch'd, in vain, to reach the prize, What female heart can gold despise? What Cat's averse to fish? Presumptuous Maid! with looks intent Nor knew the gulf between. [3] Var.-Two beauteous forms. First edition in Dodsley's Misc. Eight times emerging from the flood, Some speedy aid to send. No Dolphin came, no Nereid stirr'd: A Fav'rite has no friend! From hence, ye Beauties, undeceiv'd, ON A DISTANT PROSPECT OF ETON COLLEGE. ̔́Ανθρωπος” ἱκανὴ πρόφασις εἰς τὸ δυςυχειν. MENANDER. [This was the first English production of Mr. Gray that appeared in print, and was published in folio, by Dodsley, in 1747. About the same time, at Mr. Walpole's request, Mr. Gray sat for his picture to Echart; in which, on a paper which he held in his hand, Mr. Walpole wrote the title of this Ode; and to intimate his own high and just opinion of it, as a first production, he added this line of Lucan by way of motto: Nec licuit populis parvum te, Nile, videre. Pharsalia, lib. x. l. 296.] YE distant spires, ye antique towers, Of grove, of lawn, of mead survey, (e) King Henry the Sixth, founder of the College. |